digital marketing Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Thu, 16 Nov 2023 11:03:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 digital marketing Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Programmatic Advertising – What Is It And What Are Its Advantages Fri, 09 Jun 2023 05:59:13 +0000 For a brand to enhance its presence in the digital environment, it must plan a marketing strategy in which digital advertising is present.A well-designed advertising campaign must have a prior research process that identifies the ideal type of audience, the most appropriate channels to transmit it, and the type of message that should be used […]

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For a brand to enhance its presence in the digital environment, it must plan a marketing strategy in which digital advertising is present.
A well-designed advertising campaign must have a prior research process that identifies the ideal type of audience, the most appropriate channels to transmit it, and the type of message that should be used to achieve the objectives set.
Surely, there is an advertising campaign that you remember, regardless of the passage of time.
Programmatic advertising is becoming one of the best allies for brands that want to boost their digital presence on a large scale.

What Is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic advertising is the digital advertising model comprising the automated acquisition of advertising space on websites, online magazines and newspapers, blogs, etc.) by advertisers.

Currently, 85% of advertisers and 72% of publishers use programmatic advertising since it allows a greater return on advertising investment.

Programmatic ad buying differs from traditional ad buying in that it relies on data and algorithms to strategically serve automated ads to users based on things like their buying histories and behavior.

In addition, by not having to resort to a long acquisition process, which includes proposals, bids, quotes, and negotiations, implementing a programmatic advertising campaign is much more agile and faster.

As in the operation of any advertising purchase, we can distinguish two main actors: applicants and suppliers.

  • Advertisers are on the demand side; they buy advertising space and choose the audience they want to impact with their product/service ads.
  • And publishers, media, or blogs are the bidding party in charge of generating income by selling their advertising space.

As a general rule, publishers or media choose which ads they want to advertise in their spaces, at what price, and what type of advertisers they accept, while these others choose the audiences to impact and the maximum amount they wish to pay.

How Does Programmatic Advertising Work?

Programmatic advertising represents a total change in the strategic approach concerning the

the traditional advertising inventory buying and selling model in the online medium goes from a “Site Centric” approach to a “User Centric” one.

This change of approach based on the purchase of audiences is caused by the advancement of technology: the use of algorithms allows the analysis of thousands of data on the behavior of web users and offers important differences:

  • Buying impressions (ad inventory) occurs in real-time.
  • Each advertising impact opportunity is evaluated in real-time, depending on the user’s profile, the site, and its bid price.
  • Each impression/impact opportunity is considered and valued individually and independently.

These changes help optimize campaigns in real-time to create effective strategies aimed at impacting the right user on the right website and at the right time and using an appropriate and personalized message and offer.

Technology In The Programmatic Ecosystem.

From a technological point of view, programmatic buying is an automation of buying and selling Advertising inventory in which three platforms are involved: Ad Exchange, DSP, and SSPs.

AdExchange is the platform where advertisers and publishers buy and sell digital ad impressions fully automatedly through a series of real-time bids.

  • They manage the relationship between DSPs and SSPs and obtain a Commission
  • There are two types of Ad Exchanges: Open Exchanges and Private Exchanges

DSP (Demand-side Platform) is the demand-side platform that allows agencies and advertisers to buy ad inventory on different platforms.

  • They use their Tracking system by implementing pixels
  • They use optimization algorithms in the purchase of inventory and prediction methods to maximize the ROAS of campaigns.
  • They integrate Data (Audience Segments) from the DMPs to evaluate the impression to buy.

SSP (Sell-Side Platform) is the technological platform publishers use to market their advertising inventory, whether in the display, native, video, or audio formats.

Advantages of Programmatic Advertising

Currently, programmatic advertising is the leading method of buying and selling advertising space in the digital environment.

But programmatic advertising does not work by itself despite its benefits and technological advances. Like any other strategy, it requires further data analysis to develop an adequate strategy that allows us to obtain the established objectives.

Compared to other online advertising models, programmatic advertising offers great advantages.

User segmentation and personalized messages

Not all Users are the same or have the same expectations. The programmatic purchase allows us to use user data (historical and in real-time) and enables us to approach the personalization of the advertising message.

This translates into two great advantages:

  • Possibility of segmenting the target audience we want to impact.
  • Design personalized messages that fit individual preferences based on the profile of the audience.
  • Content adaptation to attributes, behavior, context, device, location, etc…
  • Consistent in terms of when the user is concerned with the brand (conversion funnel), location, and channel (paid search, paid social, programmatic, emailing, SMS, . . .).
  • Consistency in terms of message, offer, value proposition, and price presented in the ad and following the content of the landing page to which we take users.
  • Combine different advertising formats from a single platform: Display + Video + Audio + TV + Outdoor.

Greater positioning and reach

Programmatic advertising generates a greater reach than other types of digital advertising thanks to the fact that online platforms allow users to be reached anywhere in the world.

Transparency and control

Programmatic buying platforms offer complete and detailed information on any aspect of our campaign and obtain real data on what type of customer views the ad and who interacts with it, the sites on which our ads are published, the cost per line of the campaign, the creatives that work best, the operation by dates, time slots, devices, and much more, all practically in real-time.

