finance Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Wed, 06 Dec 2023 15:49:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 finance Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Bitcoin Scams on Social Media: The Negative Side of Digital Currency Wed, 25 Jan 2023 09:56:00 +0000 Digital currency is another technical innovation when the entire world is moving toward some digital answer for practically everything and anything. Digital currency is money maintained in a digital wallet and may be transferred by the owner into a bank account to be converted into physical cash. Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are not the same as […]

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Digital currency is another technical innovation when the entire world is moving toward some digital answer for practically everything and anything.

Digital currency is money maintained in a digital wallet and may be transferred by the owner into a bank account to be converted into physical cash. Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are not the same as digital currencies. It is more challenging to recover from theft because it operates outside banking institutions and uses blockchain for verification.

Bitcoin Scams are increasingly exploiting new and traditional methods to steal money. Recent scams include Ponzi schemes, phishing, and rug pulls.

Even if bitcoin is a recent trend, crooks steal via traditional means. here in our article we clearly explained What is Bitcoin and the types of bitcoin scams.

There are four types of Bitcoin scams.

To target victims and demand Bitcoin, there are four primary sorts of Bitcoin scams, each of which uses a different payload.

Bitcoin investment schemes:

Scammers will approach potential investors while posing as seasoned “investment managers.” As a part of the scam, the so-called investment managers make extravagant claims about their success investing in cryptocurrencies and assure their victims that their investments will be profitable.

The con artists demand payment up front to begin your trade. The crooks then steal the upfront payments rather than assisting traders make money. The scammers may also request personal identification information falsely stating that they need it to transfer or deposit money to the user’s account.

Bitcoin phishing impersonators:

Phishing methods are still employed often despite being around for a while. For example, Bitcoin Scammers send emails with malicious links to a bogus website to collect personal information, such as the private key for a bitcoin wallet.

Users of digital wallets only receive a single, unique private key, unlike passwords. However, a lost private key makes it challenging to recover lost bitcoin. Since each key is exclusive to a wallet, a new wallet must be made to change this key.

Bitcoin flipping scams:

These schemes can promise to instantaneously convert Bitcoins into cash once you pay a setup fee or may guarantee a fast return on your investment. Unfortunately, bitcoins are stolen, and the other side of the deal is never kept. Money-flipping schemes, which target bank customers and use a similar low-risk strategy, pays off for con artists when used in large quantities. Authorities have confirmed that these scams have also been the subject of heavy reporting in the past. Scammers are successful because they may use social media for advertising their con to thousands of unwitting prey.

Bitcoin pyramid schemes:

The end outcome of these frauds is the same as the more egregious Bitcoin flipping incidents mentioned above; the con artist eventually takes off with the victim’s stolen Bitcoins. This tried-and-true concept depends on multi-level marketing and high-yield investment schemes. In these evil schemes, a small initial investment can be increased by enlisting other participants through referral links. Then, new members are urged to repeat the process. Before long, the fraud has attracted hundreds of victims. The pyramid eventually comes to an end when the initial con man leaves.

Social Media Scams Using Bitcoin And Their Reach:

You may recall the months and weeks of 2017 when rumors began to spread in the market that a single Bitcoin was more valuable than the value of gold. After that, they discovered that several Bitcoin frauds were being disseminated via social media platforms.

There are countless URLs for Bitcoin scams.

These are not the only ones constituting as the main threat. There were URLs working towards Bitcoin scams and requesting direct interaction through phone or DM.

You’ll eventually realize that the proprietor is a con artist.

The social media landscape is filled with con artists. Several social media posts are widely circulated without even being independently verified.

Thus, it is best to avoid falling into the trap—research Bitcoin investments exclusively on reliable websites and platforms. Always remember that Bitcoin is not like a fraud, although you may run into several social media platforms and people who are solely out to con you.


  1. Don’t believe anyone who promises to offer you Bitcoin or assists you in mining it. Again, there’s a reason why cryptocurrency giveaways and bad Bitcoin behavior fake is shared on social media and other online platforms by the thieves.
  2. Clear URLs linked to social media profiles promoting unbelievable Bitcoin bargains.
  3. Exercise caution while interacting with official Bitcoin brokers’ or trading platforms’ social media profiles since traders frequently fall prey to convincing impersonations.
  4. Never send money via direct messaging on social networks, whether with Bitcoin or another currency.
  5. The Bitcoin Scam has become so widespread that you could consider approaching Bitcoin scams recovery companies to recover your funds. Most victims resort to these experts for assistance and successfully recover from such scams. Inform them that you are aware they defrauded you, that you are filing a complaint about them with the appropriate authorities, and that you will do everything within your ability to recover Scammed Bitcoin.


You are now aware of the social media Bitcoin frauds. However, not everything you see on social media is fraudulent or incorrect. We’re trying to say that you shouldn’t make investment decisions on social media.
Instead of spending your time watching news channels to find out what well-known investors and business people are saying about Bitcoin, research your investment and stay cautious. Always keep in mind that if something looks too fantastic to be true, it probably is.

Also Read: Will The Metaverse Become The Most Significant State?

