IOT Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Thu, 16 Nov 2023 10:50:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 IOT Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Internet of Things [IoT] – Simple Gadget or The Start of a Revolution? Mon, 30 Aug 2021 07:33:26 +0000 The race for connected objects will profoundly change business value chains. A new acronym has invaded our social networks: “IoT” for “Internet of Things” (Internet of Things) and all its variations (“Connected objects,” “Quantified self,” “Internet of Everything,” “Cloud of Things,” “Industrial IoT“…). When we talk about the Internet of Things, the examples that immediately […]

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The race for connected objects will profoundly change business value chains.

A new acronym has invaded our social networks: “IoT” for “Internet of Things” (Internet of Things) and all its variations (“Connected objects,” “Quantified self,” “Internet of Everything,” “Cloud of Things,” “Industrial IoT“…).

When we talk about the Internet of Things, the examples that immediately come to the general public’s mind are usually refrigerators, televisions, or connected street furniture. The reality is more comprehensive. Today there are a host of more or more minor exotic applications: tires, shoes, skis, tennis rackets, scales, light bulbs, WCs, toothbrushes, showerheads, thermostats, wine cellars, cat litter …

On the business side, the objects in question essentially impact their equipment (energy meters, internet boxes, waste containers, rail infrastructure, advertising panels, etc.) and sometimes on employees and customers themselves via the sensors they embed or host.
Even though the Internet of Things may be seen as just a fad at first glance, it would be a mistake to reduce it to that. It is more like an unavoidable phenomenon for two reasons:

1- The Race To Get to Know Business Customers and The Rise of New Practices Among Specific Individuals

Companies have embarked on a vast process of acquainting their customers with the – a priori virtue – to offer them more suitable offers and products. This customer knowledge certainly requires better use of the available tools (contractual and commercial data, customer journey on the web and social networks, cookies, etc.). Still, it can also be developed thanks to the data generated by connected objects: these are Google’s approaches with the takeover of Nest (manufacturer of connected thermostats) or Axa with its connected bracelets offered to 1,000 policyholders. Individuals are not left out. They increasingly appreciate measuring their parameters (health, water consumption in the shower, number of tooth brushings, etc.) to compare themselves, to improve,

These two trends make the meeting between supply and demand more than probable, with a new logic: “Company exchanges playful and desirable object against valuable data.”

2- The Opportunity For Companies To Better Control Their Costs

Beyond this customer knowledge, companies face another challenge: better control of their resources and expenses thanks to connected objects. This is particularly the case in energy, where the generalization of Smart Meters indeed allows the energy ecosystem to imagine and offer new services and for distributors to better understand their networks in real-time and better plan investments, maintenance, and interventions. This is becoming the main lever for the digital transformation of companies because there are very significant sources of gains there.

Don’t Underestimate The Inherent Threats.

While the Internet of Things represents a significant opportunity, we should not lose sight of the fact that it also includes risks, which must be anticipated.

Threat 1: The Security of Goods and People

Having a real-time view of the activity of the inhabitants of a dwelling… It is the dream of every burglar. Penetrating the piloting bodies of thousands of connected devices is becoming a new El Dorado for hackers. Today, the corresponding object is perceived as a gadget by its holder but as a source of information for a malicious organization: it is therefore naturally through these objects that the next significant cyber-attacks will come.

Threat 2: Increasing Complexity, a Source of Industrial Risks

While the technologies seem sufficiently robust to consider industrial deployments, their complexity, mainly linked to the interoperability of different protocols (Bluetooth, low wifi energy, CPL, 4G, etc.), remains a hard point. Standardization initiatives are in their infancy, and it isn’t easy to know which technology to invest in. 

This complexity creates a real divide for individuals, of course, but even more so for companies that already today have great difficulty in controlling all of their equipment and their interdependence. The IoT will generate a higher degree of complexity (thousands of sensors/actuators speaking different languages, risk breakdowns compared to sound old mechanical systems, etc.). Talented resources in Industrial IoT will quickly be insufficient, which is already seen in major Smart Meters deployment projects from digitogy

Greater Porosity Between Products and Services

In the future, service providers (insurers, energy distributors, etc.) will have to extend their business model to upstream equipment. Conversely, hardware manufacturers will have to raise their services thanks to the data they can benefit from. Business value chains will therefore be profoundly modified. However, it is rare for prominent industrialists to have prepared for this revolution. The winners will be those who have anticipated and put in place – in time – new modes of development in digital codes (partnerships, test & learn, open innovation, etc.) and who will have been able to develop their skills in the technical and underlying security.

Also Read: Strategies For The Adoption Of IIoT In Industries

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4 Components Of Digital Transformation For Electronic Industry Sat, 03 Apr 2021 14:01:46 +0000 For the past few decades, the word digital transformation is taking place in the world. Every industry is shifted towards digitization to get effective and efficient solutions in their management. The electronics manufacturing industries have got huge benefits for digital transformation, and it is connecting them with the rest of the world. Before moving further […]

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For the past few decades, the word digital transformation is taking place in the world. Every industry is shifted towards digitization to get effective and efficient solutions in their management. The electronics manufacturing industries have got huge benefits for digital transformation, and it is connecting them with the rest of the world.

Before moving further to this post, we need to understand what exactly the term Digital Transformation means.

In 2011, CapGemini collaborated with the MIT Center For Business to determine the mean of digital transformation. The researchers from MIT and Capgemini stated, “The use of technology to radically improve the operations and enhance the businesses’ reach.”