Measurement of results in real-time and return on investment

As we anticipated in the previous point, one of the things that brings the most value to advertisers is the possibility of measuring results in real-time and, consequently, being able to make adjustments to the campaigns based on the return on investment.

Agility in purchasing processes

Programmatic ad buying differs from traditional ad buying by not having to resort to a lengthy acquisition process, which includes proposals and negotiations. This means that the time required to launch a campaign is considerably reduced in most cases.

Now that we know what programmatic advertising is and all the advantages it offers as a leading method for buying and selling advertising space, what are your main future challenges and opportunities to remain efficient and competitive?

Also Read: The Dilemma of Attribution In Digital Marketing

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3 Keyword Strategies That Search Engines Love Fri, 15 Apr 2022 15:02:34 +0000 Keyword strategies are integral to boosting the visibility of your website as well as the amount of traffic it gets.Many business owners get overwhelmed by SEO. They hope it’ll be enough to do keyword research and simply insert those keywords throughout an article.Keyword research is not enough. In fact, sprinkling keywords randomly can actually harm […]

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Keyword strategies are integral to boosting the visibility of your website as well as the amount of traffic it gets.
Many business owners get overwhelmed by SEO. They hope it’ll be enough to do keyword research and simply insert those keywords throughout an article.
Keyword research is not enough. In fact, sprinkling keywords randomly can actually harm your business.
If you really want to improve your SEO rankings, the best way to approach keyword research is to create intentional keyword strategies. Keep reading to learn three important keyword strategies search engines love.

Why Are Keyword SEO Strategies Important?

Keyword research is valuable, but it’s only a starting point. Keyword research gives you a list of words categorized by relevance, difficulty, and search volume, among other analytics.
When you combine keyword research with an intentional keyword strategy, now you have context. You start to understand the why of what you’re trying to accomplish. Once you have the why, it’s easier to get to the how.

How Do Keyword Strategies Improve SEO Rankings?

Keyword strategies improve SEO rankings in many ways. They allow you to prioritize specific SEO approaches and identify opportunities for easy wins.
You want to make sure you’re driving relevant traffic to your website. Relevant traffic means visitors to your website who you can convert into customers or clients.
Employing effective keyword strategies also allows you to set ranking and growth expectations.
It also enables you to accurately measure the impact of your strategies. If something isn’t working, you need to be able to change your course quickly.
Finally, keyword strategies allow you to marry your keyword research with your content strategy which results in higher quality content and better outcomes.

Three Things To Consider When Developing Keyword Strategies

When it comes to SEO rankings, there are things search engines like and things they don’t. For example, keyword stuffing can negatively impact your website’s performance. But employing topic clusters can boost performance.

The following approaches to keyword strategy are the most likely strategies to gain positive attention from search engines. Here’s what you need to be thinking about.

What Are You Doing and Why Are You Doing It?

Self-awareness and brand awareness are the bedrock of a successful keyword strategy. It is most important that you have a clear understanding of what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Think about your brand, product, or service. What are you offering to your clientele and what sets you apart from others providing similar things?

It is essential that you be clear on the message you are sending to your audience and what use you provide to them. If you can’t figure out why someone would want to visit your website, you have a problem.

When you know who you are and what you offer, it becomes much easier to set goals for your business and your SEO strategy. You don’t want to waste time or resources focusing on things that aren’t improving your business.

Think about what your end goal is for your website. What do you want to achieve with your keyword strategy?

In most cases, your goals will look something like increasing traffic to your website and converting visitors into customers/clients. Your goals may also reflect a desire to gain greater and more targeted visibility for your site.

Who Is Your Audience and What Does It Want?

Once you know who you are and what you want, you need to get clear on who your audience is and what it wants. You need to get into the mindset of your clientele in order to give them what they are looking for.

Consider whether your audience wants information, products, or services. Is it possible they want a combination of these things? In many cases, websites begin as a place to gain information and transform into more than that.

Keyword research is an integral part of figuring out what your audience wants. By doing keyword research, you are studying the words people use to find what they are looking for.

Once you understand how your audience searches for what they need, you can better tailor your website content to the audiences’ intent.

What Are Your Competitors Doing and How Well Are They Doing It?

Finally, you need to be aware of your competition. Visit their websites, read their content, and see what they are doing that’s working.

If a competitor is ranking well, find out why and try to emulate and improve upon their approach.

Bonus SEO Tips and Strategies

Keyword strategies are integral to successful SEO marketing. However, they are hardly the only thing you need to improve your website’s SEO rankings. Check out these other SEO tips for improving your marketing strategy.

Check Your Analytics Often

If you’re putting in the effort to execute an SEO strategy, you need to keep track of how well it’s working. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your effort without taking stock of its effectiveness.
There’s no sense wasting time on something that isn’t working. You need to check your website analytics regularly to see what strategies are most successful.

Use High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are a great way to boost your SEO strategy. When you employ high-quality backlinks, you will see more traffic to your website and better search engine rankings.

