java Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:40:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 java Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Difference Between Software Development vs Web Development Tue, 22 Feb 2022 18:35:38 +0000 Web development is the term used to create web applications or websites that need to get hosted. It can include the creation of web pages, or the coding of web applications from scratch. Web development means developing a complex web-based application as well as the development of simple and single-page applications. Web development mainly is […]

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Web development is the term used to create web applications or websites that need to get hosted. It can include the creation of web pages, or the coding of web applications from scratch. Web development means developing a complex web-based application as well as the development of simple and single-page applications. Web development mainly is done as client-side scripting, server-side scripting, and database scripting.

Computer related words are as thrilling as there are always new things that are implemented. The trend for every day routine software is also growing on its new versions, since the technology to do support of their applications is expected to develop on their features and making their application better and streamlined in its support. Web development means developing or coding webpages or web pages that can be browsed or viewed by internet users. These pages can contain images, videos and any multimedia content. The process of creating a web page or webpage can be simply done with any code language called HTML. The purpose of this language is to make the programming easier without understanding all of the techniques that were involved before

Software Development

  1. As a software developer, you’re constantly faced with improving the product and adding features to make it better. Web programs, mobile applications, and other software developers all face the same problems. One of the biggest issues faced by any software developer is the creation of a cohesive application from the old to new product. The advantages of using a Viva Tester suite is that it allows for developers to test their completed application into real conditions for field and office situations. This saves time and money on fixing errors or creating new functions for the client and end users.
  2. The Software Development life cycle is widely used in the software development process, which consists of various phases or stages: 1. Drive Requirements. 2. Designing Requirements. 3. Building the Software Application 4. Testing Application 5. Implementation 6. Deployment and Maintenance
  3. In Software Development, teams of programmers, designers, and other IT professionals work together to create a software application. There are many different types of software development methods. Generally, the team uses a waterfall model to create an initial set of requirements, followed by an iterative process to develop an initial model. The improved model’s performance is measured and the next iteration occurs.

Web Development

  1. Full-stack web developer. Front-end developer. Back-end developer. Web development. Web programmer. Search engine optimization specialist We can design your website onto the quickest and most cost effective way to make you look attractive and attractive. There are many types of website development that we can provide to you, such as WordPress Website Design, WordPress Website Development, Blog, CMS (Content Management System), HTML5 Websites Development and with the right price it is affordable for all of us.
  2. Web development based on the web development life cycle exists to meet business needs and build websites that are needed. Unlike traditional software development, which is software before it’s built, web development happens after the main goals of the project have been established, but before its complete. During initial research and planning stages, they address requirements such as audience, purpose, and scope. Web developers can create a process-based workflow to determine what types of content will be used on the site.

Key Differences between Software Development and Web Development

Below are the lists of points, describe the key differences between Software Development and Web Development:

  1. Web development is the process of programming applets, applications, and websites for use in the World Wide Web. It involves the design, production and maintenance of server-side code that supports user interactions with servers running web applications.
  2. A Software Developer writes code to create programs, while a Web Developer crafts the user interface. Both fields are needed, and both employ unique skill sets. To earn your stripes, commit to actively learning the principles of web development, and master the core skills that any developer needs.
  3. Web development applications have a greater range of customising and variables than you would have in software development. In just a second tinker with the variables and the application resets to standard settings. This simplifies troubleshooting, as you wont have the errors from the standard setting.
  4. Web developers can build websites by programming in hundreds of languages, creating screens very similar to traditional computer programs. Web-page screens are usually built with static content, such as text and images. Static web pages are written with HTML and CSS, which are standard building blocks for web pages. Both tools help create sites that look very similar to traditional desktop applications (such as Microsoft Word), though with a dynamic aspect to serve information on the fly.
  5. Web development is a computer software that is used for designing and developing website and web applications. A web developer is mainly involved in design, coding, and development aspects of any web app. The process of creating an application has to be designed by the web developer on the basis of his creative skills and creativity. It allows the user to view and execute data stored anywhere from the server remotely.
  6. Web developers often use a variety of software to interface with an operating system. They must therefore ensure the security of their software so that the information they are storing is protected from viruses, malware, hackers and other potential threats.
  7. Also Read: Web Accessibility – Are We All The Same On The Internet?


