Instagram Statistics – How To See And Interpret The Statistics To Improve The Results

Seeing Instagram statistics is essential to analyze the performance of your publications and thus make decisions to improve your engagement and create your account growth.

Thanks to the statistics on Instagram, you can:

  • Get to know your audience better.
  • Know what is your best time to post content on Instagram.
  • Know what type of posts give you more visibility, interactions, and potential customers.

How To See Instagram Statistics?

The first thing you should know is that you need to have a business profile set up to see the statistics of your Instagram account.

Assuming that you already have it (and if not, in the post I just linked to you above, you have the step-by-step), let’s get to the crux of the matter.

How to see the statistics on Instagram.

The first thing will be to access the section of your profile and click on the three lines in the upper right corner.

Next, you will get four options, and you must select Insights.

How Do The Statistics Work On Instagram?

Now that you know how to activate them and how they look, I’m going to explain how Instagram statistics work, so you don’t have any doubts.

The first thing you will see when you access them are three tabs:

  • Accounts reached.
  • Accounts that interact.
  • Total followers.

Information That You Will Be Able To Know And Analyze?

The geographic location of your audience, from highest to lowest.

How many of those who have viewed or interacted with your content are followers, and how many are not?

What type of content has more reach and interactions: reels, posts, stories, videos…

What are your most awesome posts?

Which of your stories has stood out and received the most engagement?

Same thing, but with your reels.

And the same with your videos or direct.

Also Read: 6 Things To Consider When Choosing Instagram Growth Services


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