In addition, when you use backlinks effectively, you won’t need to rely so heavily on paid advertising to get visitors to your website. To learn more about backlinks, check out this article from JustReachOut.

SEO Keywords Strategies Takeaways

There are three effective approaches to keyword strategies you need to use when creating content for your website.
First, you need to know who you are, what sets you apart from the competition, and what your goals are for your website. Next, you need a clear understanding of what your audience wants and how they search for it.
Finally, you need to be aware of what your competition is doing well and how you can do it better. For more great articles like this, check out our Marketing and Social Media sections.

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Take Your Marketing to the Next Level: What Are the Four Ps of Marketing? Fri, 18 Mar 2022 14:38:24 +0000 A proper and definitive marketing strategy is imperative to the success of any business, big or small. However, you’d be surprised to learn that about half of businesses lack a clear digital marketing strategy. But before we get to the intricacies of digital marketing, we must first have a firm grasp on the four Ps […]

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A proper and definitive marketing strategy is imperative to the success of any business, big or small.

However, you’d be surprised to learn that about half of businesses lack a clear digital marketing strategy. But before we get to the intricacies of digital marketing, we must first have a firm grasp on the four Ps of digital marketing.

You’ve probably heard of the four Ps of digital marketing. These 4 Ps seem to be somewhat of a buzzword in certain spheres of business. But what are the 4 Ps of marketing, and why are they so important?

Today’s post will highlight these 4 Ps of marketing and explain why they’re so important.

The First P: Product

The first P of marketing stands for “product.” The product is whatever a company sells to yield a profit. It can be anything from dog food to properties and auto parts. Products can also mean services like consulting, roofing installation, and the like.

In terms of the 4 Ps marketing strategy, businesses must clearly understand what product they’re offering to consumers. Think about your product’s value proposition and how it stands out from the rest of the competition. Also, think about what problem your product can help solve.

A few guiding questions you can ask for the first P include:-

What Is Your Product?

You first need a concrete definition of what your product is and what it does. Look at what it does for consumers and its value proposition.

Who Is It for?

Next, you’ll have to identify your target audience. Maybe your product is for kids, teenagers or first-time moms. Having a firm understanding of your target audience will help you craft a marketing strategy that resonates with them.

What Are Your Product’s Features?

It’s important to highlight the standout features of your product. Look at what features make your product better than the rest. Emphasize these features to get a competitive advantage over your business rivals.

What Problem Does It Solve?

Marketing your product as a tool for solving consumers’ problems is one way to make it attractive to customers. Identify the problem your product solves and make it an integral part of your marketing.

Answering the above questions will help you determine what your product is from a marketing standpoint. With that out of the way, let’s move on to the second P.

The Second P: Price

Pricing is one of the trickiest aspects of marketing any product or service. On one hand, you want to make a profit, on the other hand, you want an attractive price to attract more customers. Most businesses struggle with their pricing, but you can circumvent this issue with a solid pricing strategy.

First things first, your product must make a profit. If your pricing model results in a loss or breaking even, you should revamp it. Profit is king and should also be the goal of your pricing strategy.

However, this doesn’t mean that you should overprice your product. Consider all relevant parameters when deciding on your product’s price. Pay special attention to how much competitors are charging for the same item.

You also want to consider what discounts and offers you can have for your product. Lastly, think about what perception you want your customers to have about your product. Is it a cost-effective option, or is it a status symbol?

The price of your product will play a major part in determining what marketing approach you take. Make sure you get the pricing right for your marketing strategy to succeed.

The Third P: Place

Place in marketing denotes two things. The first is the actual physical location of your business. The second is where you market and distribute your products.

It’s worth noting that not every marketplace is right for your particular product. You’ll have to think critically about where you want to set up your business and where you want to sell your products. Remember to bring your business/products as close as possible to our target audience.

However, it’s not as simple as finding your target audience and setting up shop. You also have to consider stuff like the current competition and the viability of your product in the region. Plus, there may be certain regional restrictions that may preclude you from starting your business in specific locations.

Thankfully, digital marketing has shattered the barriers that previously confined businesses to certain areas. Digital marketing allows you to cross borders and even oceans to market your products. You can use these ways to create a solid digital marketing strategy that transcends borders and expands your customer base.

Lastly, make sure you take note of distribution channels and potential outlets. They could be useful for helping your products reach their intended audience.

The Fourth P: Promotion

The fourth P stands for promotion, which forms the core of all your marketing activities. Promote your products the right way and you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank. However, promotion is one of the trickiest aspects of marketing.
With so many marketing techniques, knowing how to build a marketing plan that aligns with your niche is crucial to your business’s success. You want to find a marketing platform that aligns with your target audience. If you want to attract the younger demographic, consider advertising your product on platforms like TikTok or Snapchat.
Regardless of the marketing platform, make sure you get your messaging right. Send the right message and customers will come swarming to your business. It might not be such a bad idea to get help from a marketing firm to boost your marketing endeavors.

