Tips To Work The Social Networks Of Your Business

When we start to open a business, there are many things that we have to take into account, including the social networks in which we want to be present . Which ones do I need? Do I have to be active in all? Most businesses usually create 3 company accounts: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram . But… is this correct? You will be surprised if I tell you NO! Or at least not always.

Read on to find out why.

How To Choose The Best Social Networks For Your Business?

The first thing you have to be clear about is the audience you want to target . Age, hobbies, etc. If you have any doubts, take a look at this post in which we tell you how to define your buyer persona.

Once we have our target defined , we will ask ourselves the million dollar question: how can I reach that audience? And this is where more than one head will explode. It is not necessary to open an account in each social network. Quality is more important than quantity .

What we will do is analyze the different social networks, what type of public each one of them has and to which generation each social network “belongs”. In this way, to give a simple example, if our public is very young, it will not make much sense for us to work on Facebook, or if our public is other companies, we will necessarily have to open a Linkedin page.

Next, we leave you some small brushstrokes so that you can get to know each social network better and you can get an idea of ​​which ones may interest you the most:


The majority audience on this video platform is between the ages of 16 and 23 , although there is also a large number of audiences that are close to 30 years of age. YouTube is one of the social networks best valued by users and you an find all kinds of entertainment content on it.


Another of the most youthful social networks that penetrates, above all, in the Z and Millennial generations . In fact, according to studies, about 71% of users are under 35 years of age. Instagram is a social network in which the most important thing is the image, so we must work our creativity to the maximum to attract the attention of our followers in a simple glance.


Finally, the most adult social network, where we can find people from the Baby Boom Generation, to Millennials or people from Generation X. The variety that Facebook offers in terms of content and formats is enormous. From posting photos or videos with your text (as long as you want), to participating in interest groups. Although some thought that this social network was in decline, it seems that it will continue to be one of the most used by users for many more years.


Twitter unites up to 3 generations among its active users. From Generation X , that is, those people born between 1969 and 1980, to Generation Z (1994-2010), passing through the Millennials .

This platform has become a challenge for companies, since even businesses like KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) have had to reinvent themselves to take advantage of this social network by creating memes and commenting on current issues with a funny and fun tone. .


The ages of the vast majority of Linkedin users range from 35 to 54 years , although there is also a large group of people between 25 and 35 who use this social network often.

It is intended for the world of work, both for people trying to find a job, and for companies looking for employees or who want to publicize their services through advertising on Linkedin.


It can be said that TikTok is the most popular social network among youth today. Its majority audience is people between the ages of 13 and 25 , although little by little, and especially since the quarantine caused by COVID-19, there are more older people using this platform.

What Should The Social Media Strategy Consist Of?

A very common mistake is to think that simply posting something every day of the week is enough to get our brand to the target audience. That’s not true. We always have to have a strategy based on our goals .

The best way to offer varied, attractive and quality content is by interspersing engagement, sales, branding and news publications . Each social network has its rhythms, but it is advisable to publish between 3 and 5 posts a week , always seeking to innovate in the message. It is preferable to make 3 quality weekly posts, than 7 repeating content.

Taking advantage of the indicated dates to create giveaways, pay-per-click campaigns or thematic publications is a very good option to increase followers and retain those you already have.

Something that is very important for the management of a brand’s social networks is that we have to show ourselves close to the followers, raise copies and creativities that invite them to participate in comments , surveys, etc. In addition to showing, as far as possible, what the business is like inside.


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