IT Security – Safety From The Concept

IT security is certainly an issue crucial to the future of an organization. We talk about security from an IT point of view, which involves multiple aspects such as the security of access credentials; and solid budgets that allow everything related to cybersecurity to be well developed, among other things. There is a curious coincidence. […]

Security Incidents – The Enemies Of Your Business

Cybercriminals have many weapons in their arsenal to violate the security of the company, and knowing how to identify how they have done it can be a key factor when you are the victim of a security incident. The following list shows the main security incidents that can affect companies Malicious code infections of systems, […]

Tips On How To Protect Yourself Against Cybercrime

We’re always looking for the best ways to combat the rising threat of cybercrime to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. But this task is not an easy one. Cybercriminals are constantly adapting and evolving, and it can be very difficult for those in the cybersecurity profession to keep on top of what’s happening. […]

The IT security Trends For 2021

The corona pandemic not only accelerated digitization projects and transformation processes in many companies. This rapid development revealed gaps, grievances, and the need for optimization in IT security concepts and strategies at several nooks and crannies that affected companies must now face before they reach critical proportions. That is why five experts from Micro Focus […]

The State Of Mobile Telecommunications Security

The Report has released the Mobile Telecommunications Security Landscape Report with an overview of significant security issues. 2020 saw a number of changes in the security landscape, while traditional threat actors and areas continue to be present and pressure on networks remains. SOFTWARE AND VIRTUALIZATION There are many industry initiatives that drive more open architectures […]


The smartphone operating system has been on a triumphant advance since Google introduced Android in 2008. Almost all well-known smartphone manufacturers, with the exception of Apple (iOS), rely on the software for their smartphones. Thanks to the use of the operating system in smartphones from Samsung, Huawei, LG, and many other providers. The great popularity […]

Should Small Businesses Start Accepting Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a virtual currency designed specifically as a medium of exchange. The underlying technology allows for the posting of transactions on a public ledger, which adds security and a host of other benefits for cryptocurrency users. As a result, bitcoin has only continued to increase in usage for both consumers who want to buy […]

A Telegram Bot Filters Millions Of Facebook Accounts

Facebook is one of the most important social networks in the world, with users numbering in the billions, so it stores a large amount of private information that must be maintained with strict security measures. However, these measures sometimes fail, causing security holes that are exploited by hackers to access our data. On this occasion, […]

Cyber Risks 2021 – Damage Through Attacks On Artificial Intelligence

The outlook for the new decade is not all rosy. The gloomy future scenarios include serious cyber attacks. Attacks on artificial intelligence and machine learning are likely to come into focus this year, which increases cyber risks. Such attacks are difficult for companies to understand and open up new possibilities of sabotage for state-organized as […]

Cybersecurity Errors Of SMEs In 2021

In any business, it is important to protect the security of the information and data that are handled, as well as the computer programs that are used, but in the case of small and medium-sized companies, guaranteeing cybersecurity is something even more crucial, since Consequences of not doing so can be dire for the survival […]

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