Tag: machine learning


The mythical goal of building intelligent machines has grown strongly on the agendas of scientists since the second half of the last century. With the rapid evolution of electronics and the subsequent development of processors, decisive steps have been taken. Currently, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) as an autonomous discipline is undergoing a decisive […]

The Technologies Behind The Rise Of Robots

The robot revolution will come whether we are prepared for it or not. The intelligent, self-learning machines are already in our homes, our offices, and in public spaces. But which technologies are behind this rapid development? And what’s next? There is no industry that doesn’t use some form of robotics. Storage robots take care of […]

Evolution of Cellular IoT for Industry Digitalization

Internet of things (IoT) is making the world a smarter and more responsive place by connecting the digital and physical worlds. Adding sensors to different objects and connecting them with each other through the internet adds a level of intelligence to them. This intelligence is used for real-time communication of data without any external intervention […]

What Is Mean By Edge Computing? Is Edge Computing More Secure Than Cloud Computing?

In the context of information processing and storage, area computing is at the contrary stop of cloud computing. The variations are encountered now not solely in the measurement of the records centers however additionally in the reason of the two services. In agencies or many industries like manufacturing, healthcare, telecommunications, and finance want to be […]

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