Tag: security

Identity Theft On The Internet – The Keys To Respond

Phishing is a type of cyberattack that can get you into serious trouble. Sometimes, people with malicious intent track personal information that they later use to impersonate their victims in front of companies, institutions, or even others around them. On the plus side, this type of cyber threat, like most network risks, can be avoided […]

Two-Factor Authentication – Opportunity Or Risk?

Double is not automatically better: conscientious handling your data is the be-all and end-all. Two-factor authentication ( 2FA ) is a “strong customer authentication” measure that checks whether an electronic payment transaction is legitimately made. The 2FA consists of a first factor for the identity of a user, which consists of a username and password, […]

How To “Protect” Your Business?

Every entrepreneur sets up their business to generate profit. But fewer of them anticipate that worse periods may come into the business. Everyone who has started their own business works daily to make their business prosper. However, in practice, you will quickly find that this effort is not always enough. There are risks associated with […]

5 Essential Physical Security Measures Your Business Needs to Implement

In 2020 and most of 2021, business security was been a hot topic. We’d been through COVID restrictions and many businesses faced closure for months at a time. This made many business owners turn their attention to various aspects of their business, including their physical security and ensuring that they don’t come under the threat […]

The Top Myths Of IoT Security

Conventional approaches to cybersecurity focus on one fundamental concept: protecting every device insight to keep hackers, attackers, and thieves away. However, this concept is outdated in a highly networked world in which many sensors, devices, and systems supply each other with data. The Internet of Things is growing, and IDC predicts 41.6 billion connected IoT […]

Why Do We Need To Be Internet Security Specialists?

The Internet has taken over our lives and has created a globalized world, where everything is interconnected, and today it is a tool for everyday use. In this sense, it is important to know its basic operating characteristics and, even more importantly, to make responsible, ethical, and safe use of the Internet. Possibly you think […]

Tips On How To Protect Yourself Against Cybercrime

We’re always looking for the best ways to combat the rising threat of cybercrime to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. But this task is not an easy one. Cybercriminals are constantly adapting and evolving, and it can be very difficult for those in the cybersecurity profession to keep on top of what’s happening. […]


The smartphone operating system has been on a triumphant advance since Google introduced Android in 2008. Almost all well-known smartphone manufacturers, with the exception of Apple (iOS), rely on the software for their smartphones. Thanks to the use of the operating system in smartphones from Samsung, Huawei, LG, and many other providers. The great popularity […]

What are the AWS Security Groups?

An AWS security is a virtual firewall responsible for controlling the inbound and outgoing traffic associated with EC2 instances. Each security group contains a set of rules that sieves the inbound and outgoing traffic on an EC2 model, thus functions the same as a firewall.  Security groups operate by collecting computer accounts, other users’ accounts, […]

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