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How To Make Sound Investment Decisions Tue, 01 Mar 2022 07:29:36 +0000 At this point in history, it is clear that, unfortunately, money does not grow on trees. On the contrary, getting hold of large sums of money can become complex. One of the ways to multiply money and achieve financial success is through investment; it is for this reason that making sound investment decisions should be […]

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At this point in history, it is clear that, unfortunately, money does not grow on trees. On the contrary, getting hold of large sums of money can become complex. One of the ways to multiply money and achieve financial success is through investment; it is for this reason that making sound investment decisions should be one of the first necessary things to learn in life.

But What Is Financial Success?

So that financial success does not become a utopia. It is important to define what financial success means because, unlike what many think, it is not about being a millionaire.

Financial success is a series of continuous actions that balance the income received, lifestyle, and quality of life. Patience and consistency are keys to achieving financial success, as the road can seem long and difficult. However, one of the most relevant factors is the will because it becomes necessary to change the mentality of spending for that of investing.

That is why investing is one of the main aspects of personal finance, because it allows you to maintain purchasing power and even increase it in the long term. However, to invest, the first step is to save and plan.

Before The Investment – Develop a Financial Plan.

A goal without a plan is like a car without an engine. Having a strategy becomes even more important with financial goals since saving or investing can become frustrating if there is no clarity on how to achieve it.

A financial plan begins by identifying and quantifying the available financial resources and becomes a powerful tool with which it is possible to face expenses and allocate capital to save and invest. Financial plans can be carried out at a personal or business level and require constant evaluation to make the right decisions according to current information and the short, medium, and long-term goals.

What steps must be followed to develop a financial plan?

Current Status Review

The components of a financial plan are usually: income and expenses. Revenues are money inflows, while expenses are outputs. The expenses can be derived from everything required to generate the payment, or they can be associated with maintenance and fulfillment.

Extracting all the information about the panorama of monthly income and expenses is the first step in developing a financial plan. This makes it possible to identify the main sources of income and how they are being spent.

A very useful recommendation for this exercise is to classify the expenses. Some of the most used categories are:

  • Monthly fixed expenses: the payment of services, payment of debts or loans.
  • Occasional expenses: these are not made every month, but that do have a periodicity, for example, annual renewals of service or membership.
  • Unscheduled expenses: are those that arise from unforeseen events.
  • Ant expenses do not arise from any unforeseen event, nor are they periodic. They are usually impulsive or for pleasure, such as buying tickets for a concert sweet, among others.

Once all the information is collected and organized, it is possible to carry out actions that help reduce expenses.

Define An Economic Goal

The goal may be to save or invest. If the objective is to keep, it is important to specify what you want to save for because this will determine the goal you want to achieve at the monetary level.

If the objective is to invest, other purposes are also derived, such as how much profit you want to achieve and in what period to determine what the goal in money is.

Plan And Stick to The Plan

With the above information, the next step is to create a plan to reduce expenses to achieve the stated economic objective with current income. Here begins the most complex part, and that is to respect and stick to the plan. This will allow you to meet the objective and obtain greater satisfaction and peace of mind when investing.

Now that the plan is ready, what is the next step?

Identify The Investor Profile.

The popular saying goes: “each one, with each one.” This means that there are investment products according to the investor profile of each person. The investor’s profile determines the amount and type of risks that are willing to take, but other factors come into play to identify the investor’s profile. Some of the most relevant are:

  • Age and stage of life you are in
  • Income and savings capacity
  • financial responsibilities
  • financial knowledge
  • Investment type of interest
  • Desired profitability and expected time

With these characteristics, the types of investor profiles are defined. There are three that are usually the most used:

A Bold or Aggressive Investor

It is usually associated with young people because they are not afraid of risks and seek the highest possible return. They are generally single, between 30 and 40 years old, and economically solid; for this reason, they have enough solvency to invest in products that offer the highest profit.

They prefer investment portfolios in which they combine equity funds, short-term debt and long-term debt, shares of companies in the capital market or raw materials.

Moderate Investor

He is a balanced profile, he is willing to take risks when necessary, but he is cautious when making decisions. You want to maximize your profits while maintaining a balance between safety and profitability; For this reason, he is not afraid to take some losses, as long as it increases his chances of additional returns.

They are usually parents with stable income and moderate savings capacity. In general, they prefer a combination of debt instruments (bonds) and equity funds, the latter to a lesser extent.

Conservative Investor

This profile avoids risks at all costs. Their wealth grows much slower because they seek more stable earnings that do not put their savings at risk. It is common for this profile to be associated with retired people. However, anyone can be a conservative investor since people who do not have very high incomes also opt for this alternative.

Although they prefer to avoid risks, sometimes this type of investor can lose performance if inflation is not considered.

The types of products are usually those where they can know their profitability. That from the first moment. That is why they typically choose debt securities, term deposits, or savings accounts. Your portfolio is generally split between 70% equity in a debt fund and 30% equity in a hedge fund.

If you want to maximize capital or obtain extra income thanks to the investment, this type of investment is not the most recommended.

Also Read: FinTech – The Technological Revolution In The Financial Industry

How To Choose The Right Investment Instrument?

