Tag: cyber security

Security Incidents – The Enemies Of Your Business

Cybercriminals have many weapons in their arsenal to violate the security of the company, and knowing how to identify how they have done it can be a key factor when you are the victim of a security incident. The following list shows the main security incidents that can affect companies Malicious code infections of systems, […]

Tips On How To Protect Yourself Against Cybercrime

We’re always looking for the best ways to combat the rising threat of cybercrime to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. But this task is not an easy one. Cybercriminals are constantly adapting and evolving, and it can be very difficult for those in the cybersecurity profession to keep on top of what’s happening. […]

Cyber Risks 2021 – Damage Through Attacks On Artificial Intelligence

The outlook for the new decade is not all rosy. The gloomy future scenarios include serious cyber attacks. Attacks on artificial intelligence and machine learning are likely to come into focus this year, which increases cyber risks. Such attacks are difficult for companies to understand and open up new possibilities of sabotage for state-organized as […]

The Art Of Cyber Risk Prediction And How To Stay One Step Ahead Of Cyber Attacks

Although they often resemble a catalog of misfortunes that will befall businesses, cybersecurity predictions at least have the merit of warning against new trends to prepare and stay one step ahead. the attackers. The year 2020 has been particularly fruitful in attacks, the last of which, on SolarWinds’ Orion software, is of such magnitude that […]


It is one of the few industries that govern its evolution to the growth of infringements. Cybersecurity is passive, and innovations are derived from the need to defend the perspicacity of hackers. In an increasingly digitized world, in which economic and business transactions are exposed to network dangers, security measures are no longer simple conjunctural […]

The critical role of white hat hacking in financial institutions

Ethical hacking is the art and science of securing digital systems from cyber attacks by attempting to breach into them in order to identify and fix vulnerabilities. But how do ethical hackers keep our financial system safe and why are they necessary in its smooth functioning? This article aims to highlight the significance of white […]

How To Protect Ourselves From phishing

Phishing is one of the biggest security problems that need to be tackled, especially with online banking. The security mechanisms are evolving, but the criminals are not standing still either. The right software can further increase protection against phishing. We will show you this using the example of a selected program. The economic damage caused […]

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