Web Development – The Challenges In Web Development

“Content is king!” This maxim applies, even more, today when it comes to successfully placing a website in the search engines and attracting as many visitors as possible to the page. But content, i.e. content, does not only consist of good texts and appealing pictures. Web development also plays an essential role in creating the optimal content for a page. However, due to legal regulations, web development is always faced with completely new challenges.

What is web development?

Web development is the development of programs for various services and applications on websites. Because the tasks are extremely diverse and range from programming to designing the layout, there are also a multitude of jobs in web development. The reason: In various aspects, there are some differences to classic software. Because the specialists in web development must also take into account the various interfaces and the network architecture. Specialists who are looking for new challenges in the various areas of web development will find a variety of suitable jobs.

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The special challenges in web development

The challenges facing web developers depend, among other things, on how the Internet develops. In the early days of the network, static HTML pages were standard in the 1990s. In the early 2000s, however, dynamic websites became popular, which required other programming languages ​​to be implemented. Other technologies that were once very popular, such as Java applets or Adobe Flash, we’re rapidly becoming less important. But not only the technical development challenges the web developers, but also the requirements of the legislator.

This includes, for example, the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR for short. This is a regulation of the European Union, in which it was regulated across the EU how the processing of personal data should be implemented. This regulation came into force on May 25, 2018, but has also raised massive questions from website operators and developers.

For example, the data protection guidelines on the pages had to be updated in order to comply with the regulations. Control over how companies handle their customers ‘and business partners’ data is likely to be the biggest change. Many companies are even obliged by the GDPR to appoint their own data protection officer for the IT teams. And the data must also be better protected. This means that new and better tools must be available to identify weaknesses and analyze possible threats. In addition, both web developers and company employees have to deal increasingly with the topic of cybersecurity.


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