There are endless options to invest, which is positive because it is possible to find the investment that best suits the investor’s profile. On the other hand, it also adds complexity because, with so many options, the risk of making a wrong decision is greater.

For this reason, the first thing to make the right investment decisions is to find out about each of the available investment instruments. Identifying the investor’s profile can already give a clear idea about the type of instrument to choose; however, the main aspects that must be taken into account are:

  • The amount available to invest
  • Desired return
  • Degree of risk willing to assume
  • The term in which you want to obtain the profits.

The Capital Market Is a Wise Investment Decision.

Moving away from traditional instruments such as time deposits can be considered risky, or even complex or unknown. However, it is an option that allows you to obtain a much more attractive return and offers other benefits, such as choosing the type of investment you want since the investment alternatives are varied and with a guarantee of fairness, transparency, and equality. Of opportunities.

The capital market, also known as the stock market, is the place where company securities are traded, with different levels of risk, which depend on whether it is an investment of:

Fixed Rent

The conservative investor profile prefers this type of investment. The rent is fixed because it promises a reward that depends on the agreed interest and time. To make a fixed-income investment, debt securities are acquired.


Bold investors tend to choose this type of investment, and it does not promise a reward that can mean great risk and a great profit. This investment materializes through the acquisition of shares of a company, and the return is obtained by investing in shares of companies that promise amazing growth.


They are agreements to buy and sell financial assets on a specific date and price, and their value is derived from the cost of another purchase.

You can buy a security that is tied to the price of oil. If the cost of the asset goes up, so invests.

Other Considerations That Must Be Taken Into Account

In general, the capital market has financial specialists who can guide people to make sound investment decisions. However, it is important to be familiar with the main terms used to have greater clarity about the type of transactions that are being carried out and the implications of each one.

Investment Liquidity

It refers to the quality of the assets to be converted into cash without this affecting its value. Time is an important element for the liquidity factor of the investment, and therefore, there are investment instruments with different types of liquidity.

Payment of Intermediate Flows

Investment instruments pay intermediate flows, others at the end, and some may even be unknown.

It is important to consider when you want or need to receive cash flows when investing.

Market Access

Depending on the type of market, there are restrictions for transactions with financial instruments. In other words, it is important to understand what the possibilities are to buy or sell in the primary and secondary markets.

Value Units

Investment instruments may be expressed in different value units such as UF, IPC, US$, among others. Depending on the investment objective, some investors may prefer devices in dollars or other value units.

Investment Taxation

There are some financial instruments in which taxes may affect earnings, either because it is necessary to pay a tax or because the yield generates tax benefits.

Investing Is a Habit For Financial Success.

Investing and saving is a habit that requires a lot of discipline and will. However, its benefits translate into financial success and, therefore, peace of mind and economic stability.

Working with money and growing is also a way to ensure retirement and family well-being. Therefore, the invitation is to begin as soon as possible to change the mentality of spending to one of saving and investment.

This applies to both the personal and business spheres. There is a great business opportunity in the capital market and investment instruments; For this reason, everything seen above can be taken on a large scale to increase capital and equity.

Diversifying your investment, seeking advice and training from financial experts, as well as entering the capital market is the best way to start making the right investment decisions.

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What is a Non-Licensed Vehicle? Fri, 28 Jan 2022 07:58:24 +0000 When traveling on the road, there are many different types of vehicles that we encounter. There are different cars, motor homes, motorcycles, and sometimes even bicycles. There can be some confusion when you get into an accident when it comes to an unlicensed vehicle and a non-licensed vehicle. So, what is the difference between an […]

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When traveling on the road, there are many different types of vehicles that we encounter. There are different cars, motor homes, motorcycles, and sometimes even bicycles. There can be some confusion when you get into an accident when it comes to an unlicensed vehicle and a non-licensed vehicle. So, what is the difference between an unlicensed vehicle and a non-licensed vehicle?

Unlicensed Vehicle

An unlicensed vehicle, according to code publishing, is any car, truck, van, motor home, camper, trailer, motorcycle, or another vehicle that is not displaying a proper, current proof of licensing from the state of license plate issuance of any vehicle not bearing license plates.

Every car owner needs to make sure they’re following the legal rules of their state. Drivers need to make sure they have a valid driver’s license, proof of liability insurance, and valid vehicle registration. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to traffic citations and fines. When you don’t have valid vehicle registration, you are driving an unlicensed vehicle.

Non-Licensed Vehicle

Non-licensed vehicles, however, are different methods of transportation that we see when we’re on the road. Most of these vehicles stick to the sidewalks, but some of them have their lanes on the road. These non-licensed vehicles include skateboards, bicycles, and scooters. These methods of transportation are very common in a lot of areas but can also provide a lot of hazards if the driver isn’t paying attention.

Typically, these methods of transportation each have their lanes on the road that drivers should adhere to when they’re out on the road. If a bicycle ever ventures out of its designated lane, however, the road can become crowded. Any sort of distraction can cause an accident and endanger lives. For this reason, it’s important for both non-licensed vehicle drivers and car drivers to make sure they’re fully focused on the road in front of them and where they’re going.

Most of the time driver accidents are caused by smartphone usage and the driver isn’t paying full attention to the road in front of them. Even a split second of distraction can lead to an accident.