Web Development. A set of rules and guidelines for building web-based applications. Web design is the process of creating a web page using standard web software and web design rules to create a specific look and feel, easier navigation, cleaner code, and ease of use on browsers. Web development deals with the processes involved in developing web pages, as well as creating databases, documents, send and receiving data from other applications

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Why Large Organizations Continue Using Mainframes Fri, 09 Jul 2021 14:35:38 +0000 After five decades, mainframes remain vital to the corporate data center. Despite the huge advancements in technology, the mainframe isn’t going anywhere. Read on to learn more about why large organizations continue using them. What Mainframes Are For The devices are high-end computers. Hundreds and even thousands of users can work on the device simultaneously. […]

The post Why Large Organizations Continue Using Mainframes appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

After five decades, mainframes remain vital to the corporate data center. Despite the huge advancements in technology, the mainframe isn’t going anywhere.

Read on to learn more about why large organizations continue using them.

What Mainframes Are For

The devices are high-end computers. Hundreds and even thousands of users can work on the device simultaneously. They’re used for business data processing, credit card transactions, and air traffic control systems.

Whenever you use an ATM, you access a mainframe. Most businesses use them to process crucial functions on web browsers.

They are still large scale in a world where everything’s gone miniature. They can be expensive to maintain but your larger corporations couldn’t exist without them.

The machine owes its longevity and popularity to its stability and reliability. That’s the result of steady advances made since the very first device, the System/360™ in the 1960s.

Unparalleled Functionality

The device has design strengths that make them invaluable to mission-critical applications. Organizations are applying them to financial transactions, customer orders, inventory and production controls, payroll, and many other reasons.

Today’s busiest websites typically store production databases on a host. The latest solutions are capable of managing massive numbers of applications and users.

There’s simultaneous and rapid access to data without processes tripping over each other. This computer offers a critical level of scalability and reliability, creating secure and efficient operations.


Large organizations appreciate their mainframes for all the following reasons.

  • They perform large-scale processing of transactions, often thousands per second.
  • Concurrently accessing resources, these devices support thousands of users and programs.
  • They manage terabytes of database information.
  • The solutions are capable of large-bandwidth communication.

The devices are also the superhighway to many roads of information.

Serviceability, Reliability, and Availability

Important factors in data processing are reliability, serviceability, and availability. The engineering prioritizes effective systems running constantly.


Accounting data, customer lists, employee information, etc., are a company’s most valuable assets. They are exceptional resources for managing critical data. They extensively share and protect data across multiple uses.


Growth in infrastructure is what every organization wants. But they hope to increase their stance with the ability to seamlessly add capacity without a disturbance in operations. And it’s hopefully done with excessive overhead.


Companies have a great investment to safeguard their investment in data and applications. The mainframe’s capability to manage older applications and ones at the same time streamlines function. Working in the system or working with other programs and devices only maximize the solution as an asset.

Traditional Mainframes

The traditional device is still doing the same jobs they have since the 1960s. Almost two-thirds of Fortune 100 companies use mainframes. Mainframes play a significant role at American Emirates Airlines, Nike, Ford Motors, and Bank of America.

The resource is still expensive, bulky, and needs specialized talent to keep it going. But its ROI means it’s a long way from getting replaced by smartwatches or computers. Even with the ever-expanding cloud, no one’s considering getting rid of their mainframes.

Also Read: 4 Ways The Pandemic Has Changed Digital Advertising

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How To Use Angular Routes In a Single-Page Application Sun, 20 Sep 2020 14:37:57 +0000 Hello everyone! Using AngularJS to develop single-page applications, the concept of routing is important. Maybe you haven’t come across such a term yet or would like to understand what it is and how to use it. In this article, we will look in detail at this concept and how it relates to single-page applications. Routing […]

The post How To Use Angular Routes In a Single-Page Application appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Hello everyone! Using AngularJS to develop single-page applications, the concept of routing is important. Maybe you haven’t come across such a term yet or would like to understand what it is and how to use it. In this article, we will look in detail at this concept and how it relates to single-page applications. Routing in AngularJS is very similar to routing in PHP frameworks, so if you are familiar with it, it will be extremely easy for you to understand the concept of how routing works in AngularJS. Let’s begin!

What is Routing in a Web Application?

