Crisis Communication In Social Networks

Reputation crises in social networks are a frequent fear. In this era, clients are also critical evaluators of the work of any company. Special attention must be paid to this situation, which is why today.

Keys To Prevent A Crisis In Social Networks.

Crisis communication is often unavoidable, especially in social networks, but we can try to prevent its use with some simple keys.

Don’t Ignore A User Or Mention Them.

It costs a lot to make ourselves visible to lose followers quickly. Whether it’s a positive mention, and especially a negative one, we have to be there.

Monitor All Your Activity

This monitoring will help you get to know yourself and your audience. This is a way of knowing what people think of your brand and preventing a crisis.

Beware of Haters

If we know we’ve done it right, a firm response on time transforms a hater into a strength for your brand. We cannot forget that self-criticism will always be a great virtue, and admitting your mistake and committing to your followers is also a victory.

The Company Itself

It is usually one of the pending subjects, but in moments of crisis, its importance shines. Employees must know and share the objectives and messages that your brand wants to convey. We must not forget that motivation is the axis of the internal client’s conquest; without it, we will not be able to link with external ones.

How To Manage A Crisis

If it is too late to prevent it and you must cure it, we recommend having an action plan prepared as if it were a fire.

Preparing a Crisis Plan is not complex, but it does require a little time. But don’t be scared, because the time you invest is just that, an investment so that the crisis catches you prepared.

To create a basic crisis plan, we propose different essential points:

  • Consider the worst situations: Propose three potential problems your company would face to test your ability to respond to each case.
  • Decide on the spokesperson or person in charge to tackle a possible crisis on social networks: If you do not have a Community Manager, look for a person on your team with relational skills. In the case of doing it yourself, do not forget that asking for advice or help from colleagues in the sector can only benefit you.
  • Write the messages of the possible crisis: When proposing those situations that we discussed earlier, it is highly recommended that you also suggest the statement you would use on each occasion. Establishing how and when that response would be given is essential. Try that this message does not contain excuses, be honest and transparent, and assume your responsibilities.

The longer the crisis is in force, the more credibility it is given, the more visibility, and the more difficult it is to end. Do not leave anything to chance. Prevention is the best weapon to fight against these crises.


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