Top Reasons Of Website Downtime

Website downtime is a nightmare forever for the online business owner. A down website means losing out on customers and loss of revenue. This can be a major blow for small and new businesses. This is why website owners try everything in their power to avoid website downtime. Now the question is what causes website […]

Software Robots With Artificial Intelligence: The Future Is Already Present

In one of its latest updates, one of the leading RPA manufacturers highlighted the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence into its software robots. But what can AI bring to this technology? In which specific use cases can it be applied? In this article, we answer these two questions. Read on and discover the future that has […]

4 Components Of Digital Transformation For Electronic Industry

For the past few decades, the word digital transformation is taking place in the world. Every industry is shifted towards digitization to get effective and efficient solutions in their management. The electronics manufacturing industries have got huge benefits for digital transformation, and it is connecting them with the rest of the world. Before moving further […]

Gadget Trends – Applications For Video Surveillance Cameras In B2B [2021]

Video cameras as intelligent, AI-supported technologies are proving to be supporters for business and society: Deep AI applications can not only be used for traffic control, but also for organizational tasks in the context of the pandemic. With hyper-automation, the topic of automation will be turned a little further in 2021 – here too, video […]

Digital Marketing – Understanding Technology In Current Marketing

The executives of today’s companies face the tough challenge of connecting with the best marketing actions that their firms need to promote products and services and, above all, reach their natural audience. And it is a technological challenge because many of these executives are not digital natives, do not have digital knowledge, and are unaware […]


Digital skills are the knowledge, skills, abilities, or skills that allow the use of information and digital technology strategically. Thus arises the concept of digital leadership, focused on the management of the company’s digital assets. The objective is for the company to acquire the knowledge and tools to develop its business within the framework of […]

Tips On How To Protect Yourself Against Cybercrime

We’re always looking for the best ways to combat the rising threat of cybercrime to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. But this task is not an easy one. Cybercriminals are constantly adapting and evolving, and it can be very difficult for those in the cybersecurity profession to keep on top of what’s happening. […]

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