According to Gartner – a research and technology consultancy company – by 2026, a quarter of the world’s population will spend at least one hour a day in the Metaverse for work, shopping, education, socializing or entertainment.

Therefore, it is inevitable to ask: how will brands use this virtual space (and time)?
Also, according to Gartner, by 2026, 30% of world organizations will have products and services in the Metaverse.

But what are we talking about?


The term “Metaverse” was coined by the writer Neal Stephenson, in 1992, in his cyberpunk novel ‘Snow Crash’ (1992) to indicate a virtual reality, shared via the internet, in which individuals can move and interact through their avatar.

But what are we referring to today with the term Metaverse?

On October 28, 2021, Mark Zuckerberg announced the birth of Meta, and he did so by renaming the holding of the Group (which controls Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Oculus). Mark clearly expressed his desire to create a virtual world parallel to the real one, complete with an explanatory video. Thanks to new technologies, users can interact in a “real” way and share unique and exclusive experiences.

The Metaverse is, therefore, a digital universe in which users – through existing technologies, or still to be invented, such as Virtual Reality (VR) viewers, augmented reality (AR) glasses, holograms, sensors and suits for sensory perception, motor-tracking – they can meet other users, create virtual objects or properties, go to concerts, conferences, travel… and much more.

In short, a real “second life” in which to immerse yourself and decide who to be.

The Metaverse will be a phygital experience (from the union of physical and digital): we will live virtual experiences, experiencing real emotions and sensations, such as the psychological sense of presence.
Evolution of social networks… or much more?


The possibility of building a real virtual identity opens infinite doors…
Each of us will feel the need to express ourselves, even digitally. And the Brands have already understood this.

Events, concerts, business meetings… Every virtual occasion will create virtual needs. And so the big companies are already moving to play early and be ready to satisfy these new and particular needs.

We are moving towards a future where buying a piece of clothing, an accessory or any other object will also mean buying the digital version. A version to collect or… for your avatar to wear!


This huge evolution will also affect the world of merchandising and marketing: gadgets will be more and more a symbol and less and less an object.

Digital gadgets will be an opportunity to be everywhere, without space limits. A company will be able to make itself known to users worldwide and be always present.

Personalization will no longer be affected by physical limits and will become one of the many virtual shades to communicate one’s identity.

This potential is confirmed by Sony, working on a patent for a super innovative scanner that allows us to transform real objects into digital files. Imagine being able to furnish your virtual office with the same furniture present in your everyday life … The same chair, the same plants, the same paintings …

And here, another world would open, that of NFTs … A world that deserves, however, a deepening of its own. If you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to our Newsletter!


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