Routing allows you to create Single Page Application (SPA), i.e. applications that reside entirely on a single page or, more simply, applications that use a single HTML document as the template into which web pages are dynamically loaded. Typically, web applications use readable URLs and describe the content behind them. A typical example would be clicking on a link to the master page: this means that the action will be performed on the server side, then the result will be passed to another view on the client side. We often find ourselves in a similar situation after interacting at the root of a web application (/ or index.html), having noticed changes in the browser address bar. When we make an application, then we naturally want the user to be able to follow different links without refreshing the page and see the information he is interested in, Angular-route is just the toll that will help to do this. One of the key factors of all MVC frameworks is views. And the AngularJS framework is no exception, with the solely distinction that AngularJS approves you to create single-page functions or so-called Single Page Applications when the use of views. Let’s see an example.

For this we will create a new project. For JavaScript files, add a js folder to the project. In this folder, create a new lib directory, into which we put two AngularJS framework files: angular.min.js and angular-route.min.js. The angular-route.min.js file comes with the predominant AngularJS library and it carries the performance of the ngRoute module, which is wanted to supply routing. Now let’s specify the routes for the use of the views. Add the app.js software module definition file to the js folder. To allow the routing functionality, we want to join some other ngRoute module. We use the config approach to outline the routes for the application. The $routeProvider object is used to configure routes. The $routeProvider.when technique takes two parameters: a route title and a route object. The route object defines the view and the controller that handles it the use of the templateUrl and controller parameters. Therefore, for views, we do now not want to outline a controller the usage of a directive. So, we have two routes, and for every route we want to create our personal controller and our personal view. Therefore, in the js folder, we will additionally create any other controllers directory. Let’s add a new file, QuestionController.js, to it. And additionally add any other AnswerController.js file to the js / controllers folder. The first controller, QuestionController, makes use of the dataService to acquire data, so let’s create it. To do this, add a new file dataService.js to the js folder. This provider accesses the question.js file positioned in the root directory. And additionally in the root listing for views, create a views folder. Let’s put the first view in the views folder, which we will name question.html and which will have its personal code. This view will show a query and a listing of responses to it, interacting with the QuestionController. That is, the view does now not want the physique and head tags, solely the markup associated to the view itself. Note that the top-level div component does no longer incorporate the ng-controller = “QuestionController” directive as in the preceding topics. Since we will set the connection with the controller immediately the usage of the route definition. Let the 2nd view incorporate a shape for a response.

Let’s name it answer.html and add our personal code to it too. Since we can specify solely one controller for the view when defining the route for the view, right here it is explicitly indicated the usage of the ng-controller = “QuestionController” directive for the first div block that this block will be processed by means of any other particular controller. Finally, we will outline the foremost net web page index.html at the root of the project.

To navigate thru the views, the nav navigation menu is used right here with hyperlinks like Question . The href attribute right here does now not factor to a particular html page. It factors to the route described earlier. Each route is preceded by means of a # signal so that the browser can, if necessary, get right of entry to this aid directly. After the definition of the menu comes the directive, which is described in the ngRoute module. It represents the place to render the view corresponding to the route. Now, if we run the application, we will be proven a primitive menu. Let’s pick the first object from it, and proper away the software will show the views / question.html view on the index.html page. If you pick any other menu item, a distinct route will work, though we will nevertheless be on the index.html page.
Although the entirety works, when we first get entry to the application, we do now not use any view, and we solely study the menu. But we can restoration this by using specifying a default route. To do this, you want to trade the configuration file of the software module. The $ routeProvider.otherwise technique factors to the default route. In this case, the view views / question.html will be loaded. In this way, the AngularJS framework lets in us to without problems create single-page applications.

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In this article you have read the basic definitions of routing, as well as how to put it into practice. Let’s look at some more details. In AngularJS, you can use the ngRoute module for routing and link service. Here are some important points before applying it:

  • to use the ngRoute module, you must include angular-route.js in the application, which obviously needs to be loaded after the angular.js script;
  • you must configure the routing that you need inside the module to make it easier to define your module in a separate script.js file;
  • you must provide the same name for ng-app (in the HTML file containing the Angular application) and when defining the module.

Remember, that routes are pretty much a way to handle different URL contexts in your website. AngularJS allows you to route your URLs on the client-side with very easy and simple steps. So, now you know how AngularJS routes are working and what you need to do to set up your first (maybe not first) route in a single-page application. Thanks for reading, wish you happy coding!

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