How to improve your SEO using content authoring

For many years we talk about the importance that may have the authoring content in the organic positioning of the site where staying. The authorship of the content has become increasingly important in the online environment, especially with the aim of avoiding plagiarism and duplicate content and improving the user experience.

In 2005 Google developed the patent “Agent Rank”, which had the objective of assigning a certain score to content based on the reputation of its author. This new implement gave rise to think that Google was considering in its algorithm the quality of the authorship of content to determine its position in the SERP’s.

Is authorship an SEO ranking factor?

The debate on whether or not authorship is a factor in SEO positioning has been going on for many years and was especially triggered after a Google article entitled ” What webmasters should know about core updates “, where a suggestive mention was made.

Google has responded, as usual, saying that authorship does not influence SEO, since the necessary resources are not available to make this type of measurement. The idea of ​​assigning a score for authorship is to improve the user experience and allow you to better know the reliability of content. However, this does not mean that this score does not influence web positioning in practice.

How to use authorship to improve SEO

The webmasters have developed strategies and tools to analyze the score authoring and use it for your positioning in the organic searches. Here are some practical tips on how to analyze your authorship score and improve the organic positioning of your content.

Determine your score using HTML Extract

  • This is the most effective method to find the score of each of your content. To carry out this process the first thing you will have to do is use Chrome Inspector to find the Author’s XPath or Expert Reviewer.
  • Once you have the XPath, just copy and paste it into the crawler that you use regularly (for example Screaming Frog ). Here you will have to sort the parameters by author name to obtain the necessary data and make an analysis with the crawler on all the pages of the authors.
  • The data obtained should be dumped into a spreadsheet that you can then use in an analytical tool such as Google Analytics. Performance data can be used to create an Excel table and, using the VLOOKUP function, you can cross performance data with the names of each author using the URL of each content analyzed as a common element.
  • The information should be distributed in a row by each author and in the columns, you should order the values ​​by the percentage of conversions, traffic, and engagement.
  • You can add more analysis factors using readability analysis tools to help you determine the quality of each content automatically. Remember that these types of tools serve to get a rough idea, but if you really want to have an idea of ​​the performance of your content, it is best that they be analyzed by a human editor.
  • Once you have the performance data by author, you can determine which are the most valuable contents according to each of the collaborators of your team. This will help you improve your content strategies and get more traffic and conversions.

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