project management Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 20 Oct 2023 14:46:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 project management Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Seven Things You Should NOT Do If You Want Your Project To Be Successful Thu, 10 Mar 2022 08:27:46 +0000 In an environment as competitive as the one we find ourselves in, the innovative capacity of companies is essential. Only companies that guide their strategies towards innovation can be competitive and maintain their position in the market. Seven Things You Should NOT Do If You Want Your Project To Succeed Failure To Protect Innovation All […]

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In an environment as competitive as the one we find ourselves in, the innovative capacity of companies is essential. Only companies that guide their strategies towards innovation can be competitive and maintain their position in the market.

Seven Things You Should NOT Do If You Want Your Project To Succeed

Failure To Protect Innovation

All innovation can be legally protected through a form of industrial protection that ensures that inventors have absolute control over the commercial use of their invention, excluding third parties from the appropriation of knowledge that they have created. The protection of innovation can prevent that when the product’s launch is about to start, it has to be abandoned because someone else has legal rights to the brand.

Start a Project Without Prior Planning.

You can have a great idea, but the project is doomed if it’s poorly executed. An incorrect budget, an inappropriate assignment of roles or a lack of resources can change the project’s direction. For this reason, it is very important to carry out complete planning of the budget, taking into account the resources, the scope, the agents involved, the duration and the schedule of the project.

Focusing on An Idea Without Analyzing The Environment

It may seem to you that your idea is innovative and disruptive and that you have no doubts about its success, but all of the above is not enough for the project’s success. We can have a project that a priori is perfect for us, but is there something similar on the market? What is the added value of our product/service? How is it different from the rest? Who is our target audience? Do our consumers need our product or service? Before starting, it is necessary to carry out an extensive market study to study all the variables that can affect the progress of the business.

Being Afraid of Making Mistakes

We must bear in mind that, on many occasions, trial and error is the best way that many companies have to consolidate and be profitable. Have you heard of the LEAN methodology? It is possible that the vision we had of the product does not have to be the one demanded by the market. The lean startup method uses the idea of ​​a “minimum viable product”, a version of the product that allows us to get the most information from the users with the minimum available resources and as fast as possible. Two similar products can be launched to see which one best suits the demand.

I Do Not Have An Economic-Financial Plan.

Although we are at the beginning of the project and have not made the first sale, this will not be an obstacle to working with an economic-financial plan. It is clear that, in the beginning, we will only have forecasts and estimates, but that will not be a problem. We will change them and adapt them to real figures produced. The important thing is to have a clear goal and work with a guide that shows us if expectations are being met and how far we are from achieving profit. Working from the beginning of the project with an economic document will help us to know its evolution and to be able to make business decisions.

You Were Not Surrounding Yourself With a Good Team.

One of the main reasons startups fail is the wrong choice of partners. The ideal is to surround yourself with a multidisciplinary team with different profiles. Perhaps the person who will complement us will do so because they are specialized in areas different from ours and can add value that we cannot add. You can be the best at something, but it is impossible to be at everything. Surround yourself with a multidisciplinary team with complementary profiles. Remember: “If you want to go fast, walk alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Combine The Project With Other Responsibilities

When we work on different activities, we risk becoming scattered. To achieve project success, we must focus all our energy, time, and strategies on one goal. Focusing on a project is essential and, above all, in the beginning, when there are many tasks to start up the project.

Also Read: Five Common Financial Mistakes In Business Administration

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Decision-Making Tools In Project Management Tue, 18 May 2021 07:52:51 +0000 Uncertainty is something inherent in any project since each of the elements that come together (both those specific and those related to the organization where it is carried out) and each of the people who intervene in it (either directly or directly). with the ability to influence their development), as well as their interactions, are […]

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Uncertainty is something inherent in any project since each of the elements that come together (both those specific and those related to the organization where it is carried out) and each of the people who intervene in it (either directly or directly). with the ability to influence their development), as well as their interactions, are potential sources of problems.

Therefore, it is necessary to have tools and techniques to help solve these problems. Two of those tools are the cause and effect diagram, and the 5 whys technique.

What Is A Problem In Project Management?

One of the meanings of the term “problem” is a “set of facts or circumstances that make it difficult to achieve some goal”. In the framework of project management, we have to interpret this definition by adding that it is a situation in which we want to achieve an objective and we know (or we think we know) that there are one or more ways to achieve it, although we doubt between several options.

