MARKETING Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Sat, 16 Jul 2022 07:15:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MARKETING Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 The Dilemma of Attribution In Digital Marketing Sat, 16 Jul 2022 07:15:40 +0000 At this point in the marketing world, some are less suspicious of conventional advertising than digital. In other words: what some ask of online advertising is not required of traditional media. As we have a more remarkable ability to trace user behavior through analyzing their behavior on social networks and web pages, many companies seek […]

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At this point in the marketing world, some are less suspicious of conventional advertising than digital. In other words: what some ask of online advertising is not required of traditional media. As we have a more remarkable ability to trace user behavior through analyzing their behavior on social networks and web pages, many companies seek to make the results of campaigns in these areas more reliable and predictable. “How many sales are you going to assure me?” Some ask. “How many registrations am I going to get?” Others insist. It does not matter if the recommended investment is less than the cost of a radio spot, a canvas on a building, or a billboard at an urban intersection. If digital, we require that sales attribution (who claims success) be accurate.

What Can Go Wrong In An Attribution Process

The terrain of the allocation is swampy. We want to be confident in knowing how many conversion processes have occurred in our online store thanks to a successful ad on a mobile media network or what traffic is due directly to a series of dynamic creatives in a particular social network. However, there are factors that we must take into account to clarify what the data offers us.

It is not easy to associate a direct purchase with an advertising campaign. The regulations require that payment operations be carried out on secure platforms managed by financial institutions or intermediary companies, such as Paypal. Once the client leaves our environment to pay the cost of the operation, they may not return to our site and leave us without closing the circle of the sale in our analytics. Likewise, it could not complete the purchase due to a bad experience, an unexpected cut in the service, or a bad design of that service outside of us. The attribution wobbles a bit.

On other occasions, relating a transaction to a campaign is something that we must associate with a specific impact (for example, the memory of a banner that was shown to us in a recent period) or with a repetitive result (the famous retargeting). Conversion pixels were invented to correct the gap between seeing an ad and making a purchase decision, which can be fair or biased, depending on how they are configured. Can we consider that seeing a campaign a week ago is still decisive for us to land on the advertiser’s site to make a purchase, or is this movement the consequence of a set of elements, such as the effect of conventional media?

Is Precision Lacking In Digital Marketing?

All of the above does not mean that we should distrust digital marketing. On the contrary, we must consider that the attributions of one environment and another are different, and the audiences, too.

Never before have we had more data and greater precision in knowing the results of our campaigns. We see their ability to generate traffic, which creatives work best, which elements attract attention, which calls to action work and which do not, and what path our customers take to reach the shopping cart. We can even use quick action tools like discount codes or tracking links to enrich the information we have about our customers. That power does not have a poster hanging from a banner or a brochure attached with a brush to the car’s windshield wiper.

Still, there is mistrust. If it’s digital, it must be accurate. If it is conventional, it should only generate visibility. Well, neither one nor the other. Each format, support, and space plays in a different field but with complementary objectives, often aiming at different profiles. Choosing the media mix is ​​critical, but the key is comparing the right metrics before and after launching a campaign.

Also Read: 10 Reasons You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy In 2022

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The Live Video Should Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy For These Reasons. Sat, 28 May 2022 05:32:05 +0000 What Is The Difference Between Live Video Streaming And Video-on-Demand From a Marketer’s Perspective? The most important difference between live videos and video on demand is the time availability. A video that is always available entices many users to watch it later – “when there is time for it.” Except that there is seldom more […]

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What Is The Difference Between Live Video Streaming And Video-on-Demand From a Marketer’s Perspective?

The most important difference between live videos and video on demand is the time availability. A video that is always available entices many users to watch it later – “when there is time for it.” Except that there is seldom more time than work. To score points and be seen, the video must either already have a certain level of awareness, offer great entertainment value, or be useful.

This is quite feasible, as numerous positive examples prove.

On the other hand, a live video has the character of the brief: now or never is the motto. This makes it more exclusive and attractive for customers. Especially if it is an event or the first look at a new development. Live streaming gives the impression of being the first to be there. This, in turn, sets you apart from others and gives viewers an advantage.

Use Live Videos As a Marketing Tool.

Whether it’s a look behind the scenes of your company, the moment a new model rolls off the treadmill, or an interview or a question and answer session where concerns are answered immediately – with live videos, the viewers are direct and in the first place line up. On the one hand, this is something special for the customers, but on the other hand, it also has other advantages.

  • Provided with the appropriate comment function, viewers’ questions can be answered directly, and the questioner can be addressed immediately and personally. This has a positive effect on customer loyalty. It makes viewers feel valued and improves your company’s image.
  • This creates a sense of community. The focus of this community: your company. This cannot be artificially created with a positive appeal, but live videos offer the possibility of the organic formation of such a community. Members of such a community are more likely to recommend your brand. This turns consumers into prosumers – i.e., producing consumers.
  • Live video is inexpensive. You’re good to go: a camera, an app for live streams, a stable internet connection.
  • On the one hand, live videos are direct and allow immediate reaction. On the other hand, they can also be available to “late” viewers after the first broadcast. A video on demand can be created from a live stream.
  • Live videos are real communication channels and offer an opportunity for spontaneity. Even if something does go wrong, dealing with it can make your brand human and personable.

