A Beginners Guide: How to Start Using AI Tech in Your Business

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been rapidly gaining popularity among businesses. You can use AI to improve your business in many ways, including improving customer experience, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs. This article will cover what a beginner should know on how to start using AI in your business. It will also discuss the benefits […]

How To Get The Benefits Of Analytics For Business Decision Making

Today, many companies use Data Analytics (also called data analysis, DA or analytics) to make the best use of all the information available to them and optimize their business strategy. When referring to data analysis, the term big data is frequently used. It refers to the collection, management and analysis of a large volume of […]

Interaction Between Cobots And Humans: Positive And Negative Sides

Nowadays, collaborative robots or “cobots” are used more often in the industrial environment and are used to carry out assembly, packaging and material handling activities. Cobots can work alongside humans, doing the same activities and helping them complete their tasks. This article will look at the positives and negatives of the interaction between cobots and […]

Managed IT Services – Everything You Need to Know About It!

The current IT system landscape is hyper-scaled, hyper-dynamic, and hyper-complex. So it’s no wonder that more and more companies are counting on managed IT services and the support of managed service providers to relieve their IT teams, optimize their IT processes, free up IT resources and reduce their IT costs. But what exactly are contained […]

Microsoft Power Platform – More Success In Business Thanks To Do-It-Yourself Process Digitization!

Digitization has been revolutionizing the business world for years. Although, on the one hand, the need for new, more powerful, and data-based business applications is growing, intending to improve company processes and realize added value, on the other hand, there is a permanent lack of IT specialists and specialist knowledge to develop them. Because of […]

Metaverse – Dystopian Future or Virtual Paradise?

The tech industry has always lived on the narrative of the next giant leap in development. Again and again, it is about the breakthrough into a new era of undreamt-of possibilities – and thus also about new dimensions of economic desire creation and fulfillment. Artificial intelligence (AI) took over this function most recently, and now […]

What Can Autonomous Cars Do?

Manufacturers worldwide are working on cars that can drive without a driver. What can such vehicles do, and how safe are they? All questions and answers. What Does Autonomous Driving Mean? In autonomous driving, robotic vehicles transport people independently and purposefully in real traffic without a driver’s intervention. Translated, it means that a machine, i.e. […]

Blockchain – How It Will Change Our World

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are supposed to revolutionize our monetary system. But the blockchain, the technology behind it, is much more than that: it could make supply chains more transparent and global trade more secure, reduce corruption and bureaucracy – and replace your wallet. But is the technology rightly so exciting? We explain what’s behind it.Bitcoin […]

Five Practical Tips For Effective Sales Prospecting

Commercial prospecting is essential for all companies, whether they work in B to B or B to C. If a definition had to be given, this phase aims to contact prospect targets to transform them into new customers to develop the turnover. For a long time, sales teams favored analog prospecting through door-to-door phone calls […]

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