Tag: customers

What Is A Customer Database?

In the era of Big Data and the evolution of commercial solicitations, companies need to improve their communication strategy with their customers. It all starts with a quality customer database. More than a simple address book, it plays a significant role in implementing an effective marketing strategy. Here are the essential points to know about […]

How To Improve Your Customer Communication – Simple Tricks

Whether digital, postal or personal: Clever use is almost more important than choosing the right communication channel. The most important thing: it has to be customer-centric. After all, nobody wants to have the feeling of being the target of marketing or a number in the system – let alone having to familiarize themselves with the […]

Six Ways To Get Your Customers To Sign a Sales Contract

Increasing its turnover and sustaining its activities are complex tasks if customers refuse to sign its contracts. The solution? Adopt the right strategy to convince them. Determine Customer Requirements A successful sale starts with setting customer expectations. For this, it is best to avoid telephone exchanges. The conversation risks being cut short by various constraints […]

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