How Can You Best Use Live Video For Your Marketing Strategy?

Be authentic and offer live videos to impart knowledge and insight. Customers who are allowed to look behind the scenes identify themselves more directly with your brand. This also applies to the market launch of a new product or on the way to the finished service. Give viewers insight into the development, ask those responsible, or film the path from a call to service – this makes your company’s performance tangible, human, and understandable. You treat your customers as equals and turn them into partners.

What Content is Suitable For Live Videos?

Events, a tour of the company, interviews with partners, colleagues, or famous personalities, market launches, consultation hours, question and answer sessions – live video streaming is suitable for a wide range of content. However, there should not be a complete and fixed script. Allow time for spontaneity and stay flexible. Anyone who has just been well entertained as a live stream viewer will want to extend the fun afterward. In plain language, viewers will search your website for more content and find out more about what your company has to offer, which can positively affect the length of stay and your conversion rate.

Stay Spontaneous and Authentic.

Live video requires improvisation from time to time. So even with a well-thought-out script and all-around preparation, it becomes necessary to be spontaneous. That’s a big challenge.
Speaking of preparation: You should have done this before the live stream, but at the same time, be prepared to deviate from it. A simple “I don’t know” or “Oops. What’s going on here? Let’s see!” has a huge and positive impact on viewers. On the other hand, those who stick rigidly to the set plan tend to put off the viewers and appear fake. So say goodbye to the idea of ​​being perfect in live video. Use humor instead.

Our Conclusion

The (live) video format will neither leave the online marketer’s toolbox nor the focus of the Internet. Fast and entertaining knowledge transfer has a wide reach, as does the exclusivity of a live video. Live video marketing should therefore be valued rather than underestimated.

Also Read: Video Conferencing Fatigue – How To Deal With It?

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Step By Step To The Facebook Ad Fri, 27 May 2022 06:45:40 +0000 Facebook Advertising enables companies to make their ads and content visible to a specific audience through targeted targeting – the costs here are based on the desired reach. Advertisements appear on Facebook primarily in the newsfeed of your recipients or to the right of the same. Anyone who advertises on Facebook collects valuable insights into […]

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Facebook Advertising enables companies to make their ads and content visible to a specific audience through targeted targeting – the costs here are based on the desired reach. Advertisements appear on Facebook primarily in the newsfeed of your recipients or to the right of the same. Anyone who advertises on Facebook collects valuable insights into current and potential customers and prospects. The data collected by a Facebook ad, in turn, allows online marketing managers better targeting for even more effective advertising. We give you a step-by-step jump start and tell you tips and tricks of Facebook advertising.

Before You Start

Before you aimlessly launch ads into Facebook orbit, here are a few things to consider:

  • Become aware of your goals: There is no tangible success without goals. So before you invest a valuable advertising budget, you should be clear about the goal of your Facebook ad. Most companies that advertise on Facebook aim to increase brand awareness or conversion optimization.
  • Know your target audience: Facebook hosts millions of accounts from international users of all ages and interest groups. So take the time to define your target group as narrowly as possible in advance – so that your Facebook ad also appears in the newsfeed of the people who want and should see it.
  • Change your ads regularly: On the one hand, you ensure that your recipients do not get tired of your ads and click on them less. On the other hand, you also avoid increasing the CPC (cost per click) by Facebook due to their falling click rates.

Set Goals

When setting a strategy for your Facebook ad, it’s important to make sure your goals are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, and Time-bound. “Smart” goals ensure a better ROI (return on investment) – in short, they support your Facebook ads’ greatest possible success.

In the case of a specialist conference, a formulated goal could be as follows: With the help of a Facebook ad, we would like to acquire 200 registrations in one month.

Choose a Marketing Objective For Your Campaign

Now that a goal has been formulated, a marketing goal for your Facebook ad must first be selected in the Facebook Ad Manager. In the case of our example, a conference, the goal would be “Get more attendees to your event.” If you want to attract users to your blog, webshop, or website, “Forward people to a destination outside of Facebook” would be the right choice.

Determine Target Group, Budget, And Period.

This step is critical to the success of your campaign. Targeting options include location, age, gender, language, interests, and behavior.

With so-called custom audiences, you can also reach people who already know your company and remove them from your campaign focus to reach completely untouched groups of people.

The budget you choose always represents the highest amount to be spent. For example, if you choose a daily budget, the amount is distributed evenly over the number of days.

Now you have to determine the optimization for the delivery of your ad. clicks or impressions. For example, if you optimize an ad for likes, your ads will be shown to groups of people who tend to like your page quickly. You can then use an advertising schedule to specify exactly when and how often your ad should be played. If your Facebook ad is to be displayed internationally, make sure that your users are awake and active on Facebook in the appropriate time zone to see the ad.

What Should Your Ad Look Like?

