Physical Protections That Can Prevent Cybersecurity Risks

The physical security of our devices aims to keep our information safe by incorporating a series of protection measures that go beyond installing an antivirus. From keeping our computers under surveillance to establishing protections against access to information by third parties, in the following article, we will delve into this field of cybersecurity and its […]

What Is An ERP And What Does It Bring To Users?

The figures of the 2019 edition of the digital observatory, published by the General Directorate of Enterprises reveal that only 39% of some European companies use an ERP (or Integrated Management Software) It is true that ERP implementation projects are most of the time expensive, and the implementation period considered too long (16 to 25 […]

How To Protect Ourselves From phishing

Phishing is one of the biggest security problems that need to be tackled, especially with online banking. The security mechanisms are evolving, but the criminals are not standing still either. The right software can further increase protection against phishing. We will show you this using the example of a selected program. The economic damage caused […]

Who Is Legally Responsible For Cybersecurity?

During the most recent months, we have seen an immense increment in teleworking in all zones, alongside the removal from some video conferencing applications and community-oriented work,, for example, Zoom. This has put the attention of cybersecurity on the telecommuter, and on such applications. Zoom, the video conferencing application we referenced, went from supporting somewhere […]

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