Therefore, when we face a problem in the management of a project, we will have to analyze it based on the objectives of this and the objective starting data, to identify the space in which we can solve it and search for a solution or solutions.

How Does Decision-Making Work In Problem-Solving?

When we identify a problem, if we know how to solve it, we will limit ourselves to applying the procedure or routine that we know. If not, we will have to determine how to act. In this sense, almost certainly, there will be different options and we will have to choose the most beneficial.

The usual decision-making process is as follows:  


The first thing we must do when faced with a problem is to identify it as best as possible, depending on the objectives of our project.

If you come to the conclusion that the problem completely prevents you from achieving the objectives of your project, you should consider that the situation is impossible and it will not be worth your time to deal with it.

If you consider that the situation can be redirected, remember the expression “a well-posed problem is a half-solved problem”.


The next step is to define the specific problem. To describe it correctly, you have to collect quality, verified, and updated information, taking into account the starting point and what you want to achieve when you solve it.


The third step is to determine the origin of the problem and identify possible alternatives to solve it. Something very important to find these possible alternatives is that you focus on the solution and not on the problem.

Sort out

When you know the main or root cause of a problem, that is, the cause that originates it, you can give it a solution. It is the moment to open your mind and not reject any of the options that may occur to you; If you work in a team, encourage creative thinking in the group, as this will allow you to develop more options.

For each of the options that arise, think about the positive and negative consequences they may have, the time and resources you will need to put them into practice, etc. You must do it objectively and realistically.


Finally, after weighing the different options, you will have to implement the solution that you consider most appropriate. Depending on its magnitude, you will have to think in terms of an action plan, dates, processes, monitoring system, etc.

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Understand What Is Involved In Construction Project Management Thu, 29 Apr 2021 09:41:55 +0000 Construction projects are considered to be highly structured activities, whether it’s building a single-dwelling residence or a shopping mall. There are several moving parts and people who needed to be coordinated well. Just like many other projects, a construction project has many phases that include designing, planning, and scheduling.  Each of these stages is complicated, […]

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Construction projects are considered to be highly structured activities, whether it’s building a single-dwelling residence or a shopping mall. There are several moving parts and people who needed to be coordinated well. Just like many other projects, a construction project has many phases that include designing, planning, and scheduling. 

Each of these stages is complicated, and they can become more complex as the project progresses. This is the reason why you need to use construction management software to make things a little easier. This post explains what is involved in construction project management.  

Construction Project Management

Construction project management refers to the process that involves managing construction projects. When you compare a construction project to other forms of projects, it’s good to remember that construction projects are usually mission-based. This means that the organization of the project completes when the construction project ends.

In most cases, project management is considered to involve managing resources during the life cycle of that project through the use of various methodologies and tools. These tools and methodologies tend to control the cost, scope, time, and many more. However, when it comes to the construction industry, you need to have a broader outlook because it can involve several other things.

It can include a wide range of constraints that you need to consider to meet the design of the construction project. It’s worth noting that construction project management may interact with several disciplines in the project’s lifetime like architecture, city planning, engineering, and public works.

Types Of Construction Projects

There are a wide range of types of construction projects, though this usually depends on different sectors of construction. The two major sectors you can find in the construction industry are perhaps commercial and residential. But depending on the sector, you can also find four types of construction projects. These include residential home building and renovation, heavy industrial construction, commercial and institutional constructions, and engineering construction. 

As you can see, it means that there are several types of construction projects that need construction management to be successful. You need construction management regardless of the size of the project. So you can need it if you intend to construct a simple home, a large bridge, engineering a dam, and many others. It’s the responsibility of the project managers to manage these projects from the start to the end. They can sometimes do this on-site to make sure that there is a safe and successful construction.

Keep in mind that a construction project is usually run by a project manager. The person can be responsible for the planning, coordinating, budgeting, and even supervision of the project. In short, a construction manager must estimate and negotiate various project costs, formulate budgets, create schedules, manage work orders, and many more. 

This is why construction project management needs a variety of skills. The person also requires interaction with various people and agencies so that they can help you lead the project from its concept to the completion of the construction.

Also Read: What Really Matters When Choosing Meeting Management Software

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