Here you can finally get creative! This is where the ad image, headline, body text, and the actual position of your ad are defined. Possible formats are up to five individual images, videos, or slide shows – but the headline must not be longer than 25 characters. So make sure – in a nutshell, your headline is still compelling and interesting enough to entice users to click. In addition to the headline, 90 characters are also available for the descriptive text.

Complete And Set Up Reporting

After your ad has been reviewed and approved by Facebook, you will receive a confirmation email. But anyone who assumes that the work is now done is wrong. To measure and monitor the success or failure of your ads, it is important to set up what is known as reporting. The easiest way for the inexperienced to set up ad reporting is through the Advertiser Help Center. The Ads Manager automatically outputs all the data from your active ads for the last 30 days. However, the columns and metrics of the reporting can be personalized with a few clicks – so you can only display the data and results you want to see. In addition, all abbreviations and meanings of the various metrics are listed and clearly explained in the Ads Manager help area. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also download the reporting free of charge to archive it for the long term.


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Social Selling or How To Use Social Networks To Sell More Mon, 02 May 2022 06:31:37 +0000 Have you tried applying social selling to capture leads and increase your sales? If your answer is no, you probably don’t know the possibilities offered by social networks to increase brand awareness and presence. Perhaps you also have no idea of ​​the enormous potential to promote and sell products and services. In reality, social media […]

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Have you tried applying social selling to capture leads and increase your sales? If your answer is no, you probably don’t know the possibilities offered by social networks to increase brand awareness and presence. Perhaps you also have no idea of ​​the enormous potential to promote and sell products and services.

In reality, social media is far from being a fad. Its number of users is constantly growing. Today, they are the most frequent means of interaction between people, thanks, among other things, to the capacity of mobile connections. Starting from this initial purpose, many companies soon took advantage of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay in communication with their customers and target audience.

You can also apply social selling to enhance your brand, get closer to your buyer personas, and increase sales! Below, we offer you relevant recommendations to do it efficiently.

What Is Social Selling?

Social selling is a procedure based on social networks to establish business relationships and sell goods and services. This technique takes advantage of the interactive nature of the RRSS to establish and maintain communication with current and potential clients. In this way, companies make known the knowledge and experience they have in their business area. But they also track who shows interest in the offer through their commercials.

Company salespeople went door-to-door during the past century, offering products and services not usually bought in supermarkets or stores. They were seldom welcome and had to lug around a product sample or a stack of explanatory brochures in their briefcase. In a few minutes, they had to deliver their pitch before the potential client rejected their offer and sometimes slammed the door in their faces.

With the advent of the telephone, visiting was replaced by calls supported by a phone book or list. A technique that is still valid today. Later, when we already had the Internet, we saw our email boxes invaded by offers and advertisements that we had not requested: the classic spam.

What Is The Difference Between Social Networks?

Users are in communication mode when they enter these social media and seem more willing to see what brands share. If they are interested, the feedback is immediate, and they open the opportunity to interact with the company. Indeed, the availability of visual and audiovisual content facilitates the attraction of potential customers and motivates access to links to search for more information.

From that moment, as we said, the commercials can communicate with the interested party through the same platform to follow up and finalize the sale. They can even participate in social conversation to offer solutions related to their offer to problems raised in the interactions. Thus the “cold door” from house to house, the calls hanging from the telemarketing, and the spam emails became history.

To give us an idea of ​​the scope of social networks in the field of business, some surveys provide data such as the following:

  • 91% of purchase decision-makers in B2B companies are active and involved in social networks, and these channels influence 75%.
  • 84% of senior executives use social media to support their purchasing decisions.

Build Relationships Through Social Selling

Social selling offers the opportunity to build relationships: the basic strategy of a successful sales professional. This technique is not satisfied with access to customer data. It is also about getting to know the prospects to the extent that interaction through social networks allows it.

As we will see later, LinkedIn transcended its initial condition as a channel for job searches and has become the professional network of reference for businesses. But not all companies should look for their clients in a network for professionals like this one. Depending on the profile of your buyer persona, you can make social sales on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or WhatsApp. Although the latter is a messaging application, it has become just another social media environment and has outstanding features for the purpose at hand.

Define Your Buyer Persona And Select The Appropriate Networks

First of all, it is essential to establish an accurate description of your buyer persona or an example of your ideal buyer. Apart from being necessary for any marketing and sales strategy, a complete profile of your client will allow you to know which social networks they interact with.

For example, if your buyer persona is a manager and business decision-maker, LinkedIn is the best option since part of their orientation is towards networking and B2B business. But it is also feasible to join specific WhatsApp groups.

In the case of a women’s clothing ecommerce, through Instagram and Pinterest, you can target women identified with different clothing styles.

Take Advantage of The Versatility of Social Selling.

A characteristic of social selling is the necessary application of two inbound marketing techniques in its processes: social media marketing and content marketing. Consequently, generating and sharing content, monitoring followers’ reactions, practicing social listening, and participating in conversations are necessary actions.

