Managed IT Services – Everything You Need to Know About It!

The current IT system landscape is hyper-scaled, hyper-dynamic, and hyper-complex. So it’s no wonder that more and more companies are counting on managed IT services and the support of managed service providers to relieve their IT teams, optimize their IT processes, free up IT resources and reduce their IT costs. But what exactly are contained IT services, and what are the reasons for purchasing managed IT services. You can find the solutions in the following blog post.

Whether a medium-sized company or a large corporation: A solid IT infrastructure is the cornerstone of every company. However, growing digital networking, the inclusion of a more significant number of digital technologies, ever shorter product life cycles, and strict legal requirements mean that the IT structures in companies are becoming ever more comprehensive – and with them, the tasks and areas of competence of the IT teams.

Since there is often a lack of time, money, specialist staff, and the right know-how in companies today, parts of the IT infrastructure are generally looked after more often by an external IT service provider via managed IT services.

But What Have Managed IT Services?

Managed IT services are recurring IT services that are provided on behalf of a company by an external IT service provider, also known as a managed service provider, or MSP for short. These include the provision, monitoring, and administration of applications, network services, storage space, IT security, or the further development of business processes and technical IT support for employees.

The type, scope, and nature of the complementary IT services are defined in advance and contractually agreed between the managed service provider and the company in what is known as managed service agreements, or MSA for short, service level agreements, or SLA for short.

In addition, managed IT services are usually provided monthly, which is why billing is also monthly according to different tariff models.

This means that not only is the billing extremely transparent, but the implementation and quality of the IT services can be measured. As a result, companies have the option of withholding a portion of the amount to be paid or, under certain circumstances, even demanding a fine from the managed service provider in the context of a performance that is not correctly or satisfactorily handed over.

These IT Services Cover Managed Services!

With the managed IT service concept, there are three different types of service provision:

  • IT service on site: With this service provision, the IT systems run on-site at the client. Administration and supervision take place via a system for remote monitoring and management or RMM for short.
  • IT services via remote access: With this type, the IT services are operated on the IT service provider’s IT infrastructure and made available via the Internet. Some managed service providers use their data centers, while others work with colocation providers.
  • IT services via the cloud: Another model is to provide managed IT services on a public cloud platform.

Although managed IT services initially consisted mainly of overseeing server and network infrastructures, they now cover an enormous range of IT, for example:

  • Storage services – include the provision, adaptation, and maintenance of storage space.
  • Cloud Computing includes IT services related to cloud computing and shifting IT to the cloud.
  • Backup and Recovery Services – includes creating backups and data recovery in a disaster.
  • IT security – includes IT services related to IT security, including the provision, configuration, and updating of antivirus programs, anti-spam solutions, or firewall solutions to ensure network security and desktop security.
  • Remote monitoring – includes regular remote monitoring and remote control of servers, IT systems, and IT solutions.
  • Update plus patch management – ​​includes updating and patching the IT systems and solutions.
  • Application services – include the provision, adaptation, and maintenance of essential server applications.
  • Helpdesk Services – includes all support services.

Also Read: Why Do you Need Managed It Solutions for your Construction Business in Washington DC?

A Distinction Between Managed IT Services And Outsourcing!

Managed IT services and IT outsourcing are not the same!

While IT outsourcing means outsourcing all IT tasks and IT areas to an IT service provider, the managed IT service model usually only outsources specific areas of the IT infrastructure.

Furthermore, IT outsourcing usually always goes hand in hand with job cuts. On the other hand, managed IT services aim to relieve IT teams so they can better concentrate on their primary tasks.

Another critical contrast between managed IT services and IT outsourcing is that IT outsourcing comes with losing control. With managed services, the assets remain in the company.

What Are The Benefits of Managed IT Services?

Managed IT services offer companies numerous forward-looking benefits.

These include, for example:

  • Efficiency: Several IT processes consume valuable time, such as creating backups or IT maintenance. By outsourcing specific routine tasks, employees can better concentrate on their core tasks. Furthermore, the companies are looked after by a professional team of experts, which is more extensive than they can achieve by hiring IT staff.
  • Business growth: With all routine tasks being handed off to a managed service provider, businesses have more capacity to focus on considered direction and leadership of operations and to make the transition enterprise-wide.
  • Cost control: With managed services, companies have better control of their IT expenses. You know what to expect at the end of the month. Your assessments become more accurate and precise – an unexpected load over the limit, which requires new hardware or software licenses, is bypassed.
  • Managed Security: As web attacks grow, the pressure on organizations to address data compliance increases. Managed IT security services respond appropriately to this threat. In addition, managed service providers usually have more security expertise and powerful software than is available in small and medium-sized companies.
  • Cost reduction: It is challenging, especially for medium-sized companies, to have sufficient specialist staff for their IT department. Thanks to managed IT services, however, companies benefit from a large team of experts who by no means only offer them the necessary IT advice but also take care of complex matters.
  • Digitization: The digital transformation is rapidly changing our working world. Hardly any department is more affected than your operational IT. Thanks to managed IT services, companies will soon be able to implement technical innovations of Industry 4.0, such as robust cloud solutions. This not only results in greater agility in your operations but also greater scalability.
  • High availability: Since managed service providers typically have multiple redundancies, IT reliability can be guaranteed. Some providers ensure availability of up to 99.95%.
  • Conclusion: the rudder remains in your hands!

Managed IT services are on the rise. This is because these reduce the growing IT complexity, guarantee more transparency, and free IT resources bring added value, inventiveness, and innovation. Because of this, IT professionals agree – that managed IT services are a good decision for any company regarding IT.


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