How to know and take advantage of what users say about your business and your competition on social networks

Any small or large business must or should already have some type of presence on the Internet, either managed internally within the company or by external professionals. One of the most recurrent resources to manage, especially with a local focus, are social networks that have generated profound changes in the commercialization of goods and services […]

What Can Companies Expect from Online Faxing Services?

Business owners compare business services according to their current needs, and they find the online faxing is just as convenient and practical as other internet-based services. Instead of buying equipment, the business owner can use online services and get the most out of their resources. Business owners won’t need to connect to an on-site fax […]

Digital Marketing Strategies To Get Succeed In Sales

The sales arrive and with them the great price battle and thousands of companies competing to win customers, especially in the digital field. Do you know how to make those customers fall in love through digital marketing? Digital Marketing Strategies to apply these discounts In this post, we are going to explain three digital marketing […]

What is Business Email Compromise (BEC)?

Business E-Mail Compromise is a fraud method that uses fake business e-mails to gain access to sensitive data or to initiate financial transactions, for example. Cybercriminals send emails that appear to come from employees, executives, or business partners and ask the recipient to carry out certain activities in their favor. The abbreviation for Business E-Mail […]

Benefits Of Having Business Intelligence tools

The one known as Business Intelligence or Business Intelligence aims to help and facilitate decision-making by those responsible for companies. And it is that, in the over-informed world, in which we live, where we have infinite access to data, it is tremendously difficult to obtain quality information and draw conclusions. All areas under control Many […]

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