Machine Learning is one of the great pillars on which the Digital Transformation of the coming years will be based. Do you know what it is and what are its advantages from the point of view of companies? Discover keys and know what Artificial Intelligence tools are already in place. What Is Machine Learning When […]

Challenge Of Artificial Intelligence: Understanding & Using Natural Language

The AI has made great strides since its first appearance on the scene of the investigation. Artificial intelligence, AI onwards, covers countless fields and has many applications. The most popular is machine learning and within it Deep learning. When someone mentions that it “interacts with artificial intelligence,” they are talking about communicating with a well-trained […]

WiFi: How To Improve Your Home WiFi Network

More and more households have a broadband Internet connection (fiber optics, mainly) and, also, their own private access WiFi network. The possibility of using the wireless network throughout the house allows us to enjoy our smartphones, tablets and other devices with Internet connection capacity without depending on mobile “data“. Now, these WiFi networks can be […]

Ethical Hacking – How Can It Benefit Organizations?

Cybercrime is one of the top concerns of businesses, which are exposed to increasing threats and attacks. Organizations must protect their critical data and know-how to manage the cloud, and in certain sectors, critical systems that could be the target of attack and have serious consequences for companies and for society must be protected. The […]

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