The definition can be broad, but it is clear from the definition itself that digital transformation can create huge impacts on organizations’ operations. We can conclude that the researchers want to say only digital transformation can enhance the business’s reach. If the world connects everything using digital transformation, parallelly, PCB assembly is also getting popularity after digital transformation. The electronic industry is getting a big jump after compiling technology in their manufacturing process and got several solutions in a single go.

To connect Printed Circuit Boards in the technological world, some components have created a network to connect to the world’s rest. Let’s have a deeper look at these components that are transforming the electronic world.

Mobile Phones

We all know how mobile has permeated into influencing the people. The companies are taking advantage of this awesome device and promoting their products through mobile devices. Nowadays the advertisements are also created while keeping mobile in the minds.

Mobile became a foundation tool for companies to better reach the rest of the world without even leaving their seats. The CEOs can connect directly to the potential customers and influence them using mobile devices.

Let’s take an example to understand the thing efficiently if an organization wants some effective solutions in electronic operations and wants to install Cable Harness Assembly to promote their products. They can go with mobile devices and can find several manufacturers in the world. It will give them ease to get smart solutions directly from the best manufacturers in the world.

Cloud-based services

Companies are compiling cloud services to manage data and provide effective solutions to their clients. When clients are searching for Panel Mount Assembly, manufacturers can use cloud-based systems to provide the prototype and 3D model of the device. It creates an easy-to-understand model and helps the manufacturer to prepare some effective strategies in Turnkey PCB assembly.

The Economist found in research that 78% of cloud services have enhanced the manufacturing world’s services and will reach new milestones in the next 5 years. The world is shifted to digitization, and everyone is connected to cloud-based services to find effective solutions in minimal time.

Also, cloud services have enabled manufacturers to enhance organizations’ productivity and create an effective way of promoting the services. Many organizations have felt that cloud services have enhanced the flexibility and agility of the manufacturing process in the company.

IoT (Internet of Things)

IoT is the latest trend in the PCB world, where manufacturers use some effective components while manufacturing the PCB build box. Manufacturers can provide effective solutions to the companies and connect with the rest of the world using IoT components in the manufacturing process of PCB build Box and other PCB assembly processes.

IoT has enhanced the visibility of the products and operations. All the manufacturers’ components in the PCB assembly are related to IoT nowadays, enhancing its operations. The electronic world is getting connection due to the IoT devices, and they are the most crucial components to transform digitally.

The insights themselves show that IoT is the revolution in the digitization process of the electronic world. Every electronic device is now capable of running billions of network systems through them using IoT.


Just imagine a world where every company is using robotic devices to manage some critical operations. Electronic industries are now using robotic devices by compiling AI and Machine Learning into the system. It is creating a better impact on the operations of the companies.

Robotic devices can go with every situation and help manufacturers understand the design and process in the assembly.

Final Words

When the world is moving at this much huge speed, electronic devices are a crucial part in taking this speed to the speed of light. After digitizing the electronic world, everything is getting fast operations, and the companies are getting enormous benefits. The use of smart electronic devices has created a better impact on the world, and everyone can connect themselves to the rest of the world.

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The IT security Trends For 2021 Mon, 22 Mar 2021 10:17:40 +0000 The corona pandemic not only accelerated digitization projects and transformation processes in many companies. This rapid development revealed gaps, grievances, and the need for optimization in IT security concepts and strategies at several nooks and crannies that affected companies must now face before they reach critical proportions. That is why five experts from Micro Focus […]

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The corona pandemic not only accelerated digitization projects and transformation processes in many companies. This rapid development revealed gaps, grievances, and the need for optimization in IT security concepts and strategies at several nooks and crannies that affected companies must now face before they reach critical proportions. That is why five experts from Micro Focus are now giving an insight into the IT security trends for the coming year.

Crisis reveals security gaps

It is no longer a secret that the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated the digital transformation in the majority of companies. In many companies, however, the topic of IT security was often neglected in favor of moving quickly to the home office. Rather, they focused on keeping their operations going, which circumvented or simply ignored security controls during the transition to new models. Like a front door left open, this makes it particularly easy for cybercriminals to access the networks. In view of the prevailing problems, controls are still not a high priority and, in the worst case, will only be tackled when a security incident occurs. This attitude has to change in the coming year


Shift-left approach for a higher level of security right from the start

DevOps has almost completely replaced the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) disciplines of the Change Advisory Board (CAB), which were responsible for the risk analysis of new codes before they were incorporated into the production process. In the coming year, companies must promote the identity governance of DevOps teams and integrate a risk assessment into the CI / CD pipeline

IoT security is becoming more and more important

Although the manufacturing industry, in particular, is increasingly relying on IoT environments, the security aspect often falls by the wayside in such a highly networked environment. IoT original equipment manufacturers and security providers will have to increasingly address this existing gap in the near future. Even if providers of modern IoT security solutions work closely with original equipment manufacturers to consider the security aspect throughout the entire IoT development and production process, legacy IoT remains vulnerable to weaknesses. Under these circumstances, the services of managed IoT security providers – including the protection of legacy devices until they are replaced – are becoming more and more popular. “

Mainframe security is more important than ever

“There are still companies today who rely on mainframes to run transactions and business-critical applications. But in view of the increasing number of cybercriminal or security-related incidents and the constantly changing legal requirements, the security of the old mainframe computers is at stake. Most organizations have adequate security measures in place for other systems, but they find it difficult to apply them to their mainframe environment. The expansion of security to the mainframe infrastructure – including access control via multifactor authentication, data protection, and endpoint protection – will be high on their agenda for many companies in the coming year. “

Also Read: Cybersecurity Errors Of SMEs In 2021

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These Technologies And Digital Trends Will Influence The Market Thu, 11 Mar 2021 13:45:57 +0000 Technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and blockchain have sparked the imagination of insurers over the past five years.  In the past, where smart technologies could be adapted, there was too often a lack of profitability, a sparkling business idea or customer acceptance. The view of the insurance industry is therefore […]

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Technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and blockchain have sparked the imagination of insurers over the past five years. 

