How To Improve Organizational Performance From Neuro Management?

Humans can’t help but feel emotions. In all aspects of life, these appear because it is natural. However, when it comes to the business and organizational environment, these cannot be allowed to affect decision-making and ruin communication, innovation, leadership, and production processes. Neuroscience, the part of science responsible for studying the nervous system, whose center […]

6 Ways To Capture Room & Desk Occupancy Data In The Office

Space is a big concern in every corporate firm. Since these companies have to recruit thousands and even lakhs of employees regularly, it becomes prudent to utilize space efficiently and accommodate them without much hindrance in the office. However, this can be a difficult task to do manually. It is impossible to come forward and […]

Hybrid Events – The Best Of Virtual And Face-To-Face

Hybrid events have become the best option for organizing meetings and conferences, where participants cannot attend in person, enjoy augmented reality, and interact with other members and speakers. During these events, the interconnection between the virtual and the face-to-face is possible, allowing a more significant number of attendees, granting each of them the same quality […]

Auto Entrepreneur – A Status Between Two Waters

Being a self-employed person means applying a simplified social security system, which allows you to pay social charges according to your turnover. It is a status that promotes the creation of a streamlined way of a for-profit company while at the same time enjoying significant administrative, fiscal and social facilities. In straightforward terms, you have […]

How To Start A Freelance Project Well?

Freelancing is an attractive prospect. Whether fresh out of school, in professional retraining or even seniors, freelancer status can suit everyone. However, many people don’t take the plunge because they don’t know how to start. However, this may turn out to be less complicated than it seems. Having self-confidence is undoubtedly the essential quality to […]

Positive Communication In Business Is An Essential Tool In Management.

Positive communication in business designates the set of methods that make it possible to provide constructive information to all those involved. We always use it in our relationships with others, especially when we choose the terms to use in our speeches or our written messages. We practice positive communication whenever we want to maintain a […]

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