Blockchain Success – Blockchain Technology On The Rise

In the past year, the hype surrounding blockchain technology has increased significantly. The constantly increasing awareness of the blockchain process…

1 year ago

Affiliate Marketing – But Why?

Affiliate marketing as a sales strategy, but why? Affiliate marketing is more than the cooperation between a seller and a…

1 year ago

Employee Experience – Three Techniques To Use Today

Today the importance of customer experience for organizations is well known. There are various frameworks, techniques and methods to detect…

1 year ago

Automate Business Processes, Yes. HOW TO DO IT?

Organizations continue to progress in adopting new technologies and ways of working that help improve their profitability and competitiveness. Automating…

1 year ago

Tips For Outstanding Customer Service

Customer service that's not just okay, but exceeds expectations makes a difference. Such a service determines whether a customer stays,…

1 year ago

What Is Data Quality? How To Manage It?

What Is Data Quality? Data quality considers criteria like correctness, consistency, integrity, and usability when determining the state of your…

1 year ago

How To Improve Your Customer Communication – Simple Tricks

Whether digital, postal or personal: Clever use is almost more important than choosing the right communication channel. The most important…

1 year ago

Five Tips To Improve The Efficiency Of Your Sales Teams

Identifying the motivating factors of your team is essential for the company's productivity. Take off your turnover and increase your…

1 year ago

Know Your Customers Through Analytics

Do you sell goods and services on the internet? You need to know what your customers expect to achieve your…

2 years ago

Six Ways To Get Your Customers To Sign a Sales Contract

Increasing its turnover and sustaining its activities are complex tasks if customers refuse to sign its contracts. The solution? Adopt…

2 years ago