The Four P’s of Marketing Made Easy

The information above is everything you need to know about the four Ps of marketing. They should form the backbone of all your marketing operations. It’s hard to overlook the importance of the 4 Ps of marketing, especially in today’s competitive business landscape.
Check out the other posts on the site for more informative content.

Also Read: 10 Reasons You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy In 2022

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Why Your Business Needs SEO-optimized Landing Pages? Fri, 04 Feb 2022 07:33:00 +0000 Landing pages are a vital element of effective SEO and digital marketing campaigns. Whether you are improving your market reach or advertising a new product or service, a user-friendly, SEO-optimized landing page can help you achieve your business goals.In many cases, a properly designed landing page provides website visitors an initial glimpse of what your […]

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Landing pages are a vital element of effective SEO and digital marketing campaigns. Whether you are improving your market reach or advertising a new product or service, a user-friendly, SEO-optimized landing page can help you achieve your business goals.
In many cases, a properly designed landing page provides website visitors an initial glimpse of what your brand name is all about and impacts their decision-making process. A solid landing page is an indispensable asset that can be customized to your brand objectives and marketing demands.

Landing pages help you engage quality leads and prospects and get them on the path to real conversion. Landing page design and development, however, are not easy tasks. For a well-designed landing page, you need to create an engaging landing page SEO content and user-friendly landing page design that align with your business goals and prospects’ intent to leverage conversion opportunities.
A landing page is a section of a website that users “land” on when they click through pay-per-click or social media ads, email links or a call to action (CTA) button on a different page.
Landing pages are designed to be precise and drive a particular action rather than a place to go for research and information gathering. Landing pages nurture leads from the upper CRO funnel and guide them towards goal completion. Once your prospects know about your business and click on a call to action button or link at the top of your CRO funnel, it is simpler to increase their brand engagement through your well-designed landing page and convert them into paying customers.
The main difference between a landing page and other web pages, such as your website homepage, “About Us” page and product/service page, is landing pages target segmented customer populations. These pages are disconnected from a website’s navigation and designed mainly to convince online users to take necessary action like sign up for a particular event, subscribe to newsletters, book an appointment, etc. Let’s know the reasons why your business needs a well-designed landing page.

Increase Potential Leads

Landing page optimization is the perfect way to improve your brand name recognition, drive quality leads and traffic to your website and enhance your SEO and CRO. Knowing how to design a landing page is essential to acquiring more leads and enhancing your chances of conversion. If you are running a healthcare business and not sure how to get started with your landing page optimization or which calls to action effectively attract quality leads, you can hire a professional healthcare web development agency.

Create Valuable Data and Actions

Landing pages enable you to collect prospect demographics required to contact leads and move them along your conversion rate optimization funnel. The most common landing page examples, such as lead capture landing pages and splash landing pages, contain a short form that asks for contact details or relevant information, such as their name, email address, and other contact information.

Offer an Exceptional User Experience

Google rankings mean nothing if users click on the website and they are unable to easily understand it or complete the business’s goal. Alternatively, if a user wants to contact a business, make an appointment or purchase, but the process is complex or does not make any sense, the opportunity will be lost due to bad CRO.
This results in low conversion rates, high bounce rates, and low website duration. Using effective landing page SEO practices allows you to make a good first impression on your prospects and build brand credibility.

Improve Your Campaigns

Landing pages are not only designed to support SEO and PPC campaigns; they are also useful platforms for social media marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), email marketing, and eCommerce optimization.
To ensure the sustainable online growth of your business, a professional SEO agency offers landing page design and optimization services. Professionals create the client’s landing page templates to include localized call-to-action buttons and create a sense of urgency on the SEO-optimized landing page content.

Final thoughts

Without the help of experienced landing page professionals, you risk losing targeting audience and conversion opportunities. SEO professionals know and understand your business, all products/services and, most importantly, the client’s business goals. They discuss everything in detail and collect logos and other brand guidelines to design a landing page using high conversion elements customized to your business goals.

Also Read: What is CRM? and How Can It Help You To Manage Your Business?

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A Review of the Digital Marketing Industry Fri, 14 Jan 2022 10:06:44 +0000 Digital marketing industry is growing rapidly, especially since the last two years. Most businesses shifted their outdoor marketing budget to digital marketing in 2020 and the trend does not seem to slow down anytime soon.  According to Grand View Research, the global digital marketing industry was valued at $49.43 billion in 2020. The same study […]

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Digital marketing industry is growing rapidly, especially since the last two years. Most businesses shifted their outdoor marketing budget to digital marketing in 2020 and the trend does not seem to slow down anytime soon. 

According to Grand View Research, the global digital marketing industry was valued at $49.43 billion in 2020. The same study suggests that the digital marketing industry will grow at a CAGR of 18.2% from 2021 to 2028. 

However, this doesn’t mean, digital marketing is an easy thing. It is crucial to know what to do, if not, you will likely lose a lot of time and efforts in the long run. 

So, what’s the solution? While the best solution is to outsource the task to a digital marketing agency, you can also consider learning the trick and doing it yourself. 

