Category: BUSINESS

Security Incidents – The Enemies Of Your Business

Cybercriminals have many weapons in their arsenal to violate the security of the company, and knowing how to identify how they have done it can be a key factor when you are the victim of a security incident. The following list shows the main security incidents that can affect companies Malicious code infections of systems, […]

Why Digital Entrepreneurs Are On The Rise In The Modern Era?

We live in a time where consumers can shop from anywhere just using their smartphones then why not operate your business incorporating the same digital marketing platforms. This concept is the basic foundation of what we call digital entrepreneurship. You don’t need huge capital, million contacts, and many other hectic things to set up your […]

Top Reasons Of Website Downtime

Website downtime is a nightmare forever for the online business owner. A down website means losing out on customers and loss of revenue. This can be a major blow for small and new businesses. This is why website owners try everything in their power to avoid website downtime. Now the question is what causes website […]

Gadget Trends – Applications For Video Surveillance Cameras In B2B [2021]

Video cameras as intelligent, AI-supported technologies are proving to be supporters for business and society: Deep AI applications can not only be used for traffic control, but also for organizational tasks in the context of the pandemic. With hyper-automation, the topic of automation will be turned a little further in 2021 – here too, video […]

5 Common Mistakes Crypto Beginners Make

Nowadays, investors are provided with a considerably more extensive range of options. In addition to conventional ones like bonds, stocks, and real estate, there are also modern choices such as cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are very promising and have attracted a lot of interest since their introduction to the world of finance. Accordingly, Bitcoin (BTC), a major […]

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