Physical Protections That Can Prevent Cybersecurity Risks

The physical security of our devices aims to keep our information safe by incorporating a series of protection measures that go beyond installing an antivirus. From keeping our computers under surveillance to establishing protections against access to information by third parties, in the following article, we will delve into this field of cybersecurity and its […]

What Is An ERP And What Does It Bring To Users?

The figures of the 2019 edition of the digital observatory, published by the General Directorate of Enterprises reveal that only 39% of some European companies use an ERP (or Integrated Management Software) It is true that ERP implementation projects are most of the time expensive, and the implementation period considered too long (16 to 25 […]

7 Things To Look For In the Best Truck Dash Camera.

Technology has changed the world in ways previously unimagined. The 21st century has been characterized by rapid technological progress that has disrupted entire industries. Tech has not left a single industry untouched. It has led to industries working more efficiently It has boosted employee productivity It has made communication more effective One can now work […]

The Launch Of The iPhone 12 Is Officially Delayed. When will it be launched?

In recent months, there have been a lot of rumors about the delay in the launch of the iPhone 12. The COVID-19 crisis has caused serious damage to the smartphone market due to problems caused by the states of confinement that have marked the different countries involved in the manufacture of these, causing the supply […]

What Actually Is The Internet of Things [Explained]

In the media lately one can read more and more frequently: The Internet of Things will represent the next great technical development for mankind. However, many can hardly imagine the term. What exactly is meant by IoT and what possibilities does the Internet of Things offer? The answers to these questions can be found here. […]

Microsoft Discovered A Bug In Windows 10 That Affects Two Security Features Of The Operating System

Once again Microsoft has to go out of its way to explain a failure in its Windows system. The company guarantees that the problem will be resolved in the next update of Windows 10. However, he has not yet confirmed the available date. According to ZDNet, Microsoft recognizes that problems in the Windows 10 operating […]

Ignorance Is No Excuse – Why it’s More Important Than Ever To Have Visibility Into Your Business’s Data

We are living in an increasingly digital world. A realm where more and more of our critical information is stored on the web. A society where the sum total of someone’s life is just a few hacks away. In light of this, it’s baffling that so many businesses don’t have visibility into their data. If […]

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