Category: Digitalization

Advantages Of Promoting Teleworking Among Your Workers

Nowadays, many companies see more and more interesting the option of allowing their employees to work from home. Promoting teleworking among professionals offers the possibility of better reconciling work and family life as well as having more time to, for example, train and improve learning that allows better performance in the company. Teleworking has numerous […]

Best Payment Solutions For Modern Online Businesses: Top 5

Every business needs a payment gateway to encrypt their customer’s payment information without compromising the validity of their transactions. It’s a means to determine whether a customer’s purchase has been approved or not, and every online business needs to embed these systems on their website. If not, how would you accept payments for the products […]

How To Improve Organizational Performance From Neuro Management?

Humans can’t help but feel emotions. In all aspects of life, these appear because it is natural. However, when it comes to the business and organizational environment, these cannot be allowed to affect decision-making and ruin communication, innovation, leadership, and production processes. Neuroscience, the part of science responsible for studying the nervous system, whose center […]

The Role Of APIs In Digital Transformation

Our customers frequently ask us, “What are your other customers doing with APIs?” And why are they doing it? “Indeed, although each company has, in general, identified its own motives for the implementation of APIs, the disruptive side of this approach brings decision-makers who want to understand and grasp the possibilities associated, including those they […]

What Can Autonomous Cars Do?

Manufacturers worldwide are working on cars that can drive without a driver. What can such vehicles do, and how safe are they? All questions and answers. What Does Autonomous Driving Mean? In autonomous driving, robotic vehicles transport people independently and purposefully in real traffic without a driver’s intervention. Translated, it means that a machine, i.e. […]

Blockchain Success – Blockchain Technology On The Rise

In the past year, the hype surrounding blockchain technology has increased significantly. The constantly increasing awareness of the blockchain process is due to the high demand in the field of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum & Co. In today’s article we will explain what blockchain technology is all about, give an overview of how it […]

How To Improve Your Customer Communication – Simple Tricks

Whether digital, postal or personal: Clever use is almost more important than choosing the right communication channel. The most important thing: it has to be customer-centric. After all, nobody wants to have the feeling of being the target of marketing or a number in the system – let alone having to familiarize themselves with the […]

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