In the past, where smart technologies could be adapted, there was too often a lack of profitability, a sparkling business idea or customer acceptance. The view of the insurance industry is therefore characterized by subdued euphoria for 2021 when it comes to the notable breakthrough of technologies. However, leaps in development are to be expected. Some technologies will be used more and more methodically by insurers. Other technologies will at least influence the industry and its business and bring about one or the other novelty.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing

Dark processing, both in application processing and claims processing, has the greatest chance of making a mighty leap in 2021. The advantage of RPA over other technology approaches: Insurers do not have to make any drastic interventions in their ongoing processes. Small successes can be achieved quickly without having to set up large IT projects. This brings relief, but no breakthrough in operational efficiency.

In this regard, much greater effects can be achieved with the digitization of application routes and the fully automated cancellation processing. Automated underwriting also has the chance to become more widespread in 2021. Insurers will increasingly rely on standard covers in order to be able to implement end-to-end automation without traditional underwriting. In the case of major risks or tenders, AI solutions are so advanced that they support the process and significantly shorten it.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things, especially the industrial one, has the greatest potential for real market innovations. For example, the IoT is creating new business models such as pay-per-use. These rental models of machine capacity create new risks that have to be insured, such as failure risks. In 2021, more industrial insurers will also calculate usage-based policies – similar to telematics tariffs


The number of e-cars will increase significantly in 2021. This means that insurers will change their car tariffs. It will be more complicated to clarify how components interact and which manufacturer or supplier is liable for a defect or control error. In addition, defective batteries often lead to total write-offs. Insurers, together with manufacturers and authorities, will deal with these challenges more intensively in 2021 than this year. In addition, insurers will jump on the e-car train and start with special safeguards, for example the inclusion of certain components in the insurance cover or the assumption of the disposal costs for the battery.

Naturale Language Generation (NLG)

Even in reporting processes, AI is on the verge of relieving more and more monotonous work. Insurance companies are facing more and deeper tests by BaFin and other authorities. The trigger for this is, for example, the Wirecard affair. Insurers must also provide information on solvency and financial position (SFCR) on a regular basis in a page-long report. The data are unstructured in the insurers’ IT systems. Currently, an average of five employees take care of turning this data into written reports. With the help of NLG, an AI sub-area, natural language text can be automatically generated in very good quality – faster and more efficiently than humans would be able to do. In addition, the technology is suitable

5G, fiber optics, autonomous driving

World is facing a boom in investments in digital infrastructure and technologies. These projects are extremely interesting for insurers because they promise reasonably good and, above all, sustainable returns in times of low interest rates. In 2021, these technologies will thus indirectly gain relevance, namely as investment objects.


When using chatbots, insurers go through a maturation process. We’re going to see some small developments. However, completely bot-based communication via the website, as with Lemonade, will hardly establish itself as a standard. However, the lockdown as a result of the corona pandemic has certainly worked like a magnifying glass that changes in communication are necessary and possible. It can be assumed that by 2021 more insurers will not only use chatbots for written communication, but also take more of the workload off their call centers. The real added value will arise when customers complete their concerns together with the bot, i.e. when a chatbot also automatically changes the address, creates the contribution information or provides information on the status of a claim.

Technologies will primarily help with the renovation in 2021

One thing is clear: by the end of 2021, insurers will be more digitized than they are now. The progress will probably also be more noticeable than in the previous year. The current corona pandemic has played a major role in this. However, real disruptive effects are not to be expected. Above all, technologies will help improve processes, optimize IT and thus ensure cost efficiency. This competitive advantage will become significantly more relevant in all industries. In addition, technologies will help insurers to evaluate larger amounts of data in real time and thus support them to take existing business to a new level. Real technology-driven market innovations in the form of revolutionary policies and business models will be seen sporadically in 2021.

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Strategies For The Adoption Of IIoT In Industries Mon, 08 Feb 2021 08:48:01 +0000 The impact of the IoT on our society and on the technological developments to come is enormous. The increasingly connected society will see how, in a few years, services that seem to be taken from science fiction novels will proliferate. We will also see autonomous cars circulating in our cities, and much more. It happens […]

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The impact of the IoT on our society and on the technological developments to come is enormous. The increasingly connected society will see how, in a few years, services that seem to be taken from science fiction novels will proliferate. We will also see autonomous cars circulating in our cities, and much more.

It happens that whenever we talk about the Internet of Things, we paint a future full of these solutions, of smart cities in which pedestrians gain ground over vehicles, with smart buildings, and much more. We forget that, on many occasions, IoT solutions will go unnoticed by the majority, as is the case with IIoT, the Industrial Internet of Things.