Encountering a non-licensed vehicle shouldn’t be a problem unless you end up in an accident with one. If you are ever in an accident with a non-licensed vehicle, make sure you look for the right kind of representation. To ensure you are properly protected, you should consult a lawyer and he or she can advise you on whether or not you can file a non-licensed vehicle lawsuit.

Also Read: How to Choose the Right Life Insurance Policy for Seniors Over 70

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The Digital Workplace In Finance Departments Tue, 21 Dec 2021 08:27:39 +0000 Employees spend too much time looking for things every day, and information on documents and processes is difficult or impossible to access. The digital workplace or the digital workplace can connect specialist systems such as ERP applications with ECM systems in finance departments. This enables you to use information faster and better. Providing information in […]

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Employees spend too much time looking for things every day, and information on documents and processes is difficult or impossible to access. The digital workplace or the digital workplace can connect specialist systems such as ERP applications with ECM systems in finance departments. This enables you to use information faster and better.

Providing information in the right context and using it directly in business processes involves more than just managing data. Essential content is also contained in the associated documents. This is where Enterprise Content Management (ECM) comes in as part of a digital workplace in finance and controlling. This means that information such as important contracts and documents is managed in a structured manner. Still, their use is also supported by direct provision and a link with the business processes.

Digitization Of The Financial Sector = Direct Access To Information

How Important It Is To Make Information Directly Available In The Digital Workplace Of Finance Departments

The change in working methods and the use of the software is reflected in the increased expectations of users in companies. Information and documents should be provided, processed, and forwarded quickly, everywhere, securely, and in a needs-based form, ideally via a digital workstation designed to meet the needs of the respective employee: in (or the department).

The connection between the various types of information is also particularly important in finance and controlling. Data from specialist systems and evaluations must be linked to documents and processes and used jointly. In addition, support for overarching processes such as invoice processing must be ensured. To meet these requirements for digital provision, various aspects relating to a digital workplace in the finance department must be taken into account.

The core idea of ​​the ECM has always been to combine information from different sources and in different formats. Contents are linked via metadata and displayed as required (e.g., supplier files, customer files, project files, contract management). This original idea from the ECM also goes into the idea of ​​the digital workplace.

In digitization and emerging digital technologies, the volume of information to be taken into account continues to grow – more and more sources, data, and documents have to be taken into account in this context. More and more modules are used for automatic classification and keywording to process this flood of information. By analyzing the texts, the content is classified, metadata is extracted, and automatic forwarding or even processing is enabled.

In this context, data preparation and data cleansing are also very important. The information must be classified reliably and in the right context. The management of versions and document status helps to use the current and correct content.

In the finance sector, it is helpful to link the documents with the data and processes from the specialist systems via a central digital workstation. Master and movement data from ERP systems provide the basis for day-to-day work, and various specialist processes are also often mapped here.

However, it has been shown repeatedly that additional tools and content are required for certain tasks, which are based on this information and can be made available to employees in a department via the Digital Workplace in finance departments.

For example, it is possible to digitally provide supplier files for managing contracts, correspondence, or other documents. ECM systems are also often used for cross-departmental processes such as incoming invoice processing. Their functions are made available via the digital workplace, as not all involved in the departments (e.g., approvers) have the necessary ERP licenses and the knowledge to operate them.

The Course For a Functioning Digital Finance & Controlling

The needs-based support of document use and process processing via the digital workplace in finance departments requires appropriate technical and organizational measures. Large files as pure data diggers are being replaced by information stores with structured content.

The corresponding metadata models must be defined, implemented, and compared with data models from existing specialist systems such as the ERP system of the finance department or the CRM system of marketing/sales.

This is the only way to achieve meaningful, targeted, and cross-system use of data and documents in the sense of a digital workplace. For this reason, master data management and data sovereignty are also key issues in projects that focus on ECM systems and the digital workplace in finance departments.

At the same time, information handling is also changing, and the responsibility for recording and maintaining them is increasing. The reason for this is that, for example, ECM is integrated into the overall solution of the Digital Workplace in finance departments, and companies only work properly if the information is recorded early, correctly, and following the defined target structure (system-supported).

The use cases and tasks must be specified accordingly to enable rule-based support for employees through software solutions. Various questions have to be solved: What? Where? For what (processing context)? The design of these logical models for the storage, distribution, and use of information is sometimes relatively complex and brings great benefits in later use.

Also Read: Process Mining In The Digital Workplace – Knowing What Is Happening

Use The Potential of The Digital Future!

ECM, as one of the software solutions of the Digital Workplace for finance and controlling, combines information, processes, systems, and employees: inside the department and the entire company.

The systems offer the technical options and functions for implementation. However, the organizational framework must also be created for a successful implementation. Creating a well-designed digital workplace can eliminate the break between digital work in the ERP system and the paper folder in the closet.

It must be possible to work quickly, flexibly, and directly with all information, digitally and regardless of location: data, documents, and processes at a central workstation.

For users in the finance department and all other areas, this means getting involved in a different way of working. The digital workplace can be equated with a paperless office, and it must be recognized as a clear advantage and implemented accordingly.

