Five Signs That You Have Been Blocked On Whatsapp

Timestamp, Profile Picture, And Co. “Last online at 12:23 pm. Hm, I wrote at midnight. Okay, there aren’t any blue heels. But why doesn’t he write?” Such thoughts are only possible in the age of Whatsapp. The messenger service is by far one of the most popular apps globally, and most people use it several […]

WhatsApp Will Also Allow You To Convert Voice Notes To Text.

WhatsApp is gradually implementing more and more news. In recent months, we have witnessed the biggest facelift, at least in those missed key functions. Voice notes are a fundamental part of how WhatsApp works. However, they are not received with the same liking by all users. This is because too many voice notes can be […]

Content Marketing on LinkedIn For Branding and Customer Acquisition

LinkedIn is a strategic marketing channel in B2B communication. But only those who do regular content marketing on the platform will be seen, found and build trust to be booked or sold. But how does successful content marketing on LinkedIn succeed? Find out in this post why you should regularly display content on LinkedIn and […]

Instagram Marketing – 5 Tips for SMEs

Dear advance, lateral and further thinkers, How is this for you guys? Time and again, we experience that it is difficult for small and medium-sized companies to assert themselves against the competition. Large companies dominate most industries. Small businesses have to fight for every customer, and it isn’t easy to acquire new customers. Search engine […]

How To Manage a Crisis in Social Networks – Every Company Has One From Time To Time

A brand’s reputation is built by solving three simple questions: Who are you as a brand? . When we define brand values, archetypes and personality. Who do you say you are? . How we communicate the message to our audience What do people say you are? . How the audience receives the message and interprets […]

The Main Mistakes When Advertising On Google

Google is the search engine with the most significant impact in the world, and, in addition, it has the largest advertising platform worldwide: Google Ads (formerly known as Adwords). Although it has relatively simple usability to allow inexperienced users to use it, it requires specific knowledge to get the most out of it. No company […]


Facebook’s online advertising platforms have become one of the pillars of digital marketing. The article will explain how Facebook ads work, what benefits they bring to advertisers, and how to set up a campaign. Focusing on what you want to achieve through Facebook ads is the main key to obtaining better results; defining an objective […]

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