Usually, commercials used in this practice can act as community managers to follow up on the brand’s publications. Similarly, to respond to the interaction of customers and potential customers.

Share Quality Content

It is recommended that the material you post is not overtly promotional about sharing content. Regardless of your sales goals, your articles, videos, infographics, and podcasts should answer specific questions and issues from your buyer personas. Through these, you can demonstrate the knowledge and experience of your company in matters related to your business model. Otherwise, the potential client could perceive your content as invasive marketing.

On the other hand, it is essential to take care of the production of the material through impeccable writing and balanced designs, and vision care. In the case of podcasts and videos, it is essential to ensure the quality of the images, recordings, and editing.

Consider Omnichannel Marketing in Your Social Selling Strategy.

The user experience makes a difference in a market saturated with standardized products. A customer can interact with your brand through online and offline channels until completing the buyer journey with a purchase, which generates satisfaction. And therefore, the intention is to repeat the experience.

Empathy And Emotional Intelligence

And while we’re talking about engaging in conversation and practicing social listening, it’s vital to exercise empathy and emotional intelligence. Remember that you are publicly dealing with people who have very different ways of thinking and acting. In this sense, you will come across complaints, negative comments, and even malicious questions of any nature during any interaction.

Understanding the point of view of your interlocutor without necessarily agreeing is a starting point to positively interacting with him. While changing habitual emotional responses to harmful stimuli, allow your answers to be geared towards solving the follower’s problem or doubt.

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Applying Neuromarketing To Your Business or Company Sat, 16 Apr 2022 10:03:34 +0000 In the following article, we will delve into the advantages that you can obtain by applying Neuromarketing to your business and how this is a fundamental tool for attracting clients, forming part of one of the main axes that support the correct development of any company. We must bear in mind that the analysis and […]

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In the following article, we will delve into the advantages that you can obtain by applying Neuromarketing to your business and how this is a fundamental tool for attracting clients, forming part of one of the main axes that support the correct development of any company.

We must bear in mind that the analysis and interpretation of potential clients can make the difference between a possible sale or the loss of that client.

Therefore, we will analyze the concept itself and derive its application.

What Is Neuromarketing?

We can define the concept of Neuromarketing as a business application discipline. Its objective is to predict the behavior of consumers in the product marketing process.

In other words, it consists of applying the technologies derived from neuroscience to the concept of marketing and its use in the company—all this with the ultimate goal of carrying out adequate sales management and achieving the desired profit.

Neuromarketing will be able to provide information, better understand consumer behavior in the face of possible stimuli derived from advertising, and achieve more effective decision-making.

Through its application, it is possible to check the level of attention and the responses at a sensory level offered by the consumer through its different stimuli.

This may be a way of knowing how the brain reacts to different advertising campaigns. In this way, you can understand the possible behavior of consumers or potential customers who purchase the product.

To achieve a proper investigation of this study, different strategies based on collecting information from consumers are used. 

These techniques can be divided into geometry and biometry.

Actions such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, or magnetoencephalography derive from the first. On the other hand, regarding the second, we can find electrical conductance of the skin or, for example, Eye-Tracking, which refers to eye tracking to find out what attracts the individual’s attention.

Typologies of Neuromarketing

In its general scope, we can say that Neuromarketing is mainly oriented in 3 ways:

  • Auditory: This area would consist of those sounds that allow association through a memory that derives from a means of promotion or advertising. In this case, the environment is based on music or sounds or the use of certain melodies that may be pleasant to consumers.
  • Visual: They would consist of those images visualized by the consumer and familiar to him due to the impact caused in his memory.
  • Kinesthetic: It would consist of the impact or influence on the consumer through smell, taste, or touch.

Neuromarketing vs. Emotional Marketing

It is common at times that there is confusion between both concepts. Although both are related to human behavior, both focus on different points.

Emotional marketing focuses primarily on emotions and how they influence product selection. It is based on less objective aspects but of great importance in decision-making.

However, Neuromarketing focuses on how the consumer’s brain works, and it focuses on measuring the consumer’s reaction to different stimuli.

His analysis is focused on more aspects of the brain and not just emotion.

Benefits of Applying Neuromarketing To Your Business

The main advantage derived from the application of Neuromarketing is knowing in greater depth how to get the attention of the target audience.

This mechanism is capable of knowing the stimuli of consumers without the need to carry out traditional procedures, such as interviews or surveys.

In general, the advantages of Neuromarketing would be the following:

  • Know the different points of view, allowing observation in another way over traditional procedures. This makes it easier to achieve a more significant impact in marketing campaigns.
  • It allows the analysis and evaluation of the consumer without directly influencing him. This is contrary to traditional procedures. It facilitates both a conscious and subconscious analysis of the individual.
  • Greater precision is achieved thanks to new technological procedures adapted to the behavior and thoughts of consumers.
  • It is capable of improving the consumer experience. In this way, the organization can approach the actual needs of the individual and the satisfaction in the different processes.
  • Allows the identification of behavior patterns. This facilitates the adaptation of campaigns and the transformation of more personalized products, thus allowing easier management.