When learning yourself, you need to update yourself with the latest trends and best practices all the time. 

When outsourcing the task, make sure to read the reviews. For instance, you can read the FirstCom Solutions Glassdoor to understand if they are the right choice for your business. 

More tips to Reviewing a Digital Marketing Agency or a Freelancer

Since doing digital marketing yourself is a challenging task, especially when you already have a business to run. To make things easier, consider hiring a digital marketing agency or a freelancer. And while you do that, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your investment. 

1 – Define Outcomes

It is crucial to define your expectations with digital marketing. 

  • Do you want to boost brand awareness?
  • Do you want to increase your website traffic?
  • Do you want to get more leads?

Unless you define what you want from digital marketing, you cannot determine success. Plus, it will be a waste of money. 

2- Ask for a Framework

A framework refers to a plan of action for your marketing campaign. It is crucial to understand what framework does the digital marketing agency applies to drive results. 

As a rule of thumb, a framework should include:

  • Your marketing goals
  • Tools that will be used in the campaign
  • Their approach to meet your goals with every campaign
  • The expected return on investment
  • The process to track and measure the campaign performance

3- Look for the Agency’s Experience in Your Industry

It is crucial to know whether the agency or the freelancer has worked in your industry. If so, which company has they worked for? What was the outcome? Did they generate a positive ROI? If yes, how long did it take to generate a positive ROI? 

If they have created a case study or have a testimonial from a company in your industry, that would be even great to help you understand the agency’s experience. This will help you determine if they are the right choice for you. 

4- What results are they promising? 

This is also an important aspect of digital marketing. If they are promising moons and stars, it’s probably time to find a new agency. 

It is worth mentioning that they can guarantee a positive ROI, but if they are promising a specific number, it’s a red flag. That’s because, no one knows what will happen in the future. 

So, don’t get drawn into the promises of quick results when hiring an agency. 

5- Do they practice what they preach?

If the agency promises stellar marketing campaigns or a visually-appealing website, but doesn’t have the same for their company, this is a massive red flag.

Therefore, look if they have generated the results, they’re promising for themselves. If not, it’s time to find a different agency.  

Also Read: Five Digital Marketing Strategies To Launch Your Product

Marketing Yourself

While marketing your company is important, it is also crucial to build your own brand. As an entrepreneur, make sure to build a personal brand so people trust you and your business. The best way to do so is by getting active on LinkedIn. Make sure to engage with your audience and create quality content regularly. Although it will take time, it will be worth your efforts.
Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments.

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Benefits of SEO Services for Law Firms Mon, 03 Jan 2022 11:27:57 +0000 SEO, or search engine optimization, is an essential process for allowing your business to stand out from your competitors online, increase organic website traffic, and connect your attorneys with new potential clients. In recent years, marketing for the digital landscape has quickly overtaken more traditional advertising efforts, particularly for small businesses. An agency that specializes […]

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SEO, or search engine optimization, is an essential process for allowing your business to stand out from your competitors online, increase organic website traffic, and connect your attorneys with new potential clients. In recent years, marketing for the digital landscape has quickly overtaken more traditional advertising efforts, particularly for small businesses. An agency that specializes in digital marketing and website development can assist you with improving your presence in search engine results local to your area, so you’ll have more relevant calls and increased visibility for your law firm.

Marketing your law firm online requires significant technical expertise, particularly when it comes to optimizing your website, fixing on-page errors, and reporting the results of your SEO efforts. In addition, the process can be incredibly time-consuming and will take several months of dedicated effort in many cases. Most small businesses can benefit immensely from search engine optimization services but can’t afford to hire a marketing professional internally. Digital marketing agencies offer law firms an easy to afford marketing solution, so they can continue to grow their client base and increase their website traffic and organic leads.

Legal SEO is a competitive field, particularly for practice areas like personal injury and corporate law. Marketing efforts for your business should therefore be highly localized to the states and regions in which your attorneys are licensed to practice. In this article, we’ll cover some of the basic elements of search engine optimization, how the process can be tailored for attorneys, and why digital marketing services are essential for your practice.

Understanding the Basics of SEO

The goal of search engine optimization for legal service providers is to increase organic traffic for the firm’s website, thereby increasing the volume of calls and contact form completions. To do so, digital marketers will increase your search engine results page rankings for specific, relevant keywords that your potential clients are searching for online.

If your business is first ranked for a specific keyword, it will show up as the first result in Google if someone in your area types the keyword into Google or Bing. But because every personal injury law firm in your city wants to have the first ranked website for the keyword “personal injury lawyer,” search engine optimization becomes an intensely competitive effort. It can often take upwards of six months before the firm’s rankings begin to increase exponentially. However, the end result will go a long way in allowing the attorneys to scale up their businesses, demand-based pricing, and website traffic.   

How the SEO Process Works for Law Firms

The technical expertise of digital marketers is almost always a necessity for improving your law firm’s search engine results page rankings. Fluctuating results are typical during the initial 6 to 12 months because the habits of online users, the marketing efforts of your competitors, and Google’s core algorithm that determines how websites rank for keywords all continue to change at a rapid pace. Here are a few of the best practices that your digital marketing services provider will take you through to improve your firm’s online presence.

