B2B sales: Business To Business

If your business is focused on the commercialization of products or services to companies, B2B or business to business sales will guide your marketing strategy to expand your sales

What are B2B sales?

As I mentioned initially, they are the sales that take place between companies, business to business. In this case, the commercialization of the services or products will not reach the final consumer.

What are the different types of sales?

If we refer to customer contact, we can differentiate the two most common types of sales: B2B and B2C sales. The latter is developed focused on the consumer, as an abbreviation for Business-to-Consumer.

Examples of B2B and B2C sales

A B2B sale would consist of the hiring of marketing services by another company. On the other hand, if a dentist makes a campaign to attract patients, it would be a B2C sale.
How to increase sales? It’s a good question. In the corporate world at any level, there is no magic or tricks. I think that before developing a sales strategy, we must analyze our business.

Corporate culture

We must have our values ​​established, detailing our mission and vision to establish ourselves in our sector and seek success.

Competition analysis

Once our organization is defined, it will be necessary to know what our competition does to feel competitive. In this case, we can help ourselves with benchmarking and SWOT Analysis.

Take care of branding or brand image

  • The branding gives us the possibility to get an identity to seek differentiation from our competitors, including our value proposition.
  • Marketing actions to increase business to business sales.
  • Having seen what B2B sales are and having defined our project, we are going to assess what we can do to expand the business to business sales.

Traditional Marketing

We have options through marketing to increase sales:

Commercial visits:  if our business is focused on generic products or services, it will be advisable to go out to visit clients cold. To give an example, any energy service, electricity, water, gas, …

Telemarketing:  consists of developing the commercial action by telephone. In order to target and achieve sales, it is advisable to focus on one sector to pique the interest of the potential customer. If we sell tires, any workshop will be interested in knowing us.

Mailbox:  in this case, it happened as in commercial visits: if the service or product is popular, it could be profitable to leave our flyer in any business through our distributors.

Digital marketing

If we focus on expanding B2B sales through the internet, we have more variables to market our services or products:

SEO positioning:  if we have a web page, we can gradually position our project in our market niche so that future clients can find us in the search engine. In this case, being a natural positioning using SEO techniques, it will not be necessary for Google.

Google Ads campaigns: in this case, the objective is the same as SEO positioning but paying Google. It is advisable to take advantage of the two formulas but we do refer to ad campaigns in Google, it would be perfect for making specific promotions or at the beginning of the life of our website because initially, it would be difficult to place it in the first positions

Ad campaigns on social networks: it is a good idea to get brand recognition, use social networks to make ourselves known, and try to get sales. The main advantage is the cost compared to Google Ads, which is cheaper. Although the ads are directed to people to achieve B2B sales, we can always segment by criteria that interest us to reach companies: entrepreneur, page manager, small business, or similar.

I trust that you know a little more about business to business sales and that you can develop your marketing strategy to increase them.

Also Read: How to improve your SEO using content authoring


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