The task of management is to develop a clear vision and create the framework for its implementation. The advantages for the individual and the entire organization should become clear very quickly.

A digital workplace in finance departments is an opportunity for better handling of information and at the same time the possibility to work faster, easier and better across departments. Think about how your finance department or entire company can benefit from the integrated digital workplace.

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Five Common Financial Mistakes In Business Administration Thu, 25 Nov 2021 06:19:07 +0000 Doing a business project is not an easy task. Before embarking on the adventure of undertaking, it is convenient to have some basic knowledge about business management and administration clear. You should know that undertaking is not a bed of roses and making mistakes, especially initially, is something familiar. But we must bear in mind […]

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Doing a business project is not an easy task. Before embarking on the adventure of undertaking, it is convenient to have some basic knowledge about business management and administration clear.

You should know that undertaking is not a bed of roses and making mistakes, especially initially, is something familiar. But we must bear in mind that many of the errors that can make a business project fail are found within the financial sphere.

To help you develop your financial intelligence and bring your business to fruition, we have selected some of the most common financial mistakes in business administration. Take note!

Lack of Liquidity

Lack of liquidity is a problem that many SMEs and entrepreneurs face, and it is that having good start-up capital is not always easy. Although there are grants, subsidies, accelerators, or incubators, it is difficult to get enough funding to start strong in most cases.

To solve the liquidity problem, it is essential to anticipate and control the treasury. In addition, you should try to know the creditworthiness of your clients and be clear about the difference between your personal and business finances.

We Are Not Controlling Cash Flow.

Hand in hand with the previous point, another critical aspect in business administration is cash flow control. And is that to measure the capacity we have to face expenses, debts, investments, or unforeseen events, it is essential to know at all times how much cash the business has.

It is best to apply a series of strategies to ensure that more money comes in than it goes out. In this sense, collecting your bills as soon as possible and limiting your expenses will be essential. Remember that the only way for your project to survive is by generating liquidity.

Bad Planning

Designing a good business plan is critical when embarking on the adventure of entrepreneurship. It is essential to plan both the initial and the expenses in the short, medium and long terms. Of course, we must make this forecast with our feet on the ground, adjusting as much as possible to reality.

One of the primary axes that guide business administration is efficiency. Creating a financial plan that allows us to predict the company’s economic viability is a critical factor in dealing with unforeseen events and ensuring the success of the project.

High Fixed Costs

Having fixed costs that are too high is another of the most common financial mistakes. A problem that can put the financial planning and liquidity of the company at risk, especially when we do not achieve the expected income.

Nor can we forget that we must deduct costs and taxes from income. At this point, good tax management is essential, and the best way to keep complete control of taxes is to know the fiscal calendar. In this way, we will know when to declare taxes ( VAT, Personal Income Tax, Corporation Tax …).

They Are Not Investing In The Business. 

When we generate profits and make money, we risk forgetting about the business instead of continuing to bet on it and reinvest in the project. Keep in mind that a company needs constant investment. Otherwise, you will be limiting both the success of the business and its growth.

Also Read: When Do Business Systems Need To Be Supplemented With Planning Systems?

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What’s the Difference Between Cryptocurrencies and Stocks? Mon, 18 Oct 2021 06:06:14 +0000 Part of planning for your future is finding a way to earn passive income. For many people, this means putting their money on investments that will grow in value over time. If you’re a retail investor who’s currently looking for a new asset to invest in, stocks and cryptocurrencies are likely on your list of […]

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Part of planning for your future is finding a way to earn passive income. For many people, this means putting their money on investments that will grow in value over time. If you’re a retail investor who’s currently looking for a new asset to invest in, stocks and cryptocurrencies are likely on your list of options. Owning stocks and cryptocurrencies can certainly help you build a stable and more diverse portfolio, but it should be noted that these two assets can be quite different from each other. Here are some of the key considerations that you should think of when choosing between these two:

Asset Category

Stocks, like cash and receivables, are considered financial assets. The middle ground between real and intangible assets, financial assets are liquid assets that have a stated and documented value. The documentation can come in the form of a piece of paper or computer file, and it can be a claim of ownership of an entity or a contract declaring one’s right to payment. In particular, stocks have no expiration date, so they can be held indefinitely or sold to others.

Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, are often classified under intangible assets or assets that lack physical substance, though some people also insist that these are likely security, which is a financial instrument. The truth of the matter is that the technology behind cryptocurrency is still changing and far ahead of the standards that financial institutions currently use, so it exists in a gray area.

The values of intangible assets are recorded at acquisition cost or the price that the owner paid to own them. You need to use a digital wallet if you’re planning to dabble in cryptocurrencies. If you’re investing in Monero (XMR), you have to use the best Monero wallet— is a good option—to store the units you’ve acquired. The way these assets are categorized can have a big impact on your portfolio, as this will determine the level of risk you assume and the financial responsibilities you need to fulfill with every acquisition.