The IIoT focuses exclusively on industrial applications, such as chain production, manufacturing, or processes in the agri-food industry. In other words, we remove all products for domestic applications from the connected equation and focus on increasing process efficiency, health, and safety.

How can the industry take advantage of this technology? What strategies are the most suitable for its adoption?

IIoT adoption strategies

First of all, a little clarification: IIoT has existed in industries for more than half a century. Since then, industries, factories, and factories have sensors connected to computers, dedicated to collecting data and recording it for analysis. That is the basic principle of the IIoT, and also of the IoT. Today, with other technologies combined and with better sensors, we can go further (and we coined an acronym), but the basis of everything is older.

Consider IIoT at the edge

In the past, adding a single sensor could be cost-prohibitive. The normal thing was to use sensors and actuators in specific areas, related to critical safety equipment, for example. Today, the reduced costs of new technologies allow IIoT to be applied on the periphery, where it was not profitable before.

The IIoT has benefited from low-cost sensors and cost savings of ownership as many of its workloads migrate to the cloud. In addition, it is much easier to analyze the data thanks to machine learning.

Use hidden sensors to reduce costs and control downtime

The low cost of today’s sensors invites them to be used in places that were traditionally supervised by human operators, such as a packaging or assembly line. If a small glitch occurred in those chains that stopped the process for, say, 15 seconds, manually recording that glitch could be a hassle (and not done).

By introducing low-cost sensors that can help monitor these small, almost unnoticed failures, we will gain information that will allow us to optimize those processes. The profitability, in those cases, is enormous given the low investment in components.

Going for the Cloud to reduce equipment ownership costs

Among the many benefits of the cloud is undoubtedly cost savings. We’re not just talking about the initial deployment, but also the cost of infrastructure ownership. In this way, companies can capture IIoT data without the need to employ specialists or invest in expensive on-site equipment.

No need to implement a complete IIoT strategy from the start

As in many cases, a progressive approach is often much more interesting and efficient than tackling a complete transformation in one step.


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Top Trends In Technology In 2021 Fri, 15 Jan 2021 09:00:00 +0000 The year 2020 is presented as a key period for technological development and the advancement of digital transformation processes of companies and institutions. How will these developments influence and what trends in the telecommunications sector will be key in the coming months? Learn more in this post. Trends in the telecommunications sector in 2021 What […]

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The year 2020 is presented as a key period for technological development and the advancement of digital transformation processes of companies and institutions. How will these developments influence and what trends in the telecommunications sector will be key in the coming months? Learn more in this post.

Trends in the telecommunications sector in 2021

What are the main trends in the telecommunications sector that will lead the way for digital transformation? How will the new technological advances (Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Blockchain…) influence from the point of view of telecommunications? Know the forecasts of the experts on this list.

Artificial Intelligence

Until recently it seemed like a concept for the future, but the reality is that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two of the main trends in the telecommunications sector and in their application to companies. From the most basic aspects such as chatbots to the most advanced Machine Learning processes for companies, Artificial Intelligence is already present in the day-to-day of companies, regardless of its size.

How is all this change going to influence the telecommunications sector? From decision-making and customer relationship processes to the possibility of calculating and anticipating companies’ spending on contracted services.

The influence of Artificial Intelligence affects all levels of society and, in this sense, some experts point out that it will be key to improving the efficiency of the services provided, as well as optimizing mobile and fixed networks.

Arrival and implementation of 5G

If you doubt one of the great trends in the communications sector in the coming months will be the arrival, implementation, and development of 5G technology, which, as a test, is already being tested in several Spanish cities. Do you know the 5G implementation schedule in Spain?

5G is, undoubtedly, the lever on which the path towards the digital transformation of companies will be supported and, in this sense, the impact on the telecommunications sector will also be important, since the main operators They have been preparing this moment for months, which, among many others, will promote changes in the shared use of networks and new formats of services to clients and companies.

Internet of Things and its applications in the Smart City

Closely linked to the development of 5G in the development of the Internet of Things and its applications in the Smart Cities environment. According to forecasts, an exponential growth in the number of connected objects is expected in the coming months, which, according to experts, can reach 20,000 million in the medium term.

The development of IoT is, without a doubt, one of the major trends in the telecommunications sector in the coming years, both from the point of view of service coverage, the creation of specific networks of connected objects, or the development of proprietary platforms. to cover companies and promote the development of entrepreneurial initiatives, such as from the point of view of the telecommunications sector itself, where important changes are expected.

Edge computing or ‘Edge computing’

The boost and proliferation of the Internet of Things and the huge amount of data that will be mobilized through 5G will bring, according to experts, the development of Edge computing systems, another of the trends in the telecommunications sector. in which the focus is placed for the coming months.

Deployment of ultrafast networks

Over the next few months, the deployment of ultrafast telecommunications networks will intensify and will allow a significant improvement in Internet access and data transmission speed. The objective is none other than to boost connectivity in small towns or points with difficult connections, as well as the development of new productive spaces linked to Industry 4.0.

In this sense, the deployment of ultra-fast telecommunications networks is a priority issue for the European Union, which, through the ERDF funds, has promoted calls for aid throughout the European territory.


Blockchain is another of the great technological challenges of the immediate future. The technology of the ‘blockchain’ will also mean an important change in the field of telecommunications both from the internal point of view (real-time monitoring of communications, consumption, and billing, as well as fraud prevention), as from the point of view of the services and security possibilities that will be offered to customers by the operators.

