Category: BUSINESS

Why Do Developers Choose Shopify For eCommerce Business Startups?

Ever since the internet was introduced to mankind, trade and commerce have grown exponentially.  Seeing the surge in the trade over eCommerce platforms businessmen are taking their businesses online.  While many platforms assist you with eCommerce development functions, but nothing works like Shopify as the platforms assist you with numerous functions which is the reason […]

Five Essential Actions To Develop A Good B2B Ecommerce Strategy

The new post-pandemic situation has accelerated the need to digitize all sectors with a particular focus on Ecommerce, resulting in 36% in 2020 and double-digit growth expected regularly in the coming years. This change significantly affects the B2B sector with a buyer (buyer persona) that has started in an accelerated way to search for its […]

The Modern Business Card – Our Tips

Neither the inbox, Facebook, nor LinkedIn has replaced the business card. When attending an important business meeting with new clients or partners, business cards remain a must when attending industry trade shows or conferences. They keep changing hands to provide new contacts with your contact details. And yes, even today, in a primarily digital world, […]

What Is Employer Branding Labour? Five benefits

If you wonder what employer branding is, you have come to the right place. It is an increasingly common term in the field of Human Resources. Companies are increasingly concerned with their image to their customers and their workers and the talent they could potentially recruit. Through employer branding, companies work on their own perceived […]

Why Do I Need An Influencer Agency?

Influencer marketing has been a reality for years. However, the term “influencer” is not always well understood. When we talk about people with millions of followers on social media, we often refer to them who upload photos in hotels with infinity pools and seem to spend their lives at parties and places with VIP access. […]

Outsource Purchases In Company – 7 Reasons To Do It

Outsourcing purchases is an advantageous way to reduce costs in a company. Especially for SMEs, where every euro counts, opting for this solution will allow you to spend less on essential supplies and services for your company’s day-to-day life. In the end, it is about achieving strategic advantages that allow us to compete more effectively […]

E-commerce – 7 Trends To Watch Closely In 2022

Conversational commerce, the growing weight of social networks, the hybridization of retail… Focus on seven trends that will impact e-commerce in the months to come. Two thousand twenty-one is finally coming to an end, and the time is ideal for analyzing what is looming for the year to come! This year, many companies have disrupted […]

The Digital Workplace In Finance Departments

Employees spend too much time looking for things every day, and information on documents and processes is difficult or impossible to access. The digital workplace or the digital workplace can connect specialist systems such as ERP applications with ECM systems in finance departments. This enables you to use information faster and better. Providing information in […]

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