Ownership and Possession

Stocks are issued by specific groups, and compared to cryptocurrencies, owning this type of asset is a more stringent process. Stocks are created as a means to raise funds for a company, and they are expected to turn a profit. Before they’re made public, stock offerings must first be cleared by government agencies and undergo auditing. After that, they can be traded on investment applications, and retail investors can buy shares sold by the companies they favor. If you want to cash out, you have the option of selling your shares at a good price to another investor.

Cryptocurrencies are founded on the idea of decentralized finance, so the process of acquiring digital coins isn’t as restrictive. As long as you have capital and the digital instruments needed to trade and store digital coins, you can acquire tokens from your preferred currency and trade them as well. If you want to cash out your crypto investment, it’s likely that you have to make multiple trades to do so, especially if you’re aiming to exchange them for fiat money.

Level of Volatility and Assumed Risks

In general, stocks are a much safer investment than cryptocurrencies. This type of asset is backed by public and private institutions, and there are laws and regulatory bodies that are aimed to protect the rights of the investors in case something goes awry during the process. Also, this asset type has a significant impact on the economy. As such, it’s unlikely to see high levels of volatility on stock prices unless there are significant events that are influencing the business itself or the general economic activity.

In contrast, cryptocurrency investors have to deal with high levels of volatility and numerous risks, and this can be a bane or a boon for investors. Early adopters of crypto tokens like Bitcoin, for example, have seen their capital grow multiple times in the past decade. From just about USD 1 per unit in 2011, a single Bitcoin now costs around USD 57,000. Monero also used to be available at USD 13 in 2017, but these days, the coin’s price ranges between USD 110 to USD 500.

Those who have put their money into these currencies when they were still at rock-bottom prices and held on to their investments were able to increase their profits significantly. However, it’s worth noting that there are tens of thousands of cryptocurrencies in the market today, and it’s highly likely that some of these currencies will not thrive. As such, investors who put their money on digital currencies should be careful when choosing the coins they want to invest in.

What are your financial plans, goals, and strategies? If you want to play it safe and enjoy the protection offered by laws and establishments, then putting your money on stocks seems like a good fit. If you’re willing to take on more risks for the chance of getting better rewards, then crypto should make a good addition to your portfolio.

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10 Tips for Easy Home Loan Approval Wed, 25 Aug 2021 08:35:53 +0000 Getting the perfect home is imperative, but so is getting the appropriate home loan. There are around 50+ lenders in India who are willing to provide home loan facilities. This increases the perplexity of the people, and they often get confused as to whom they must choose to get a home loan. Since a home […]

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Getting the perfect home is imperative, but so is getting the appropriate home loan.

There are around 50+ lenders in India who are willing to provide home loan facilities. This increases the perplexity of the people, and they often get confused as to whom they must choose to get a home loan.

Since a home loan requires a long financial commitment, you must get a home loan well-suited to your needs and preferences.

Hence, to help you make an informed decision, we have listed ten tips that will help you find the right home loan.

Start by Saving Funds for the Down Payment.

Planning your finances before you apply for a home loan is essential. You must build a monthly budget and start saving a set amount accordingly. This amount saved will assist you in paying your home loan’s down payment.
Also, the down payment may vary from 2.25% to 20% of the home’s acquisition cost. However, this can differ as per the type of loan and the lender you choose.

Monitor Your Credit Score

A healthy credit score draws an excellent deal on home loans as it assures the lender of your creditworthiness. To get a higher credit score, you must possess an excelling economic history. Also, if you wish to get a home loan at an attractive interest rate, your credit score should be more than 750.

Keep Your Financial Documents in Place.

When planning to get a home loan, you’ll need to provide various financial documents to your loan lender. Having these financial documents ready before applying for a loan helps you expedite the processing of your home loan application. At the most, you will require your bank statement, salary slips and filed income tax returns.

Utilize a Home Loan Calculator

Home loan calculators are crucial tools that help you understand how much of a loan you can afford to repay and check your home loan eligibility. This will further help you check the monthly instalments, interest rate, and many more related factors to make an informed decision.

Compare Multiple Offers

Never get tricked by loans with a comparable interest rate, as countless factors make one home loan more costly than the other. Hence, always consider distinct factors like points, fees, and many more that decide the loan amount.

Get Pre-Qualified

Pre-qualification is an intelligent way to understand how much you can borrow and what price range you must look at while making a purchase decision for a house. Hence, it is better to apply for a pre-qualification to increase the chances of loan approval.

Learn About Different Loan Options

Every homebuyer has different financial conditions, and the kind of loan you choose must depend on this. As a result, it’s essential to check out different options to find one that suits you best.

Browse Through the Documents Thoroughly

While endorsing the home loan document, ensure that you examine every clause mentioned in the loan agreement. Also, understand all the terms and stipulations wholly before accepting them.

Respond to Your Lender Promptly

When you apply for a home loan, always be prompt in replying to your lender’s communications. This is because late communication can delay the entire loan approval process.

Keep the Credit Score Consistent Throughout the Loan Processing

To increase the odds of your home loan approval, you must ensure having a consistent credit score throughout the home loan approving process. Hence, do not make any financial transaction that lowers your credit score.

In Conclusion

By keeping in mind the tips listed above, you can increase the odds of getting your home loan approved quickly. However, never rush into decision making and check your home loan eligibility before applying for the loan from your preferred lender.