Also Read: The Different Forms Of Online Advertising And Their Advantages

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3 Keyword Strategies That Search Engines Love Fri, 15 Apr 2022 15:02:34 +0000 Keyword strategies are integral to boosting the visibility of your website as well as the amount of traffic it gets.Many business owners get overwhelmed by SEO. They hope it’ll be enough to do keyword research and simply insert those keywords throughout an article.Keyword research is not enough. In fact, sprinkling keywords randomly can actually harm […]

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Keyword strategies are integral to boosting the visibility of your website as well as the amount of traffic it gets.
Many business owners get overwhelmed by SEO. They hope it’ll be enough to do keyword research and simply insert those keywords throughout an article.
Keyword research is not enough. In fact, sprinkling keywords randomly can actually harm your business.
If you really want to improve your SEO rankings, the best way to approach keyword research is to create intentional keyword strategies. Keep reading to learn three important keyword strategies search engines love.

Why Are Keyword SEO Strategies Important?

Keyword research is valuable, but it’s only a starting point. Keyword research gives you a list of words categorized by relevance, difficulty, and search volume, among other analytics.
When you combine keyword research with an intentional keyword strategy, now you have context. You start to understand the why of what you’re trying to accomplish. Once you have the why, it’s easier to get to the how.

How Do Keyword Strategies Improve SEO Rankings?

Keyword strategies improve SEO rankings in many ways. They allow you to prioritize specific SEO approaches and identify opportunities for easy wins.
You want to make sure you’re driving relevant traffic to your website. Relevant traffic means visitors to your website who you can convert into customers or clients.
Employing effective keyword strategies also allows you to set ranking and growth expectations.
It also enables you to accurately measure the impact of your strategies. If something isn’t working, you need to be able to change your course quickly.
Finally, keyword strategies allow you to marry your keyword research with your content strategy which results in higher quality content and better outcomes.

Three Things To Consider When Developing Keyword Strategies

When it comes to SEO rankings, there are things search engines like and things they don’t. For example, keyword stuffing can negatively impact your website’s performance. But employing topic clusters can boost performance.

The following approaches to keyword strategy are the most likely strategies to gain positive attention from search engines. Here’s what you need to be thinking about.

What Are You Doing and Why Are You Doing It?

Self-awareness and brand awareness are the bedrock of a successful keyword strategy. It is most important that you have a clear understanding of what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Think about your brand, product, or service. What are you offering to your clientele and what sets you apart from others providing similar things?

It is essential that you be clear on the message you are sending to your audience and what use you provide to them. If you can’t figure out why someone would want to visit your website, you have a problem.

When you know who you are and what you offer, it becomes much easier to set goals for your business and your SEO strategy. You don’t want to waste time or resources focusing on things that aren’t improving your business.

Think about what your end goal is for your website. What do you want to achieve with your keyword strategy?

In most cases, your goals will look something like increasing traffic to your website and converting visitors into customers/clients. Your goals may also reflect a desire to gain greater and more targeted visibility for your site.

Who Is Your Audience and What Does It Want?

Once you know who you are and what you want, you need to get clear on who your audience is and what it wants. You need to get into the mindset of your clientele in order to give them what they are looking for.

Consider whether your audience wants information, products, or services. Is it possible they want a combination of these things? In many cases, websites begin as a place to gain information and transform into more than that.

Keyword research is an integral part of figuring out what your audience wants. By doing keyword research, you are studying the words people use to find what they are looking for.

Once you understand how your audience searches for what they need, you can better tailor your website content to the audiences’ intent.

What Are Your Competitors Doing and How Well Are They Doing It?

Finally, you need to be aware of your competition. Visit their websites, read their content, and see what they are doing that’s working.

If a competitor is ranking well, find out why and try to emulate and improve upon their approach.

Bonus SEO Tips and Strategies

Keyword strategies are integral to successful SEO marketing. However, they are hardly the only thing you need to improve your website’s SEO rankings. Check out these other SEO tips for improving your marketing strategy.

Check Your Analytics Often

If you’re putting in the effort to execute an SEO strategy, you need to keep track of how well it’s working. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your effort without taking stock of its effectiveness.
There’s no sense wasting time on something that isn’t working. You need to check your website analytics regularly to see what strategies are most successful.

Use High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are a great way to boost your SEO strategy. When you employ high-quality backlinks, you will see more traffic to your website and better search engine rankings.

In addition, when you use backlinks effectively, you won’t need to rely so heavily on paid advertising to get visitors to your website. To learn more about backlinks, check out this article from JustReachOut.

SEO Keywords Strategies Takeaways

There are three effective approaches to keyword strategies you need to use when creating content for your website.
First, you need to know who you are, what sets you apart from the competition, and what your goals are for your website. Next, you need a clear understanding of what your audience wants and how they search for it.
Finally, you need to be aware of what your competition is doing well and how you can do it better. For more great articles like this, check out our Marketing and Social Media sections.

