5 Phases On The Way To A Personal Branding

PERSONAL BRANDING is a challenge – professionally and personally. Therefore, it is essential to develop a strategy with clearly defined goals and wishes right from the start, coinciding with professional requirements and personal expectations. The professional environment and fundamental skills play just as important a role as realistic self-assessment and knowledge of one’s strengths, weaknesses, and hopes, which should be fulfilled through successful self-marketing.


PERSONAL BRANDING is primarily about making your position on the market visible. Whether you are an entrepreneur or a manager, it is about recognizing your personality, your experience, and your know-how as part of your brand value and being able to increase it with selected marketing tools.

A personal brand emerges when others think of you or look for you. It is essential to get the right impression of you and to present you as someone who can be found online. There are four things you tell your community (target audience) about yourself:

  • Who are you?
  • What is it that you have to do?
  • What value are you creating?
  • How do you help people?

PERSONAL BRANDING is multifaceted, complex, and time-consuming. With the help of the 12 questions, we proceed in a structured manner to develop a holistic, uniform, and credible external image that represents you personally and convinces others of you. With the 12 questions about the ICH brand, we develop a proper positioning that goes hand in hand with a successful career. The questionnaire contains all relevant areas that everyone should clarify for themselves.

The Five Phases On The Way To A Personal Brand Are :

  1. Find your USP in a business context!
  2. Determine what you want to achieve.
  3. Develop your strategy to achieve your goals.
  4. Take measures to make your brand identity tangible.
  5. Check your self-marketing and optimize it continuously.

Why Should YOU Become a Personal Brand?


As with corporate brands, you can charge a higher value (salary, fee) based on your brand value.


The network helps to get a new job.


Personal branding gives everyone a sense of purpose, trust, and purpose.

How Can Personal Branding Be Implemented?

Individuals are positioned (recognized and made visible) as a personality based on their specialist expertise and the successes they have achieved in their industry. With their brand image, successful marketing begins together.

Most personal branding concepts focus mainly on personal marketing, image building, and sales (packaging, externals) to promote becoming known and famous.

Personal branding describes the process individuals and entrepreneurs go through to stand out from a crowd or competitor companies. Developing their unique value proposition (primarily professional and private), this is used across platforms via a consistent message and image to achieve a specific goal. In this way, individuals can increase their recognition as experts in their field, build a reputation and generate credibility to develop self-confidence and advance their professional careers.

Also Read: Online Communication – The Importance Of The Online Presence Of Your Brand Or Company


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