Email marketing In B2B – How Well Are Your Mailings Working?

In B2B, email marketing is one of the most important levers for communicating with (potential) customers. We have analyzed a study and give you 11 tips for better B2B email marketing. Email marketing in B2B: at least since the GDPR, email marketing in B2B has become a challenge. Regardless of whether it is newsletters or […]

A Beginners Guide on Finding the Most Suitable Enterprise SEO Agency

Utah is one of the largest states in the US. Despite being one of the least densely populated states, it still has one of the country’s most diversified economies. Aside from the tourism sector, which draws plenty of visitors to enjoy the state’s popular national parks like Canyonlands and Arches, industries like mining, transportation, and […]

Strengths And Weaknesses In An Online Marketing Strategy

To be successful with an online marketing strategy it is necessary to consider how the strengths and weaknesses of your business will precisely affect its marketing. For this it is important that you carry out an honest and rigorous analysis, looking for strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities. What are your strengths […]

Top Reasons Of Website Downtime

Website downtime is a nightmare forever for the online business owner. A down website means losing out on customers and loss of revenue. This can be a major blow for small and new businesses. This is why website owners try everything in their power to avoid website downtime. Now the question is what causes website […]

Digital Marketing – Understanding Technology In Current Marketing

The executives of today’s companies face the tough challenge of connecting with the best marketing actions that their firms need to promote products and services and, above all, reach their natural audience. And it is a technological challenge because many of these executives are not digital natives, do not have digital knowledge, and are unaware […]

The Renewed Potential Of QR Codes: Another Piece Of Marketing Strategy

Until not long ago, QR codes were referred to as a story of potential and failure. However, last summer they began to appear again, especially on restaurant menus, as a tool for the safety and hygiene measures imposed by COVID-19. Likewise, QR codes have been penetrating in recent months in other areas such as mobile […]

Technology Trends [2021]: Beyond Marketing Takes Customer Interaction To A New Level

The current report “TechTrends 2021” shows which disruptive technologies will change the business world the most in the next two years. One of these trends: Personalized, contextual, and dynamic end-to-end experiences for individual customers. There is no shortage of new buzzwords in the “ TechTrends 2021 ” report by the consulting firm Deloitte, which was […]

Difference In Online and Offline Marketing

Online and offline marketing, which is better? The answer is simple: count on both for your marketing strategy in order to achieve success in your project. If you have doubts between online and offline marketing or think that traditional marketing has died because of digital development, it is not like that. You should analyze your […]

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