The Top Trends In B2B Marketing 2023

The overarching trend topic par excellence not only in B2B marketing is the digitization of complex processes. Two hundred thirty-six marketers assessed the top trends in B2B marketing. In addition to the ultimate direction, ” digital skills are becoming a decisive success factor for B2B marketers “, big data and data analytics remain central topics, and agile marketing methods and processes build on this. Interestingly, innovative technologies like AI received lower approval for relevance in the B2B marketing mix, coming in ninth. Read more about the most promising onesB2B trends of the year :

This Is How The B2B Community Evaluates Industry Trends.

Digital Skills

Digital structures are rapidly gaining importance in B2B and are already regarded as crucial to success. According to the expert trend barometer, 94% of the marketers surveyed agree that the digital skills required for this are becoming the decisive success factor for B2B marketers. To fully exploit the company’s potential, what is needed above all are skilled workers with the appropriate know-how but also clear concepts. That means: Investments and training are essential for securing the future.

Employees As Brand Ambassadors

The topic of competence runs like a red thread through all trends. Employees are becoming more important in all contexts, and in addition to data analysis, digital skills now also include a comprehensive understanding of social media. As a person, you are more tangible than the company, which is why corporate influencers and social selling structures are gaining momentum, especially in the pandemic-driven times of working from home, and are therefore also classified as top trends by the B2B marketers surveyed in the expert’s trend barometer (approval 90 %).

Professional Customer Experience

Purchasing should become an experience, and a connection to the company should be established at all contact points. This trend comes from B2C marketing, and a similarly professional customer experience is also increasingly required in the B2B context. This is where relevant value-added content and targeted addressing based on user data are particularly important. According to the survey, a professionally implemented customer experience must become the standard in B2B for 86% of the marketers surveyed. In the implementation, however, resources, know-how, and budget still need to be included.

Agile Methods And Processes

The world situation of the last few years has shown us that agility and flexible, fast response options are the be-all and end-all of our time. In B2B, this trend has been developing since 2018 but is increasingly emerging as crucial for success (in this year’s survey, 84% of respondents agree that agile methods are becoming essential). However, the terminology allows various interpretations and covers a broad scope of action.

Big Data and Data Analytics

The “Big Data” complex has had a firm place in the B2B marketing trends for several years and is also being used increasingly in companies. 80% of B2B marketers rate “big data and data analytics” as a critical success factor. With the growing opportunities and, at the same time, a growing shortage of skilled workers, the industry is still facing significant challenges in this area.


The top trend towards digital skills reflects the general mood in the B2B community because the all-encompassing digital topics run through most trends in the form of new tools, strategies, or social media/online presence. Further development and competitiveness stand and fall with the know-how and the specialists who have it. In response to this, in addition to employer branding to attract young talent, investments must also be made in further training for existing staff.


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