Big Data and Deep Learning

We close this list of trends in the telecommunications sector for the coming months with the obligatory reference to Big Data and Deep Learning processes. What impact will it have on the operators? From an internal point of view, experts point to optimization of services and cost savings thanks to much more reliable and real-time information.

In the same way, the application of this technology will affect the services of storage, analysis, and automation of processes.

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List of best business internet providers in the USA Wed, 30 Dec 2020 08:44:55 +0000 Businesses need stable and dependable internet connections to run their operations smoothly. A successful venture must be able to depend on their internet service provider’s reliable and smooth operations. A glitch, however small it may be, can be the deciding factor behind your business’s success or failure.While you research for an internet connection that may […]

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Businesses need stable and dependable internet connections to run their operations smoothly. A successful venture must be able to depend on their internet service provider’s reliable and smooth operations. A glitch, however small it may be, can be the deciding factor behind your business’s success or failure.
While you research for an internet connection that may suit you the best, make a list of your requirements. How much speed and data will you need for your business to prosper should be your topmost priority. Whether you’re a small home business owner or a large enterprise, a secure internet connection means, great productivity with optimum services.
There is a multitude of telecom companies that are offering various services and plans. You can get a pre-planned package or choose a customized solution as per your company’s need. Let’s look at a few pointers to help you decide what to look for and how to go on about achieving it.

Who to select and how?

  • Check for the provider’s availability. All ISP’s do not provide services in all areas of the U.S.
  • Look at the kind of connection that you may need by focusing on the number of employees, number of presents and prospective clients, and the kind of functions your business is set out to perform. That will help in choosing a package that most efficiently fulfills your demands.
  • If your company has a few functions that can be dealt with, with a lower bandwidth then you don’t have to pay extra for a high-speed connection. In case you’re a venture with various areas and departments and have a long list of employees with varying degrees of responsibilities and obligations, a good speed with unlimited data may be your only hope.
  • Once you have decided on the ISP and the package, be very careful with the terms of the contract. There may be hidden fees or rules that may put you in a bad place if you ever decide to cancel your subscription. Look for flexibility.
  • Once you’re done with all of the above, try finding the ratings of the companies through customer reviews. This will be extremely helpful in finalizing the deal.

We’ve selected a few internet providers which we thought were providing the best services which can cater to most of the businesses. We took into account the availability of the connection, its speed, price, plans and packages, ratings, and flexibility.

Also Read: Low-Cost Social Media Management Services for Small Businesses

Verizon Fios Business plan

  • Verizon is offering its consumers 5 internet plans.
  • The download speeds range from 75 Mbps to a maximum of 940 Mbps.
  • Its price starts from $64.99 a month during the first year, $69.99 for the second. Then on the higher side, the price starts at $214.99 a month through the first year and $224.99 for the second.
  • These prices do not include equipment charges or any kind of fees.
  • It’s not good if you are looking for a no-contract plan but that can be managed if necessary. Verizon’s contract lasts for only two years and requires customers to pay a cancellation fee that is just 35% of the monthly fee for the rest of the term.
  • Another downside is its limited availability. You can find it in only a few metro areas in about 9 states along the East Coast.
  • It has the best customer satisfaction rating among all its other contenders. 

Spectrum Business internet

  • Spectrum is offering three internet speeds to its consumers. They start from 200 Mbps, from that it goes to 400 Mbps, and then reaches a maximum of 940 Mbps.
  • The prices are extremely affordable though, which is a plus that goes in the favor of Charter Spectrum internet, starting at $44.99. You can check the rest of their prices and plans by clicking on the link and entering your business address. Offers may vary in different areas.
  • An upside to Spectrum is that all their packages are contract-free. Moreover, since they are available in almost 44 states across the USA, most of you can find their services available in your area of choice. You can grow and expand your business while flying free.
  • They get some mixed sort of reviews from the customers. So do try and read their fine print in detail before buying their services.
  • All in all, Spectrum is a great, budget-friendly way to start your company with.

Comcast Business internet

  • Comcast stands out among its competitors due to its high-speed. It offers the maximum fast-speed of 1 Gig or 1,000 Mbps. They deliver on their promise of outstanding download speeds.
  • Its data plan’s business bandwidth starts from 25 Mbps and goes to 300 Mbps.
  • They offer a pro packed feature for their Business connection. If for any number of reasons, your connection is disrupted, Comcast will shift you to a 4G LTE backup that will be wireless.
  • To get an exact quote about their pricing for your business, provide them with your address.
  • The downside to Comcast is that there is a 2-year contract. Additionally, their cancellation is also a little on the high side according to their customer’s reviews.

Frontier Business internet

  • In case you’re a small business, running your operations out of your home, and do not want to invest too much on the internet, Frontier may be just right for you.
  • Although the speeds offered by Frontier are the slowest, ranging from only 7 Mbps to 40 Mbps, their bundle deals are priced low.
  • Any small store or service can benefit greatly from this because such low speeds will not pose any threat to your business.
  • Their most budget-friendly deal includes Business Max plus Voice service at 7 Mbps with free Wi-Fi router and installation as well as a business phone, costing you $49.98 per month in a 2-year contract.

These were just a few of the ISPs that we think will benefit most people no matter how big or small their business needs may be. Try keeping a focus on flexibility as your requirements may get bigger once your venture starts expanding.


