Author: TechReviewsCorner

Tech Reviews Corner is a place where one can find all types of News, Updates, Facts about Technology, Business, Marketing, Gadgets, and Other Softwares & Applications

Social Selling or How To Use Social Networks To Sell More

Have you tried applying social selling to capture leads and increase your sales? If your answer is no, you probably don’t know the possibilities offered by social networks to increase brand awareness and presence. Perhaps you also have no idea of ​​the enormous potential to promote and sell products and services. In reality, social media […]

How Can SMEs Save on Purchases From Suppliers?

According to a recent survey, the investment of companies in purchases from suppliers absorbs almost seven out of every ten euros of their income. We are indeed talking about a very high proportion that exceeds payroll payments. But there are ways to achieve substantial savings in purchasing raw materials and services without sacrificing quality or […]

Leadership Principles For Business Results

According to the results of research carried out by SAP, companies with good leaders carry out their activities efficiently and sustainably over time, according to the effects of research carried out by SAP, a German multinational company dedicated to designing business management software. This is because both the commitment and the permanence of employees within […]

Six Critical Challenges For Retail Business – How To Deal With Them?

A considerable number of challenges that a retail store owner faces daily. Which should not be underestimated, and how to manage them successfully? Owning a small grocery store may seem like a simple retail business at first glance, but the reality is different. The improving economic situation brings growing demands from customers and challenges in […]

Reduce the Cost of Cell Phone Service for the Entire Family

Customers can access a quarterly report from the ComReg on the customer service record of the country’s major telecommunications providers. Reports compile customer complaints and issues and investigate whether or not any complaints are warranted and also how many complaints have been addressed. Simply skimming the most recent report can help generate a positive idea […]

Four Reasons Why Companies Hire Consultants

Like everything around us, business and technology have historically evolved faster than ever before. The traditional business model based on “transactions” is gradually shrinking and is being replaced by the company based on the “value” that our product or service creates for the customer when purchasing. Gone are the days when the seller always had […]

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