The Challenges of Marketing In The Digital Age

The marketing sector has been a reliable thermometer of the progress of the pandemic, adapting to the situation at all times, helping companies to perfect their strategies despite the circumstances, and knowing the needs and tastes of consumers.

But now, when it seems that the physical channel is gradually returning to normal after a crisis in which e-commerce has been definitively consolidated, the question arises as to how marketing will adapt to a new situation with many challenges and opportunities. It is worth asking, therefore, what challenges the sector has to tackle from now on.

A New Consumer

The consumer we are used to has changed considerably in recent years, an evolution that the pandemic and its consequent confinement have only accelerated. The consumer is now more informed, demanding, consuming in a global market and demanding a multidirectional relationship with the company.

Companies also face a wide range of profiles or targets to approach, so they must correctly adjust the message to reach the most interested consumer. A difficult strategy to design, but one that can have great results if designed properly.

The Consolidation of Ecommerce

The pandemic has caused the acceleration of a trend that has not stopped growing in recent years: electronic commerce. Ecommerce has been the only lifeline for many companies, which saw their points of sale close for months. Many of them had to create online sales strategies from scratch to alleviate some of the drop in income, which led to an unforeseen investment, including hiring staff.

Users, for their part, many of them reluctant to new technologies, had access to a global market with greater guarantees, offers and incentives than the electronic commerce of just a few years ago. The experience has been satisfactory, and the companies that have been able to do so have retained their customers.

The Challenge Of Omnichannel

Consumers demand a greater relationship with companies, a two-way communication beyond traditional customer service. A communication, therefore, that occurs in any of the channels offered by the company can also offer great opportunities for marketing strategies.

The Importance of Reputation

Those mentioned above, omnichannel has as its main challenge the care of corporate reputation. In a completely interconnected world, any negative opinion or news can seriously damage the reputation of any company and ruin the work for years in a few moments. Therefore, it is very important that the strategy not only contemplate a relationship and pay careful attention to customers but also consider how to react to a reputational crisis.

An Essential: Talent

To adequately respond to these challenges, it is essential to have the necessary professionals with the specific skills and competencies to develop a strategy capable of taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the recovery.

Also Read: The Dilemma of Attribution In Digital Marketing


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