SEO Starts With Optimizing Your Website

If your website doesn’t feature an intuitive, modern layout that supports user experience, the value of incoming organic traffic will drop significantly, and your SEO efforts will, unfortunately, be unable to convert into meaningful results for your business. For this reason, full-service digital marketing service providers offer web development services that start your digital marketing efforts off on the right foot. If you’re just beginning your journey into the realm of digital marketing, it’s often a good idea to start with a brand-new website.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is an essential process for better understanding your potential clients that are searching online for the type of legal services your firm offers. These keywords can give you a good idea of your potential clients’ questions about your process and how much it will cost them. This research will also help identify other individuals that can benefit from your services but aren’t yet aware of that’s the case. For example, someone searching terms related to loan forgiveness might not realize that filing legal assistance for filing bankruptcy might be a good option for their situation.

Content Development

Once your marketing services provider has identified the keywords your business should target, the process of content development begins. The content for your website should utilize several high-value keywords simultaneously but remain specifically relevant to answering the inquiry or request of a single keyword. You’ll need content marketers for your business that already have experience in working with law firms so that the content your purchasing utilizes and magnifies a trustworthy brand voice.

The content for your website essentially helps to bring in potential clients and establish your firm’s visible expertise and authority in your practice area and geographic location. And while the content is always developed with potential clients in mind, the use of keywords causes Google to begin ranking the page up in its search engine results. The collective goals of the website’s content are to inform your potential clients about your services, increase the authority of your business in the eyes of Google’s algorithm, and increase conversions with targeted calls to action (CTAs). 

Also Read: Successful Marketing With Search Engines

On-Page SEO

On-page error fixes for your website are necessary for optimizing the user experience and improving your position in relevant search engine results pages. If your website contains a high quantity of 404 errors, redirects, broken links, missing images, or other page errors, Google will lower your domain’s authority score, which can then drop your website’s overall online visibility. While it might at first seem easy to avoid these errors, they are usually inevitable as new content, webpages, and design elements are added to the site.

Analytics and Reporting

The best digital marketing services for law firms include reporting and data analysis as a part of their services, so you’ll always have a clear picture of your online successes and potential areas for improvement. To get started with marketing your business online, reach out to an SEO marketing agency that has experience in working with other legal services providers.


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Why Do I Need An Influencer Agency? Mon, 27 Dec 2021 07:32:30 +0000 Influencer marketing has been a reality for years. However, the term “influencer” is not always well understood. When we talk about people with millions of followers on social media, we often refer to them who upload photos in hotels with infinity pools and seem to spend their lives at parties and places with VIP access. […]

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Influencer marketing has been a reality for years.

However, the term “influencer” is not always well understood. When we talk about people with millions of followers on social media, we often refer to them who upload photos in hotels with infinity pools and seem to spend their lives at parties and places with VIP access.

An influencer is nothing other than a person who can influence others, which has existed all his life. We all have a friend whom we consult when choosing a restaurant or a family member whose book recommendations are essential.

When this influence comes from the hands of someone outside our immediate environment and goes online, either through blogs or social networks, that is when we put that “influencer” label on it.

An influencer is a person who has this ability to influence but whose message is amplified to a community that comes to him for inspiration, advice or help when making a purchase decision.

Brands realized for some time that “influencers” spoke from you to you with their target audience and with their customers, making them a real treasure and an unbeatable marketing tool.
Traditional, one-way advertising with “my product is the best” messages no longer works and has been replaced by more credible recommendations from real people.

Now, how do I know which influencers to choose for my campaigns? How do I know that I have to pay or ask an influencer for their recommendation to be effective?

This is where influencer agencies come into play, a fundamental piece on which the success of a campaign can depend and which can save us a lot of time, money and effort.

Why Does a Brand Need An Influencer Agency?

The main reasons for Ismael are the agency’s ability to audit the influencers’ profiles and validate that they do not have false followers and that they are credible when recommending the brand.
But in addition, experts tells us, the agencies play a fundamental role when defining the strategy (something key to determining the success or failure of the campaign) and are in charge of the contracts, briefings and communication with the influencer, something that in Large campaigns can take a lot of time and effort.

Do I Hire An Influencer Agency, or Do I Use Software To Help Me Manage Them?

“There is software that allows you to search for influencers and audit them to see if they are suitable for your brand, but then you have to maintain the relationship with them, adjust strategies, interact and see the conditions of the contract.

If the campaign is with one or two influencers, it is not a problem, but if you want to do a campaign with fifty influencers and send them the briefing, follow up and manage the payments, no software can solve it. “

What Benefits Do I Get From Hiring An Agency If I Am An Influencer?

“If you are an influencer with a large following, you need a representation agency, just like if you are an actor or a singer.

Agencies save a lot of management time, help you get more campaigns and take care of the contracts.

Usually, an agency takes a commission of 20 or 25% of the influencer’s income, but in return, you can get many more campaigns than you would have at your fingertips on your own.

