9 Reasons Esports is a Favorite for Millennials

The rise of esports is not something that has happened overnight. It results from a perfect storm of technology, culture, and economics coming together to create something new and exciting. 

Young people have fallen in love with esports since they offer great outcomes similar to what you get with NBA odds when wagering. We spoke to most young gamers and asked them why they loved playing esports. 

The reasons were very interesting, and we’ve rounded up 9 of them. Read ahead!

1. They have the social aspect

Esports is a social activity first and foremost. The rise of streaming services like Twitch and YouTube Gaming has made it easier than ever for gamers to connect and share their passion for gaming.

If you’re a millennial who grew up playing video games, chances are you already have friends who are into esports. And if you’re new to the scene, it’s easy to find like-minded people online who can help you get started.

2. Esports are competitive

Most millennials grew up in a highly competitive environment. We were raised on a  diet of reality TV shows and sports, and we’re used to the idea of people competing for prizes. Esports is the perfect outlet for our competitive urges. 

Whether you’re playing in a team or going solo, there’s always an element of competition in esports. And with prize money on the line, it’s easy to see why so many millennials are drawn to the scene.

3. They’re entertaining

Let’s face it; millennials are a tough audience to please. They grew up with the internet, and are used to having entertainment at their fingertips.

Esports is one of the few forms of entertainment that can truly hold our attention. Whether you’re watching a live stream or playing yourself, esports is always entertaining.

4. Most are international

The beauty of esports is that they’re not bound by geographic boundaries. Anyone can play, no matter where they live. And with the rise of social media, it’s easy to connect with players from all over the world.

For millennials, who are used to a globalized world, this is crucial. Millennials don’t like the idea of being limited by their location, and esports offer them a way to connect with people from all over the globe.

5. Inclusivity

Esports is one of the few forms of entertainment that are truly inclusive. Anyone can play, regardless of gender, race, or ability. And with the rise of social media, it’s easy to connect with players from all over the world.

For millennials, who love the globalized world, this is a major selling point. Millennials don’t like being limited by their location, and esports offer them a way to connect with people from all over the globe.

6. They involve technology

Millennials and technology go hand-in-hand. Most love the fact that esports involves the use of cutting-edge technology. From the latest gaming consoles to virtual reality headsets, there’s always something new to try in esports.

And for millennials who are always on the lookout for the latest gadgets, this is a major selling point.

You may be surprised that technology-averse millennials are into esports, but the fact is that the majority of them love the fact that they can use cutting-edge technology while playing their favorite games.

7. Competitions are paying huge

Anything that involves quick money is a millennials desires, and esports deliver on that. With the recent influx of investment, many esports competitions are now paying out huge sums of money to the winners.

Millennials are always on the lookout for ways to make some quick cash. There is no way youth may wait for something that does not involve fast money.

8. They can be a career

Many millennials are looking for a way to turn their passion into a career. And esports is one of the few industries where this is possible. 

If you’re good enough, you can make a living playing video game. For millennials who are looking for new and exciting career opportunities, this is something to interest them.

9. Hundreds of games to choose from

What’s more boring than doing the same thing over and over? For millennials, who are always on the lookout for new and exciting experiences, more games are a score. 

There are hundreds of different games to choose from in the world of esports, so you’re sure to find one that appeals to you. 

Whether you’re into first-person shooters or real-time strategy games, there’s something for everyone in the world of esports.


Well, we’ve seen the reasons why millennials are getting into esports. And there’s no doubt that the scene has a lot to offer them.

There’s no doubt that esports is here to stay. And with the millennial demographic increasingly interested in the scene, we can only expect it to grow in popularity in the years to come.

Also Read: Why Unite Gamification, Marketing, And Technology?


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