Tag: IT Security

IT Refurbishing – Used Is Not Always Used!

It is almost impossible to carry out modern business processes without using new information and communication devices. However, the trend towards more devices and a shorter useful life hurts the environment. With this in mind, more and more sustainability-oriented companies are opting for “IT refurbishing” and “refurbished IT”. In the following sections, you can read […]

IT Security – Safety From The Concept

IT security is certainly an issue crucial to the future of an organization. We talk about security from an IT point of view, which involves multiple aspects such as the security of access credentials; and solid budgets that allow everything related to cybersecurity to be well developed, among other things. There is a curious coincidence. […]

The IT security Trends For 2021

The corona pandemic not only accelerated digitization projects and transformation processes in many companies. This rapid development revealed gaps, grievances, and the need for optimization in IT security concepts and strategies at several nooks and crannies that affected companies must now face before they reach critical proportions. That is why five experts from Micro Focus […]

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