Also Read: Financing – 5 Ways To Finance a New Business

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A Brief List Of Forex Brokers Mon, 05 Jul 2021 04:06:23 +0000 In the foreign exchange market, Forex brokers play a very crucial role. A good broker should be able to provide valuable information and knowledge to the traders who come to them for advice. The Forex broker is the one responsible for transmitting the important information from the central bank to the trader. The information has […]

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In the foreign exchange market, Forex brokers play a very crucial role. A good broker should be able to provide valuable information and knowledge to the traders who come to them for advice.
The Forex broker is the one responsible for transmitting the important information from the central bank to the trader. The information has to be accurate and up to date at all times. Most of the traders end up losing money because of the inefficiency and non-availability of the information.
If you are into Forex trading, you must find a trustworthy and reliable Forex broker to know how does forex trading work. To do this, you need to understand a few things about the brokers and the different types of services that they can provide you with. Here are some tips that can help you choose the best brokers in the market.
There are different kinds of brokers that you can choose from. There are specialized Forex brokers who deal in only certain currencies. For example, some brokers deal only in Euro/USD or in USD/CAD. You must know the currency that you will be exchanging before choosing the type of currencies that you will trade.
Since the trader can increase the amount of money that he/she will trade, this can become very advantageous. However, if the trader increases the level the amount of money that will be traded will also increase, thus creating more profit opportunities.
The forex trading robot can perform trades even by simply sitting at home. When your account balance reaches a certain amount, the program will transfer the trade to your live accounts. FAP Turbo can be used by traders with smaller account balances. Most of the brokers that offer this feature will require that you have a minimum cash account balance.

Best Forex Brokers For The New Era

Forex brokers offer traders the chance to trade in their system, but these are often used by scalpers or day traders who have many trades each day and are looking to make quick profits. Forex charts often use a Fibonacci formula that can be used to determine the trend of the future, which is why it’s so important to be using the right forex brokers for short-term trades. Here are the top forex brokers for short term trading:
When looking for forex brokers for short-term trading, it’s important to consider both of the things that make a broker a good one: their service, and their ability to give you a good platform to trade with. A good broker will make it easy for you to start trading with their platform by offering you a free demo account so that you can practice everything that you need to know before risking any of your own money. In addition to having a demo account, the forex brokers that offer these services will also let you trade with a minimal amount of money, no matter how much you want to trade.
In addition, most brokers now offer scalping as well as pips, which are the promotion of small trades to make a large profit in a short period. Finally, brokers now offer a free platform where you can practice trades without any risk of losing real money. This makes forex trading for beginners easy.
A good foreign exchange broker will also make it their policy to provide support in the form of training, tips, and tutorials. This can be one of the most important factors in your choice of a Forex broker.
The free online brokerage firm focuses on offering traders a variety of options that allow them to trade with ease and make profits. They have created software that allows traders to set limits on their trading accounts and even get live quotes at any time. Their platform is not only secure but fast as well, making it possible for them to handle thousands of trades each month.
The foreign exchange brokerage firm has low costs and high security, providing clients with low costs while ensuring that their information is kept as safe as possible. In addition to having low costs and high security, they are very accessible, allowing traders to talk to them through phone or chat.
This is an excellent way for any trader to gain exposure to the global markets. This is because, aside from covering the major markets, this forex broker also provides market overviews that provide insight into economic data around the world. This helps traders determine where the market is going next and how it’s likely to affect their investments. In addition to this, the city index will also provide a trend analysis that gives traders a comprehensive view of the market in the next two to four hours.
The final factor that a forex trader should evaluate is the bid price. When a trader inquires about the bid price for a certain trade, he is inquiring about the going rate for a certain currency pair. However, the bid price is not always the price paid by the trader.
Occasionally, the bid price is far higher than the asking price, particularly if a specific currency has recently had a significant rally or market meltdown. Therefore, if a person wishes to profit from forex trading, he or she must first determine the profit potential of selling an established currency, rather than attempting to anticipate the bid price of a currency.

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Financing – 5 Ways To Finance a New Business Tue, 29 Jun 2021 10:36:49 +0000 If you need financing to carry out your project, there are currently various solutions to start a business. Today we talk about some of the most common, and we are sure that they will help you balance your viability plan. Five Types of Financing For Companies and Freelancers Financing a business project is not exactly […]

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If you need financing to carry out your project, there are currently various solutions to start a business. Today we talk about some of the most common, and we are sure that they will help you balance your viability plan.

Five Types of Financing For Companies and Freelancers

Financing a business project is not exactly easy. Above all, if you do not have enough savings and self-financing is not a viable option. Depending on the project and the phase you are in, there are several financing options. From signing up for crowdfunding to requesting a loan from the bank, so you can choose the way that best suits you according to your needs. Next, we will see some of the most common among entrepreneurs.

Bank Credit

Bank loans or credits are one of the most common forms of financing in our country. Banks offer various options, depending on the interest rate, the repayment period, or the grace period. If you decide to opt for this type of financing, you must analyze all the variables very well since you will have to repay the credit whether you are successful or not.