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Why Your Business Should Hire Professional SEO Services Sat, 05 Mar 2022 08:09:49 +0000 53% of website traffic comes from organic search. It can be quite difficult to rank organically, which means your website may not be getting very many views. One way that you can improve your organic rankings and grow your business is by using SEO services. Do you want to learn more about why it is […]

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53% of website traffic comes from organic search. It can be quite difficult to rank organically, which means your website may not be getting very many views. One way that you can improve your organic rankings and grow your business is by using SEO services.

Do you want to learn more about why it is necessary to hire professional SEO services for your business?

Keep reading this article to learn more about the biggest benefits of hiring an SEO company.

More Experienced

One of the most important reasons to hire professional SEO services is that they are more experienced in the industry! If you try to do your own SEO, it will often be based on your guesswork.

In many cases, you can actually damage your site rather than help it. However, SEO companies have the right knowledge and experience to help you make important changes for your website.

Because SEO companies have more experience in the industry, they are also able to stay on top of trends. SEO is constantly changing, so businesses need to evolve to continually benefit from SEO.

Rather than spending all of your time researching these trends, you can hire an SEO company that will stay on top of them for you. If the algorithm changes, you can be confident that your SEO company will be able to handle these unexpected changes efficiently.

Provide Better Results

Because SEO companies are much more experienced, they will provide your company with better results than you could provide on your own. Even if you do a lot of research about SEO best practices, you will not be able to gain the same amount of success.

A professional SEO company can quickly evaluate your company and create a customized plan to help you reach your business goals.

SEO companies also do a great job of tracking your progress. This way, you can actually measure your results and find ways to adjust your SEO strategy to get the best results.

Creates Brand Awareness

Another great benefit of hiring an SEO company is that it will help you create more brand awareness. When you prioritize SEO, you will see your rankings increase, which makes your brand more visible on the search results page.

When people look for products or services, they typically only pay attention to brands that are on the first page of Google. This is because these businesses seem more credible and reliable.

By improving your rankings, you can see more visibility, more conversions, and more engagement with your customers.

Improve Your Website

Similarly, SEO services will help you improve the overall quality of your website. There are many SEO best practices that you need to follow which will improve the user experience on your website and help you reach your marketing goals.

If you want to see results and find ways to improve your website content, design, and more, it is best to work with a professional SEO company.

Focus on Running Your Company

When you outsource your SEO services, it allows you to focus on other aspects of running your company. SEO takes a lot of time. As a business owner, you will not have several extra hours each week to optimize your website, write content, build links, or anything else to improve your SEO.

Plus, you may not be as knowledgeable as an SEO agency. Instead of trying to learn everything you need to know on your own, you can hire professionals to take care of your SEO. This will allow you to focus on what you do best!

This way, you will be able to take some stress off your plate and feel confident that you will still get great results.

Provide Other Services

When you hire an SEO company, they can provide much more for your business. Most SEO services offer full-service marketing services as well. These businesses offer everything you need to improve your digital presence, including content creation, advertising, and even website development.

When you hire a full-service SEO company, you will be able to pick and choose the SEO services that you need for your business.

You can also create a customized SEO strategy to meet the specific needs of your business and to help you meet your goals.

Finally, SEO companies will often offer bundled packages for companies. This way, you can save money on your SEO by combining it with website design, inbound marketing, and other services that they offer.

Saves Time and Money

Finally, hiring an SEO agency will help you save time and money for your business! Often, companies avoid hiring an SEO agency because they are trying to cut costs for their business.

However, SEO can be seen as an investment for your company. It will often result in increased profits. This is because your company will have more visibility, more conversions, and you can find new customers!

It is also cheaper to outsource your SEO services than it would be to hire an SEO manager to work full-time at your business.

Plus, hiring an SEO company will save you time, which will increase your productivity and profits. This is because professional companies have access to all the resources and knowledge they need to help you develop your business.

Also Read: 10 Tips To Improve Your SEO Content Writing Skills

Looking for Affordable SEO Services? 

Hiring a local SEO company is a great way to improve each aspect of your business. It will save you time and money, and will provide you with better results!

Do you want to learn more about the benefits of using local SEO services for your business? We can help! Our website features articles about business, marketing, social media, and more.

Check out our articles today to learn more about how marketing and SEO services can help you grow your business.

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Find Out How To Use Google Ads To Achieve Your Business Goals Mon, 07 Feb 2022 07:53:52 +0000 Google ADS is Google’s advertising system that allows you to set up and create advertising campaigns to help you achieve the goals of your business. Google is the most used search engine in the world, and for this reason, it is imperative to position yourself in the best possible way to be found by the […]

The post Find Out How To Use Google Ads To Achieve Your Business Goals appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Google ADS is Google’s advertising system that allows you to set up and create advertising campaigns to help you achieve the goals of your business.

Google is the most used search engine in the world, and for this reason, it is imperative to position yourself in the best possible way to be found by the most significant number of users who fall within your target.

So let’s see what Google Ads is and choose the best type of campaign to achieve your business goals.

What Is Google Ads, And How Does It Works

Google Ads is a tool made available by Google, allowing you to create different ad hoc advertising campaigns for your business.

