Ten Tips For Managing Corporate Profiles On Social Media

The presence of companies in social networks is an opportunity to get closer to customers or consumers and establish a more direct relationship with them. All this at a relatively lower cost than traditional channels and in a simple way. However, they also have risks that must be taken into account. The foremost opportunity and, […]

Defamation Trial in Norway Between Twitter Personality “Hodlonaut,” Bitcoin Inventor Craig Wright Ends as Scheduled

The defamation trial in Oslo, Norway between former primary school teacher and Twitter personality Magnus Granath, who goes by the handle “Hodlonaut,” and nChain Chief Scientist Dr. Craig S. Wright, who was doxed as the pseudonymous Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto in 2015, ended as scheduled on its seventh court day.  This bench trial will resolve […]

Hidden Talents – Hiring In Social Networks

The Internet revolutionized every aspect of daily life, and there is no discussion about that. Still, social networks and joining this revolution have created new behaviors, lifestyles, and behavior in society, which cannot be denied. According to various statistical analysis sites, more than half of the world’s population has accounts in the different existing social […]

Metaverse – Dystopian Future or Virtual Paradise?

The tech industry has always lived on the narrative of the next giant leap in development. Again and again, it is about the breakthrough into a new era of undreamt-of possibilities – and thus also about new dimensions of economic desire creation and fulfillment. Artificial intelligence (AI) took over this function most recently, and now […]

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