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Top Most Business Opportunities In The Technology Sector Wed, 23 Dec 2020 06:30:50 +0000 1) Internet The great boom comes from two different lines: social networks and cloud computing. Both are two technologies that are in full development, almost at the peak of the market curve, and yet they will still give a lot of room to create businesses or transform one into operation. Cloud Computing The cloud is […]

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1) Internet

The great boom comes from two different lines: social networks and cloud computing. Both are two technologies that are in full development, almost at the peak of the market curve, and yet they will still give a lot of room to create businesses or transform one into operation.

Cloud Computing

The cloud is one of the most revolutionary advances in recent times: it allows all our digital content to be hung in a foreign space, and it saves us server and device costs.

In cloud computing, we are experiencing several phases. The first has been the creation of highways and cabinets to transfer all the information to the cloud, in the first case, and to store it, in the second. Now it is a question of seeing how this enormous amount of data is computed. And in this management, above all, three fields are opened:


This concept, which literally refers to the transmission to a point, is linked to the technologies that allow to speed up and cut the response speed. At present, technologies are already being developed that allow any so-called fool mobile to access in real-time any content that we have stored in the cloud, from videos to presentations. This is a breakthrough that can improve content management in companies and also streamline transactions in electronic commerce.


Security in the cloud is crucial for this trend to take hold. Numerous companies are emerging here that are developing software designed to ensure the security of cloud computing transmissions. IBM has just created a technology that also makes it possible to perform and analyze operations in the cloud with encrypted data without the need to decrypt it. That is to say, it allows computing encrypted information. This can be crucial to ensure security not only in information management but also in monetary operations.

Big Data 

It is related to cloud computing, but it transcends its limits. Since the launch of the Network, huge amounts of information have been uploaded and there is a lot of information in transit. Now, it is about seeing what we do with all that data and that is where a multitude of business opportunities can arise. And it points out two main areas.

Data mining:  it is about developing business models that allow giving value to that data, doing what is called business intelligence, to be able to discriminate what information really interests me and what doesn’t. Companies are like crazy to know their social media, how they are perceived, what their consumers think of them. So all those business models specialized in Internet data analysis have a great future.

Monitor that data:  be able to create directories that allow me to store the data that interests me and replicate it on all devices.

2) Social networks

It is an area that is exploding and generating a new market and a new way of relating to people that can generate numerous opportunities. And among those that are already being detected, we can highlight the following:

Intranets 2.0

Before, consumer technologies were a derivation of the military or professional world, as happened in its day with GPS; now the opposite phenomenon is taking place, and technologies that were started for mass consumption are being transferred to large organizations, such as social networks. And he gives us an example of the use of Intranets which are corporate social networks: It is an increasingly widespread phenomenon and there are already Spanish companies, such as Syncro, that are developing it. These types of systems allow workers to share information.

Open Graft

It is a Facebook tool that allows you to categorize the information that is on the network so that it is more intelligent and can connect more things more efficiently. Very useful for e-commerce.

Remaps It 

allows you to make a history of your tastes and the sites you visit on the Internet, but also makes it easier to put it in relation to the preferences of your friends. It has been created for Facebook but opens up endless possibilities to do CRM in any company. In addition, to set preferences, it also allows you to connect to any page that appears on Facebook from your own IP.

Social Commerce

is related, precisely, to that Remap technology. Now what is proposed is to use social networks as virtual commercial establishments, so that if you buy something it allows you to see how many of your friends have acquired that and where. It is the prescription taken to the extreme.

3) Environment

In this regard, the key is in the search for technological energy efficiency, whose pillars are supported by servers with lower emissions and reduced maintenance cost, cheaper energy production, greater autonomy of the devices, and, of course, energy savings.

Green Computing

There is a growing trend that combines technology and environmental concern. Its aim is to develop more efficient, smarter servers that pollute less, with fewer emissions, and require fewer maintenance costs. Any business model that focuses on this technological energy efficiency is going to have a great boost in the coming years.


Concern for the environment and the development of electric vehicles is driving the development of technologies that make it possible to produce energy cheaply. And within them. Those that are being promoted the most are solid lithium batteries, which allow greater autonomy and faster recharging, both for electric vehicles and for all kinds of electronic devices, such as androids or smartphones that consume battery very quickly.

Smart Grid

It is a kind of network that relates the elements that consume energy with those that produce it to manage energy efficiently. At the moment, it is developing among large consumers and producers (city type), but it has many fields of application: companies, buildings, and industrial estates, among others.

4) Mobile universe

90% of the businesses that are emerging in Silicon Valley are related to the mobile world – smartphones, tablets … – to the point that there is already talk of Smartphone Valley. What is being promoted the most are:

Internet access

The appearance of the entire generation of smartphones, androids, tablets, ipads are revolutionizing the concept of physical access to information and the future involves developing technologies and software that allow access to the Internet both from these devices and even from the television from home or from any other appliance. There are already companies, such as Samsung and LG, that are betting on televisions that connect to the Internet by default. Here there may be a great vein and we are already beginning to talk about the television of the future, the so-called Smart TV, which will also allow interaction or even condition the development of a television pilot in real-time, for example.