It doesn’t matter if your business is purely online, offline or a combination of these because Google Ads can genuinely be adapted to any business reality.

The same thing also applies to the products you offer to your customers: whether you sell a physical product, an info product or a service, Google ads are for you!

A Google ads ad is shown to users, on Google itself or partner sites, when a user actively searches for a product or service or has shown interest in it, and appears right in the top search results with the wording “ad”.

To start a Google Ads campaign, you need to open a Google Ads account. Read this article to find out how to do it right away.

Also Read: What Are Google Ads?

Types of Campaigns Available In Google Ads

As we said earlier, Google ads offer different campaigns to create an ad suitable for the business and the target clientele you want to aim for.

Let’s see them together:

  • search network campaign: text ads that appear to the user after they have performed a search;
  • display campaign: image ads that appear on Google and partner sites;
  • video campaign: to appear on YouTube;
  • shopping campaign: create product sheets ideal for an ecommerce;
  • app campaign: if you want to promote your app;
  • local campaigns: to promote your business in your area.

For each type of campaign, you will have to set your goal, for example, sales or lead generation. This will depend on your marketing strategy.

You’ll also need to set the geographic region where you want ads to appear, especially for a local business.

And finally, you will define the budget you want to make available to Google to generate and optimize your advertising campaigns.

Which Google Ads Campaign Do You Choose Based On Your Goals

The choice of the type of campaign and objective must not be made superficially since each combination will lead you to be more or less successful on your target.

If your goal is to increase sales and lead generation, surely a campaign on the search network can be for you.

With the display campaign, on the other hand, you can capture attention in a short time with a single image, thus being able to increase your notoriety and traffic to your website.

The same thing goes for the video campaign, which, however, being a video, will appear on YouTube or partner sites that support this format.

If, on the other hand, you have an ecommerce or a physical store that sells goods, surely a Google Shopping campaign will help you increase your sales by showing users listings of your products.

If you own a local business, goods or services, the local countryside may be for you.

Finding the type of campaign with the right objectives takes time as you will have to test until you find the optimal combination for your business reality. For this reason, I recommend that you delve into this topic.

When To Hire a Google Ads Consultant

Improvising yourself as an advertiser is not the wisest choice, as you risk not getting the desired results and not optimizing your budget.

For this reason, if you cannot create a Google ads campaign, it is good to rely on an expert who, it is true that it will cost, but it is also true that it will allow you to reach your goals in the shortest possible time.

Suppose you don’t have the budget to invest in a consultant. In that case, I recommend that you study the subject thoroughly and test different types of campaigns with other objectives to avoid making mistakes in Google Ads.


We have seen that Google Ads allows you to create advertising campaigns published on the very famous search engine and its partner sites.

Remember to be careful when setting up a Google ads campaign to choose the best combination to get the desired results.

And don’t forget to test to outline the best marketing strategy for your business!

The post Find Out How To Use Google Ads To Achieve Your Business Goals appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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Ten Tips For Selling To Supermarkets Fri, 21 Jan 2022 05:56:52 +0000 Do you dream of placing your products on supermarket shelves? It’s possible! As long as you have a truly original product and accept to reduce your margins. Large retailers like to work with SMEs to produce their brands and their ability to create innovative products and open up new markets. The Advantage Of The Start-Up? […]

The post Ten Tips For Selling To Supermarkets appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Do you dream of placing your products on supermarket shelves? It’s possible! As long as you have a truly original product and accept to reduce your margins.

Large retailers like to work with SMEs to produce their brands and their ability to create innovative products and open up new markets.

The Advantage Of The Start-Up? The Niche Product!

“Contrary to popular belief, large retailers are also interested in start-ups. At least when these offer innovative niche products that the most prominent companies do not (yet) produce, when they can produce large volumes with consistent quality, when they have teams and a strong structure and, of course, the financial capacity to withstand long payment terms and to build a solid brand.

Innovate, Innovate and … Innovate Again

Therefore, this extended range made it easier for Ice Crime Factory to convince the Category Managers of Carrefour, Spar, Match, Metro. “We must also innovate in our packaging, in our way of working as well. We want to be much more professional vis-à-vis large-scale distribution to become an even more severe company that can deliver large volumes and invest in its brand. We also want to develop communication with consumers. Indeed, it is not easy when you are an SME, and you have to fight against large multinationals. Still, thanks to the possibilities offered by the Internet and social networks, we can reach a vast, highly targeted audience at a relatively low cost. Low and also be very inventive.

Do You Also Dream Of Selling Your Products To Supermarkets?

Present An Innovative Product

Finding a place on the shelves is better to offer real innovation. The doors open more efficiently with a product still unknown in mass distribution.

Prove Your Business Potential

Have you already obtained results on other circuits? Talk it over! Is your product new to the market? Present figures show that it is part of a strong trend. Put all the assets on your side to convince. And if, like Ice Crime Factory, you won an award (Innovation of the Year in 2014), mention it also on the packaging to boost your notoriety and give your launch credibility.