In addition, it is a variable fee. If they don’t get you campaigns, they don’t charge you anything, so there is no fixed monthly cost. “

Also Read: Why Do Influencer Marketing?

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Operational Marketing – Responsibilities and Challenges Sun, 26 Dec 2021 07:16:22 +0000 The strategy guides our steps in making business decisions. Although it is not enough, it needs to complement the tactical approach. This is what operational marketing deals with, which is based on strategic marketing and data and comments collected in the field to implement concrete actions that help meet the company’s objectives in this area. […]

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The strategy guides our steps in making business decisions. Although it is not enough, it needs to complement the tactical approach. This is what operational marketing deals with, which is based on strategic marketing and data and comments collected in the field to implement concrete actions that help meet the company’s objectives in this area.

Operational Marketing – Role And Responsibilities

Operational marketing is beneficial for monitoring an organization’s marketing program and campaign planning. The fieldwork that is carried out daily makes it possible to collate the information that inspired the strategy and to introduce the adjustments that will make it possible to optimize its performance while avoiding failures.

In addition to performance measurement and reporting and data analysis; The effective adaptation that is achieved thanks to this function is critical—a fundamental contribution to achieving that focus on the consumer who makes the difference today.

Even though strategic marketing, which defines a general direction and long-term objectives, cannot be dispensed with, without the vision of operational marketing, it would not be possible to break down the goals into specific short-term action points or adjust them to the reality of the moment.

Based on the performance of actions and the feedback received, marketers can tailor activities over time.

Operational And Strategic Marketing Challenges

The strategic challenges require time to establish a mindset change, and it takes time to mature in people’s minds. However, the challenges related to operational marketing are the ones that take the most time.

Finding the balance in the resolution of one and the other is the key to success. Thus, to cite some of the most frequent, it should be noted:

  • Change your mindset. Sometimes it is necessary to adapt business models to align them with customer needs. In this chaos, building new team structures and dividing the vision and strategy into operational objectives, projects, and responsibilities may be required.
  • Build trust and interaction with the customer. When the plan moves away from the person, the results worsen. It is necessary to recover that focus and promote exchange, closeness and participation. This can be done through listening, learning, studying trends, and analyzing data.
  • Lack of information. The first step is identifying the data you need, followed by harmonizing the data. Today, the marketing area has structured, and unstructured data, raw and aggregated data, information hosted on-premise in its systems and data from the cloud. The complexity is unquestionable, but all this knowledge must be centralized, normalized, cleaned, and enriched to avoid biases, duplications, and quality problems.

The goals to be achieved are ambitious concerning the brand and its perceived value, but, fortunately, there are many tools available to carry out operational marketing actions that optimize the approach included in the strategy: direct marketing, advertising, digital marketing, inbound marketing and even more traditional, one-way methods like polling, advertising, and telemarketing. Everything can be combined to achieve the objective that our products or services are at the top of the mind of the clients.

Also Read: Content Marketing on LinkedIn For Branding and Customer Acquisition

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eCommerce – Golden Rules For Selling Legal Services Online Sat, 04 Dec 2021 19:20:04 +0000 Setting up an eCommerce for the online sale of legal services is not an easy task, and many mistakes can be made along the way. From the business model to the website’s design, claims policy, orders, shipments, and a thousand other things. Only a few firms are taking advantage of online sales / eCommerce, using […]

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Setting up an eCommerce for the online sale of legal services is not an easy task, and many mistakes can be made along the way. From the business model to the website’s design, claims policy, orders, shipments, and a thousand other things.

Only a few firms are taking advantage of online sales / eCommerce, using it as a complementary channel to the traditional relationship maintained with customers.

To make the eCommerce of your professional office profitable and an actual case of success, we have proposed to make this article that will examine one by one the ten golden rules or most essential keys to make an eCommerce move forward. We do so, taking into account both the economic and financial aspects and the marketing or usability of the website.

Ten Tips For Your ecommerce


One of the main concerns of any eCommerce is making buyers feel safe. There are still many people who have qualms when buying online, so there is little guarantee that can be given. An SSL certificate and secure payment methods are essential.

Accessible cart

Having the shopping cart accessible and accessing it and eliminating or multiplying products that we want to purchase. If this type of procedure is cumbersome, the interest in our eCommerce will decline, and the client will desist from proceeding with the purchase.


Having a rating of services and evaluations in online sales is essential. By seeing different opinions, customers will know how to choose better, and the store will give them more confidence.

Contact and return

Having a contact and return page is very important to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and feel that the store wants to sell and support you.


Loyalty is another of the strategies that eCommerce must pursue. In this place, it is a question of establishing discount programs for people who return to buy in our store. A satisfied customer returns.

Social Networks

One aspect that should not be neglected is that of social networks. Social networks are useful to inform about what we sell in our eCommerce, but, above all, they are helpful to attract new customers and interact with those we already have.

Avoid hidden charges

It is essential that when a person sees in our eCommerce that a product/service is worth € 15, they do not find that the shipping price is doubled. Customers penalize this.