Development of ‘apps’

Smartphones allow you to download up to 1,000 apps (applications that you download from your mobile) per day, compared to the dumb mobile, which only allows 48. The expansion of the former allows us to anticipate a great explosion of apps. Within these applications, there are all kinds: games, tools, programs, calorie counters, keystrokes … There are free and paid, but it is clear that to achieve critical mass and be able to overcome the limitation of the real state or space physical, you have to start by offering it for free but with a premium version. The world of possibilities that opens up is infinite because the mobile allows you to develop as many applications as there are on the web: reservations, ticket purchases, tickets, access to content …

Two-dimensional codes

The mobile phone tends to be used to connect stores and offline presences. For example, at GAP they have developed two-dimensional codes to access certain information by bringing the mobile closer to the codes that appear on the garments. They also do it at Sephora so you can access product samples. And what they do is create layers of information that are superimposed.

Coupons Technologies are spreading that allow you to send discount coupons to customers who are nearby so that they can exchange them at your establishment or even associate them with the credit card to exchange them at ATMs or similar. 

Mobile payment It is the revolution that should have already arrived, since the technology that is applied, the NFC, has been on the market for a long time. The problem is that there are still a few devices that have it incorporated. 

5) Geolocation

Every time we are going to know more where our clients are at all times, which will allow us to make offers about the brand. Here two very clear trends are detected:

The ‘smart cities’

The so-called smart cities. More and more technologies are being developed that allow interconnecting, through mobile phones and the Internet, the different city services with each other and with a central unit, which automatically detects when a glass container should be emptied, for example, or when a fault has occurred on a sidewalk.

Augmented reality

It is one of the most popular technologies. It consists in that you record, photograph or simply focus on something with your mobile and the device automatically locates where you are, adds layers of information. This, applied to certain businesses, can open up an infinite world of possibilities in the field of marketing, prescription, and distribution, because, as Franc Carreras affirms, it will allow “creating a virtual copy of your company. Imagine, for example, how powerful it can be in an amusement park.

6) Biotechnology

Moore’s Law states that computing capacity can double every two years. If this is important in any field, “in genetics where everything is governed by the speed and price of genetic sequencing, it is fundamental. for moneo, three technologies will have a strong impact.

Chromosome separation

Technology has recently been developed that allows the separation of chromosome pairs, which opens the door for the development of biological health, food industries …


genomes The first reading of a cancerous genome, which will allow, in the future, to create a database of all cancers, with the implications it may have for developing curative, palliative, and other techniques. 

Biological computer

The creation of the first biological computer: at the Institute they have managed to write an entire genome and inject it into a cell and make it live. It is the first synthetic cell in history. It is the idea of ​​the minimum cell that will allow creating all kinds of tissues, corneas, bacteria, pigments … The possibilities in the world of food, chemistry, and health are endless.

7) Internet of things

It is a bit of the technology that is applied in smart cities but in homes. The aim is to develop sensors in household appliances that connect the devices to a central unit, so that, for example, the refrigerator not only says off or on, but is able to automatically connect with the technical service when it detects a fault, determine when to change the coolant or notify the user that they need to buy more food. Another option is to install sensors that are readable through mobile. We are already seeing it in industrial applications such as water meter readers or vending machines that notify the headquarters of the need to replenish merchandise, but it still has a long way to go.

8) Intelligent tissues

Link technology with something as homemade and as traditional as clothing. We are seeing projects, which are already developing products such as laptop cases that automatically recharge the battery, T-shirts that allow images to be projected, or shoes that connect to the mobile’s GPS.

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In 2021 Companies Will Make The Final Leap Towards Digitization Mon, 21 Dec 2020 06:41:03 +0000 Augmented Reality and its development in industrial and corporate environments will also experience exponential growth over the next year, along with remote work solutions, which in turn will transform the way companies hire and train their employees. personal. New ways of understanding telecommuting, a collaboration between employees, and the arrival of new technologies that will […]

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Augmented Reality and its development in industrial and corporate environments will also experience exponential growth over the next year, along with remote work solutions, which in turn will transform the way companies hire and train their employees. personal.

New ways of understanding telecommuting, a collaboration between employees, and the arrival of new technologies that will transform certain industries are just some of the most significant changes that we will witness over the next year. TeamViewer has analyzed which have been the main transformations that the pandemic has caused in the digital environment and has anticipated what the trends will be for 2021 in the information technology sector:

The impulse towards total digitization – Digital transformation has been very present in recent years, however, it will be in the post-COVID environment of 2021 when we can see how companies, especially the smallest ones, will give a final push towards digitization. Whereas, in the pre-COVID era, companies could afford to hesitate to adopt new technologies, spending a lot of time searching for the perfect solution, the new and urgent needs that emerged during the pandemic made them realize that the systems are mature enough that the technology is here and adopting it is easier than they thought. This positive experience during the peak of the crisis will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on how companies approach digitization in the future.

The exponential growth of Augmented Reality – Augmented Reality and its development in industrial and corporate environments will experience exponential growth over the next year. During the period of lockdown, midsize companies began to realize the true potential that AR holds in helping their workers carry out their tasks more efficiently. This situation is also present in end customers, who are becoming familiar with these tools, which can be of great help for situations such as, for example, repairing devices from their own home thanks to remote technical assistance from a professional. The year 2021 will continue to open new horizons for AR technology to be implemented in more industries.

Remote is the new normal – Although workers may gradually return to their offices over the next year, we will continue to see that a hybrid environment would be the most likely scenario, that is, half of the workforce working remotely and the other half from the offices. Today, any professional who performs their work from an office and with a computer can start telecommuting almost instantly, and in fact, remote solutions that were not commonly known before the pandemic have become very familiar to the vast majority of workers. Work culture has completely changed, and that change is here to stay.