Stay Focused

Don’t be scattered! Focus on a product, a market, and a method of execution. You don’t know how to do everything. Write a well-targeted strategy and set specific goals. The extensive distribution prefers to work with an SME expert in a niche than a generalist.

Be Professional

 The lack of professionalism does not pass with extensive distribution, and it is essential from the 1 st day of being in all that you do. When you send an email (without spelling mistakes), be creative and efficient. You have 5 seconds to convince. Have a good site, offer samples. Each slide of your presentation must be consistent …

Put Yourself In The Shoes of The Buyers.

Buyers are in high demand. Be innovative to get a 1 st appointment. Remember, they manage thousands of referrals. For you, the stake is enormous. For them, your brand is only one among thousands of others. Show that you want to work with them. And that you know where you are going. Be very clear and very marketing. Listen to them because, in general, they know (the potential of) your market better than you!

Have Perfect Control of Your Numbers

Large-scale distribution is very hard in negotiations. Expect to be hotly challenged on your prices, discounts and conditions … and sales targets. It is also impossible to escape promotional budgets (flyers, gondola head). If you offer exclusivity, negotiate a favorable location on the shelf.

Be Patient

Once you have agreed on the prices and quantities to be supplied, it can still take a long time to reach the shelves. Usually, this opportunity arises only once or twice a year. Between a 1 st appointment and a 1 st product placed, it can take 9 to 12 months. And to be paid, you have to add another three months.

Plan a Practical And Creative Communication Plan

Supermarkets will ask you how you will promote your product because it is a factor in accelerating sales on the shelves. Don’t come up with a plan you can’t afford, and better bet on alternative communication channels such as digital tools or events, which create emotions. And don’t forget to educate the supermarket staff well on your qualities and convince them to sell your product.

Invest In Your Brand

If you are the only one in your category, it is less critical. But when the market is growing, other brands rush into it, and then you have to have money and budget to build your brand. Consider surprising your consumer and giving them a unique experience. This will create a community of fans.

Don’t Rest On Your Laurels.

When you finish developing a new concept, don’t rest on your laurels but anticipate the next one. Constantly question yourself. Innovate with new products, new packaging, and more consistent and more professional communication. Don’t lose your pioneering advantage, as you may have to fight very quickly with competitors much more powerful than you.

Also Read: B2B sales: Business To Business

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Branding And Performance – An Integrated Strategy Tue, 18 Jan 2022 05:59:08 +0000 When we talk about Performance Marketing, we usually refer to Results Marketing, whose objective is to respond to the target to whom it is directed. When we speak about Branding, we talk about actions aimed at building and positioning (or enhancing) values ​​and promises of the brand in the consumer’s mind. Today, I never tire […]

The post Branding And Performance – An Integrated Strategy appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

When we talk about Performance Marketing, we usually refer to Results Marketing, whose objective is to respond to the target to whom it is directed. When we speak about Branding, we talk about actions aimed at building and positioning (or enhancing) values ​​and promises of the brand in the consumer’s mind.

Today, I never tire of hearing “mantras” from both sides that sentence the importance of one strategy over the other, posts, publications, and opinions of all kinds in which things like “Here the important thing is the results, the rest does not matter.” Well, is that true? Can you get results without having to do them? I think by now, we all know the answer.

Marketing (at least in my head) is about making things easy for our customers when looking for information, buying, enjoying a satisfactory experience during their relationship with our brand, obtaining good after-sales service, etc. I always try to avoid isolated and unidirectional concepts such as that “on” and “off” are different things or that digital is the future. For me, Marketing is the Marketing of today and 50 years ago. What changes are consumer habits and the devices we use, the amount of data available, and the sophistication of the process, which increasingly brings the user closer to the transaction in an increasingly convergent process?

Fortunately for me, I have the immense luck of dedicating something similar to creating strategies that help clients sell more. My work is oriented towards the results part (Performance), which does not mean that I work a lot. Single-channel or single discipline. Quite the opposite. As I said at one point at the beginning, how can it be collected without sowing? How is it possible that a discipline whose purpose is to manage and capitalize on demand (once again, Performance Marketing) does so without other domains generating it?

That’s where I talk about integration. When I teach, I often ask if a strategy is good or bad, or what is the moment to invest in a particular brand or results in action. The answer is always and always will be the same: it depends. The investment cycle in brand stocks and earnings stocks is cyclical and, hyperbole, infinite. Periodic brand actions should be carried out, not only for launches but regularly, to continue maintaining the appropriate levels of awareness and positioning that generate that demand that the Performance actions later collect.

Just as we have to be clear that Brand and Performance are complementary actions, I would like to end by pointing out that there is no such thing as “on” and “off,” that one cannot live without the other, and that a spot TV builds a brand like an impact from an outdoor billboard or a banner in an editorial headline, the important thing is that all channels work towards the same goal.

And you, do you consider that it is invested in a balanced way in your company? Do you believe that an integrated strategy is the best way to do Marketing? Can Performance be done without investing in a brand? Please share your thoughts in the comments!

The post Branding And Performance – An Integrated Strategy appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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