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For students, exam times arrive, and their preparation must be paramount so that they are the best possible. The time has come to study from home, and doing it satisfactorily is possible with these tips for learning at home. Write them all down!

When studying, we can find many distractions that make us not concentrate, and that time passes and is not well spent. Read these tips carefully, and you will make the most of your time.

Find a Quiet And Bright Place To Study.

When we are at home, we find an infinity of distractions, noise, and many objects that can make it easier for you to entertain yourself.

That is why it is essential that when studying, you choose an orderly place with the vital things you need to research and feel more comfortable.

Light also plays a significant role in taking care of your visual health so that your eyes do not get tired, and you start to feel tired when you have just started studying.

Control Your Sleeping Habits

Sleep and good rest are the most determining factors so that the study time is satisfactory, being able to be more productive, effective, and perform in a better way.

Organizing your sleep habits, sleeping the necessary hours (7-8 hours) will give you good results, and you will notice it little by little since you will feel better with better reasoning and cognitive abilities.

Design a Study Schedule And Goals

It’s not just about having a study schedule but about sticking to it. This advice is crucial and one of the first that you should consider becoming aware of the hours you have to study and the hours you should start.

Being organized with your learning with the times will be of great help. The ideal is 50-minute study sessions and taking a break before continuing again. Write this down!

If you add some objectives to the organized schedule, you will be more motivated and feel good as you reach the goals.

Use a Study Method

Different study methods go hand in hand with each person’s learning. They will allow you to understand the syllabus better and optimize study time.

Some of these methods are: making summaries, diagrams, conceptual maps, underlining the most important concepts by colors, and many more.

Take Breaks To Rest

The pauses play a significant role in avoiding saturation during the study. You will prevent headaches, tiredness, or stress that negatively affect your analysis.

We recommend taking short breaks, for example, every 50 minutes of study. Take a 10-minute break to clear your mind and charge energy.

Whatever the training you are doing, you will get the best possible results in your exams by pointing out these tips to study at home.

Also Read: Most Helpful Study Apps For College Students

The post Tips For Studying At Home appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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Distraction in Home Learning? Tips To Avoid this https://www.techreviewscorner.com/home-learning/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/home-learning/#respond Wed, 17 Jun 2020 14:24:54 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=773 Do you want to continue your education from home? We have already explained what the advantages are and how you can best start with them in our article on “learning at home”. But what if you get constantly distracted? The best friend calls, the news service sends push messages about the current corona crisis, or […]

The post Distraction in Home Learning? Tips To Avoid this appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Do you want to continue your education from home? We have already explained what the advantages are and how you can best start with them in our article on “learning at home”. But what if you get constantly distracted? The best friend calls, the news service sends push messages about the current corona crisis, or outside the window, the neighbor tries in vain to hoist a much too big package into his much too small car. You are no longer on the job – do you know that? Especially the “sitting alone in front of the PC” is difficult for many. Because somehow everything seems to be more interesting than learning. So that you can avoid the distraction of home learning and organize yourself well, we give practical tips – and of course, they don’t just help with learning,

10 tips to help you avoid distraction while home learning

The announcement:

Let family members or roommates know that you need to learn now and don’t want to be disturbed by a certain time. You are also welcome to state the time from which you can speak again or be available for leisure activities.

The starting point:

Make sure that you have slept in for your learning phase, that the hunger has been satisfied, but that you don’t feel overcrowded or that you just have to go to the toilet again. The most important to-dos in the household or at work should also be done so that you are not already stressed and start your home learning completely elsewhere.

The workplace:

Find a quiet place where you are optimally not disturbed so easily. A study is ideal, otherwise, another room that is not currently being used.


If possible, close the door of your temporary work area to really have peace and quiet to study. If the entrance is visibly closed, nobody will burst in quickly and the greatest possible distraction is averted.

The desk:

Clean up your workplace so that you only have the bare essentials in the immediate vicinity. A slip of paper, little space or other projects only annoy and ultimately guarantee the distraction from concentrated learning.

The smartphone:

Place your smartphone outside of your field of vision before you start learning – it is best not to take it with you into the room where you want to study. Smartphones, tablets, and Co. are one of the worst distractions in-home learning!

The notifications:

Turn off anything that could distract you. Even if you have already banished your smartphone from your study room in an exemplary manner, you should not forget the notifications that you could receive via your learning medium – your PC, your tablet, or whatever else you need to learn. Make sure that any distractions caused by push notifications, popping windows, or beeps are switched off.

The work schedule:

Large packages of tasks, in particular, can deter and demotivate, the hurdle simply looks huge. How are you supposed to do it? These challenges favor being distracted. You can prevent this by dividing it into small steps, either from the start or as soon as you are faced with a large task, which you then work through. So the task loses threat and any kind of distraction has much smaller chances for you.

Point of time:

If it is difficult for you to have peace at home, try to vary your time to learn to minimize distractions during home learning. For example, if your family usually gets up at 9 a.m. on the weekend, you get up at 7 a.m., have a coffee, wake up in peace and then learn an hour in the morning. What do you mean?

The word “No!”

Distractions can usually not be completely eliminated during home learning – unfortunately. Because you cannot influence everyone yourself. Inquiries or troublemakers are not as easy to put aside as your smartphone. It is, therefore, all the more important that you confidently say “No!” To temptations, inquiries, or opportunities that are a distraction from home learning. So if you have just started learning, maybe you are fully on the topic, then answer family members or friends with a clear “No!” When it comes to spontaneous barbecues, helping in the garden or important errands. If this seems too hard for you, then combine the answer with a compromise that, for example, you can learn another two hours and then drive to the hardware store.

Also Read: Wearable Devices – What Are Your Most Common Vulnerabilities?

The post Distraction in Home Learning? Tips To Avoid this appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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