What Is a Personal Injury Lawyer and When to Hire One?

A personal injury lawyer is someone who takes on cases of injury caused by other individuals and provides legal representation to the claimant. These claimants are known to claim physical or even phycological damage caused by the negligence of an entity, organization, or person. Some companies people specialize in this field of law, such as Pennington personal injury lawyer.

The 17 Different Types of Personal Injury Cases

Any case that claims that an individual was hurt due to injury to the body caused by another entity comes under personal injury. There are many other forms of personal injury cases, but some of the most common forms of personal injury cases include:

  1. Automobile accidents
  2. Bicycle accidents
  3. Animal bites
  4. Burn injuries
  5. Boating accidents
  6. Accidents occurring on construction sites
  7. Insurance
  8. Malpractice of medicine
  9. Abuse
  10. Motorcycle accidents
  11. Defective products
  12. Aviation accidents
  13. Brain injury
  14. Slipping and falling
  15. Wrongful death
  16. Pedestrian accidents
  17. Spinal cord Injury
  18. Also Read: Pros And Cons Of Real-Time Data Analytics

What Do Personal Injury Lawyers Do?

Personal injury lawyers are lawyers who handle cases related to injuries sustained by an individual due to the negligence of others. They do this by handling each case with inception by bringing forward an appealing offer. All the tasks that they perform are similar to other litigators. They are meant to investigate claims and screen clients to know the merit of the case. All personal injury lawyers must gather evidence, research case law, and come up with legal theories. This job involves a lot of drafting appeals, motions, interviewing, discovery requests and even disposing witnesses.

All of the task performed by a personal injury lawyer contribute to how will the trial goes since this is all preparation for the courtroom. However, compiling legal documents is not the end of a personal injury lawyers work; they must also advocate for their clients. This includes:

  • Counselling the clients
  • Dealing with obstacles that the client may face in the legal system
  • Dealing with obstacles put forward by the adversaries

A personal injury lawyer has to juggle a lot of paperwork and keep up with extremely tight deadlines, which are often may by the client. However, many personal injury lawyers find that it is quite rewarding for them to act as a personal injury lawyer since it helped injured individuals get justice.

Personal injury cases are complex, and thus, the lawyers must have a special niche for each case that they present. For example, if someone sues for medical malpractice, then the lawyer may try to specialize in breach births and so on. Another example includes lawyers who take on motor vehicle accident cases. Such lawyers must specialize in ATV incidents.


The work performed by personal injury lawyers is extremely valuable to society, as is the work done by other forms of lawyers. Personal injury lawyers allow each individual to get justice for the wrongdoings against them by ensuring they get compensated for every scratch or mental abuse they face.


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