Another option that you can turn to is microcredit. This type of loan is granted only to people with a lower level of resources and who do not have enough collateral to access credit. In general, they can go up to 25,000 euros.


Factoring is also a good alternative to funding. It consists of the assignment of the collection rights of the pending invoices to a specialized entity, and, in exchange, the company immediately obtains the money from said operations.
In this way, the bank or financial institution manages the collection of invoices, assuming the risk of the operation and allowing the company to obtain liquidity. In addition, outsourcing the collection management allows the company to direct its efforts and resources towards more relevant tasks for the growth of the business.

Debt Financing

Another way to start your dream business is via debt financing, which is the process of loaning money from banks or institutions. There are different advantages of getting a mortgage to start your enterprise, but one key factor here is that the interest you pay on debt financing can be claimed as tax deductions under your business expense. While this may require more paperwork and background check, this is the most secure way to acquire the initial investment to start your business.


Crowdfunding, also known as crowdfunding, is a form of collective and collaborative funding, bringing together the entrepreneurs who need funding with potential investors interested.

Normally, these investors or ‘patrons’ usually make small contributions, but very numerous, since many people can contribute in exchange for rewards, shares, or participation. But crowdfunding is not only useful for raising funds; it is also a very interesting marketing tool and serves to test the business model.

Business Angels

The Business Angels are private investors, usually entrepreneurs, besides capital, who also contribute their knowledge and experience to guide the project and get future results. In these cases, financing can reach 250,000 euros, so it is expected to see a return on investment in approximately five years.

Another financing option is much like venture capital or venture capital, although in this case, the operation is performed through Venture Capital Companies (SCR). These companies usually invest in startups with innovative projects and high-risk potential in exchange for a percentage of the company

Subsidies or Public Aid

Another means of financing is to resort to subsidies and aid that the public administration makes available to entrepreneurs. Normally, to access these aids, it is necessary to meet a series of requirements. Some of the most popular are an aid for self-employment, for young people under 40 years of age, women entrepreneurs, and innovative companies.

Also Read: Do You Know What Is electronic Banking?

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7 Largest Investment Management Companies Worldwide Fri, 25 Jun 2021 15:35:13 +0000 A lot of people are investing a portion of their earnings today through an investment management company.  These companies ensure that investors have the tools and systems they need in controlling their investments. There’s a lot of investment companies that allow investors to manage their assets right from their platform. Each of these investment company’s […]

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A lot of people are investing a portion of their earnings today through an investment management company.  These companies ensure that investors have the tools and systems they need in controlling their investments.

There’s a lot of investment companies that allow investors to manage their assets right from their platform. Each of these investment company’s services differs from each other based on the features and services they offer to investors based on avatrade review. As an investor, you need to ensure that the investment management company you use their services for investing suits your investing preferences.

What Investment Management Companies Do?

There’s no doubt that you are wondering about how they make their money? Investment management companies make their money by charging investors transaction and maintenance fees based on the services they offer. The fees they charge can vary independently based on each company.

Even at that, their services are very useful for investors in making money. Each of these investment companies provides different investment options like Stocks, Bonds, CFDs, and others. Most of these companies also offer trading services to investors who prefer trading forex. You can read about forex trading from thinkmarkets review.

Here’s the list of 7 largest investment companies worldwide:


Blackrock was introduced in 1988 as an investment company. They provide different varieties of investment options to investors. They have been in the business for a long time with good records as one of the largest financial companies in the world. Blackrock allows you to invest in stocks, bonds, and others.

The Vanguard Group

The Vanguard group is very popular because of its mutual fund’s services. They are a passive investment company that allows money to be placed in mutual funds. The Vanguard Group offers different varieties of trading features to allow investors to enhance their trading experience. Unlike other investment companies, the Vanguard Group provides a unique and different type of service.

UBS Group

The UBS Group has been active for a long period as a regulated investment company since 1998. They have been offering different varieties of investment services, which makes them the perfect choice according to investors. Their enhanced trading services are very lucrative for generating an increased amount of income. They started in Switzerland but now have a lot of subsidiaries in other countries.

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State Street Global Advisors

The State Global Advisors was introduced in 2017, as a regulated financial company. They offer the perfect tool for managing investments. They are a very popular investment company in the world, ranking 4th on the list of the largest investment management companies worldwide.


Since 1890, Allianz has been operating as a multinational financial company in Germany. They offer different varieties of services to investors around the world. They offer a lot of investment opportunities to investors through insurance and asset management.

Capital Group

Capital Investment Group is an investment bank that’s very popular in America. They offer engaging investment services to investors around the world. They are among the oldest investment companies.

Fidelity Investment

Fidelity investment is a low-risk investment company that gives investors and traders the opportunity of making money on their platform. Fidelity investment has been the top investment company in the US for a long time now. They offer both desktop and mobile services to both investors and traders. In the past few years, they have been nominated as the best investment platform around the world.

However, apart from them, there are other investment companies and brokers like FXchoice. You can check the FXchoice review here.


A lot of people are investing a portion of their earnings today through an investment management company. These companies ensure that investors have the tools and systems they need in controlling their investments.

Also Read: How to Choose the Right Life Insurance Policy for Seniors Over 70

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