Digital Media – Help Further Education, And Training

Digitization, online shops, and websites are still topics that are more of a deterrent than a joy for many. It is not easy for restaurateurs and local retailers to fight for survival at the same time and to get their digital media in shape during this particular time.

Instagram and Co. For Retail

Websites are still the digital media flagship for products, services, and other offers. It is the gathering place for a digital shop, gallery, contact information, and current offers.

How and where people use digital media varies greatly. The website is the source of information for some, and others prefer to use Instagram, Facebook, or other social media channels. 

They depend on who belongs to the previous customer base and the desired customers, i.e., those who have not yet been included. Where are they staying digitally, and how can we draw their attention to our offers?

And that is precisely what further training or advice is about. Depending on your needs or desires, or existing expertise. Here is a selection of topics that we can address in additional training: 

  • Creation of a social media channel including profile, settings, and background information.
  • Editing and professionalization of an existing pipeline.
  • Additional training on maintaining a social media channel, including tricks and tips.
  • Discussion and editing of content (images and texts)
  • Strategic advice and implementation – tips on efficiency and social media management.

In an initial meeting, we talk about your wishes and ideas. We also look at the existing knowledge and material. And then, we agree on the first steps and get started. Easy, and together we will get it done promptly! 

A Website Consists of Up-To-Date Content And Cool Features.

If you would like to use the funding for “further training,” then it can be helpful for you, …

… to understand more about your website and to implement it yourself.

… or to get advice on what is possible and individually suitable for your business.

In the digital age, websites that are outdated or not modern or designed in the retailer’s brand design are noticeable. However, much more important is the aspect that a website should be found by the search engines so that products become visible, local customers are always provided with up-to-date information, and, of course, also to win new customers. Logo!

More Visibility, More Interaction, More Know-How

Digital media have the potential to increase the visibility of your business or your products. On the one hand, it is essential to proceed efficiently and professionally. On the other hand

We can clarify the following questions as part of a funded further training course:

a) Which social media channel is the right one for your company?
b) What ingredients does your website need, and what is the right mix of these ingredients?
c) What does it take for your customers to “feel digitally comfortable” with you and for the first impression to leave a direct mark?
d) What options are there for budgeting with the existing budget for digitization so that it brings something sustainable.

Do you have further questions? Then get in touch with me, and let’s see what the answer is and how we can implement it for you!!


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