Product sheets

In addition to the image and the opinions, it is highly recommended to have the technical characteristics of the product/service visible in our eCommerce. Not every purchase is impulsive, and having them help many make up their minds.

Simplicity of registration

Registration should be as easy as possible. In addition, it is recommended that you can configure a shopping cart and then proceed to the registration without losing the saved.


SEO continues to be one of the best options that one can choose when having an eCommerce dedicated to the online sale of legal services and getting the most out of it in search engines. SEO continues to be of vital importance since people continue to use search engines to find what they need, and that is why a good positioning can depend on whether our products work or not.

Also Read: eCommerce -Tips To Buy Products Online Safely

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What Is The Role of Animated Videos In Content Marketing? Mon, 15 Nov 2021 19:55:23 +0000 Content marketing, online marketing, inbound marketing, etc. are the commonly used buzzwords that many marketers use to boost their brand visibility and increase sales. Here one thing you might note is that content is the only activity based on all the marketing strategies. Suppose you are unable to create extraordinary and appealing content. In that […]

The post What Is The Role of Animated Videos In Content Marketing? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Content marketing, online marketing, inbound marketing, etc. are the commonly used buzzwords that many marketers use to boost their brand visibility and increase sales. Here one thing you might note is that content is the only activity based on all the marketing strategies.

Suppose you are unable to create extraordinary and appealing content. In that case, you might not be able to increase the customer’s attention span, which will further affect the brand reputation and sales. That’s where animated explainer videos come into the picture. Combining videos and content altogether will not only make your info more likable but also glue your audience to the screen. 

Animated videos have the power to engage the audience, entertain people, and explain complex concepts in a simplified way. Thus, if you also aim to educate, inform, and engage people, there is no better way to use videos in content marketing. 

Are you still pondering over the role of animated videos in content marketing? Need not fret! Have a look at the below-added reasons for using animated videos in content marketing. 

Reasons for adding videos in Content Marketing

Let’s begin…

Videos connect with different audience

Content is something that is commonly ready by different people from different locations. That’s why marketers are more concerned about sharing the content that people actually want to. No matter which type of audience you are targeting, incorporating a video in normal content adds value to your information which will further inspire the audience to react more readily.

According to the statistics, 78% of the people say that animated videos help them in generating excellent traffic to the website. So, if you wish to build a strong connection with the audience by posting good quality content, then don’t miss using videos in it.

Videos generate quality leads

Content and videos go hand in hand. If both are used correctly and in the right way, then it will not only boost the content quality but also increase the chances of converting visitors into leads. If your content is appealing, then visitors can easily make the decision to make a purchase, which further boosts the ROI. And this can be easily done through videos.

According to the research, 84% of customers say that just after watching an excellent video by a brand, they are able to make the decision of purchasing the products easily. So, if you also want to see a boost in your business ROI, then make the best use of video content marketing.

Videos are highly versatile

Another advantage of using videos is its versatility. No matter on which platform you post the content, videos are the one form that can be added without any hassle. As per the stats, it is found that 80% of the web traffic is coming from videos.

Suppose you want to build a strong presence on different social platforms like Facebook, websites, Quora, LinkedIn, etc. In that case, you can utilize videos easily; say, once you produce a full-length video, then you can further make its short clips that can be projected on different platforms in a new format.

Thus, videos are the easiest content style that can be utilized on different platforms to capture visitors’ attention without breaking the banks.

Videos are here to stay

Videos are one of the most emerging content forms that are helping businesses to reach their targets. Around 95% of marketers say that videos help people understand the products/services better. By looking at the analytics and demand of videos, it would not be wrong to say video marketing is a successful strategy that will be going to stay for many more years.

So, if you want to be at the top of the trends and get appreciable returns, then you can prefer providing details or information through entertaining and inspiring videos.

Videos explain complex concepts easily

I totally understand how challenging it is to explain the ideas through the text. Explaining the same ideas as per your imagination in the form of words is something that needs a lot of hard work. But with visual content like animated videos, you can easily pitch the right audience and can transfer the same message with ease.

Irrespective of any concept or analogy, videos will help you in sharing the best information which owns the ability to capture the right audience. So, if you are stuck somewhere in bringing any concept in front of people, then there is no better way than videos.

Videos open fresh channels

Last but not least, the advantage of using videos is gaining fresh channels of exposure. Videos are one of the most effective ways to spread information across different social media channels. According to the research, video content generates 1200% more shares and likes in comparison to others. 

If you post more shareable content, then the chances of increasing the visibility are also enhanced. So, start getting more exposure by opening fresh channels through videos. 

Prefer reading- The 13 Most Common Mistakes In A Content Marketing Strategy.

The Final Say 

Hopefully, the above points that are added above clearly explain why many successful businesses are more aligned towards animated videos. No matter which business you are running, having extraordinary videos will help you in creating emotionally driven sales without putting in much effort.

So, get ready to enter into a new phase of video content marketing and see a good boost in your results. Still, if you have any confusion, do share in the comments below.

The post What Is The Role of Animated Videos In Content Marketing? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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