Category: Digitalization

Top Most Business Opportunities In The Technology Sector

1) Internet The great boom comes from two different lines: social networks and cloud computing. Both are two technologies that are in full development, almost at the peak of the market curve, and yet they will still give a lot of room to create businesses or transform one into operation. Cloud Computing The cloud is […]

In 2021 Companies Will Make The Final Leap Towards Digitization

Augmented Reality and its development in industrial and corporate environments will also experience exponential growth over the next year, along with remote work solutions, which in turn will transform the way companies hire and train their employees. personal. New ways of understanding telecommuting, a collaboration between employees, and the arrival of new technologies that will […]

The Technologies Behind The Rise Of Robots

The robot revolution will come whether we are prepared for it or not. The intelligent, self-learning machines are already in our homes, our offices, and in public spaces. But which technologies are behind this rapid development? And what’s next? There is no industry that doesn’t use some form of robotics. Storage robots take care of […]

Tips To Master Your Online Reputation In Telemarketing

E-reputation, or online reputation, is a problem common to all companies but also to all individuals. It doesn’t matter if you are a company, an individual, a student, or just looking for a job, your online image is often very important and fraught with consequences. Searching for a company or an individual has become automatic.However, […]

What Is An ERP And What Does It Bring To Users?

The figures of the 2019 edition of the digital observatory, published by the General Directorate of Enterprises reveal that only 39% of some European companies use an ERP (or Integrated Management Software) It is true that ERP implementation projects are most of the time expensive, and the implementation period considered too long (16 to 25 […]

LTE – What is It and Advantages & Disadvantages

The LTE standard is increasingly establishing itself for high bandwidths in mobile communications. We explain to you what LTE is and what advantages it brings. definition LTE stands for Long Term Evolution and thus represents a fourth-generation (4G) cellular standard. Theoretically, transmission rates of up to 300 Mbit / s are possible. At the moment, […]

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