Changes in an employee’s adaptation processes – Teleworking has radically changed many work processes, and the incorporation of a new employee into a company in a remote work context is one of them. Thanks to remote connectivity, wearable devices, and IoT solutions, it is easier for employees to complete their training, even when they cannot have someone physically by their side. This new possibility will transform the way companies hire and train their staff and the way employees interact with each other even when they do not share the same place.

GDPR compliance and privacy will no longer be our worst nightmare – Privacy compliance issues have been one of the main setbacks for companies to deploy remote connectivity solutions or adopt other digital tools such as AR or the IoT. The year 2020 has meant a mindset shift for many companies that have realized that today’s platforms and technologies are secure, efficient, and rigorously compliant enough for their businesses to thrive even in times of crisis.

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Evolution of Cellular IoT for Industry Digitalization Wed, 02 Dec 2020 15:46:18 +0000 Internet of things (IoT) is making the world a smarter and more responsive place by connecting the digital and physical worlds. Adding sensors to different objects and connecting them with each other through the internet adds a level of intelligence to them. This intelligence is used for real-time communication of data without any external intervention […]

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Internet of things (IoT) is making the world a smarter and more responsive place by connecting the digital and physical worlds. Adding sensors to different objects and connecting them with each other through the internet adds a level of intelligence to them. This intelligence is used for real-time communication of data without any external intervention from humans.

The evolution of mobile networks began in the early 90s. However, it was not until recently that wireless connectivity of devices became popular. This has led to a revolution in the communication industry paving way for concepts such as cellular IoT and smart cities. There will be more than 30 billion devices connected in the next few years in global cellular IoT market according to a study conducted by Future Market Insights (FMI).

Industries today are embracing cellular IoT, with numerous sensors connected for monitoring data and analyzing for optimizing production to real-time maintenance in order to increase efficiency. As the benefits of connecting equipment within the production line and with supply chains are becoming popular, demand by industry players is soaring.

The world is looking at digital transformation with technologies such as cellular IoT along with cloud, machine learning, big data, analytics, and deep machine learning. Endless opportunities and possibilities for consumers with new business models are expected as a result of IoT evolution.

Cellular IoT applications are expected to drive digitalization. Machine to machine and machine to person communications are the key to this along with connected software-defined smart products.

IoT Revolution and What it Means for Service Providers

The cellular IoT revolution is bringing huge value with respect to efficiency, sustainability, and safety for all industries. The majority of the enterprises deploying IoT currently are looking forward to adding more cellular IoT applications owing to these features. Furthermore, IoT is playing a crucial role in various sectors by establishing new revenue generation streams and improving the quality of the existing ones with cost savings.
According to experts at FMI, the revenue of internet service providers with respect to IoT is expected to rise exponentially in the near future. A positive shift in the trend is witnessed with a wide array of solutions and applications specifically designed for enterprises and individuals entering the cellular IoT market.
In order to achieve maximum results, IoT applications require businesses to provide a clear value proposition and business logic that is in sync with the existing ecosystem. Also, the platforms on which the solutions need to be integrated need to be scalable to handle millions of devices efficiently. Also, all stakeholders are required to be aligned for the successful deployment of use cases.
Wireless connectivity is the most crucial link in the cellular IoT landscape for each step, starting from the initial phases of deployment to achieving desired results.
Service providers have huge market potential with added value generation opportunities provided by the global cellular IoT market. The potential of the opportunities is directly linked to the involvement of the service providers in the value chain. This gives them the flexibility to choose between being a straightforward service provider or end to end solution provider.

Diversity in Use Cases and Security Implications

Cellular IoT has millions of potential applications. Cellular connectivity is the key to the diversity needed by IoT to serve a wide range of applications, with different requirements. Mobile IoT is playing a crucial role in several important aspects such as connecting sensors to industrial equipment, machines, or factories. This enables a more flexible and advanced way of working.
Technologies such as LTE-M and NB-IoT are best suited for providing reliable connectivity which is both secure and cost-effective. Also, these technologies allow connectivity to machines situated below the ground.
Mobile networks are highly reliable and secure and can offer connectivity to high-density devices. Mobile IoT-enabled devices can also be connected to cloud services which make data collection and analysis efficient. This wireless connectivity also provides great flexibility and cost-effective deployment.
Cellular networks are expected to be able to support critical and low latency communication within factories, with the addition of 5G technology in the next few years.
Cellular IoT security is an important part of the IoT landscape. It is the function of secure communication, application security, and device security. These functions are imperative when it comes to protecting the device, the network, and data ownership. Cryptographic keys and algorithms along with secure communications play a crucial role in the security of cellular IoT devices.
Though 5G cellular IoT has many benefits, the potential threats involved with cybersecurity need to be analyzed. Cybersecurity is very crucial to an enterprise. It is very difficult to make sure security is adequate at every level with millions of devices connected in the infrastructure, with an increase in cybercrimes in recent years, it has become vital to secure the telecom networks.


Increasing demand for 5G technology fits the IoT landscape perfectly. The cellular network evolution of 5G has already begun and IoT technology is expected to embrace it with open arms as most devices we use today require internet connectivity ranging from watches to public transport to smart homes and entertainment systems.
Though it has numerous benefits, as with every other new technology, thorough testing for the reliability of 5G too is needed.

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