Plug The Leaks: 7 Actionable Strategies to Prevent Website Revenue Loss

Websites play a pivotal role in generating revenue for businesses. However, numerous websites experience revenue loss due to various factors that result in leaks within their revenue streams. It becomes imperative for website owners and managers to identify and address these leaks to maximize their profit potential. Strategies to prevent website revenue loss Understanding the […]

Developing A Content Strategy: Helpful Tips To Get You Started

Approaching content marketing strategically saves you a lot of work. But what does a good content strategy look like? We have compiled the most important tips – and show which stages of the process are almost always neglected. What Makes a Content Strategy? Most companies need help to grow successfully with content marketing. But that’s […]

Mobile Content Marketing – How To Create Content For Smartphones

Smartphone users predominate on most websites. You also have to consider this in content marketing. In this article, you will learn what mobile content marketing can look like – and what is essential when producing smartphone content. That’s What Mobile Content Marketing Is All About Around 80 percent of internet users are now mobile. Their […]

What Is Blockchain POS?

The Proof-of-Work consensus underlying many crypto projects such as Bitcoin has proven to be a very energy consumption and complicated mechanism, requiring costly equipment and electricity bills. Searching for alternatives to Proof-of-Work, one comes to mind first – the POS system.Proof-of-Stake (PoS) represents a mechanism harnessed within blockchains, endorsing the authentication and fortification of operations. […]

How To Use Pinterest To Increase Traffic And Sales In e-commerce

Advertisers usually reach for proven social networks or advertising systems When they think about channels that could boost their sales and bring new potential customers to the web. Performance channels such as Meta, Google or price comparators are gradually becoming a standard that should not be missing from any company’s marketing strategy. Other platforms, which […]

Programmatic Advertising – What Is It And What Are Its Advantages

For a brand to enhance its presence in the digital environment, it must plan a marketing strategy in which digital advertising is present.A well-designed advertising campaign must have a prior research process that identifies the ideal type of audience, the most appropriate channels to transmit it, and the type of message that should be used […]

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